Web Payments Working Group

07 Feb 2019



Nick Telford-Reed, Jeff Williams (TCH), Rouslan Solomakhin (Google), Danyao Wang (Google), Dean Ezra (Barclays), Ian Jacobs (W3C), Elizabeth Koumpan (IBM), David Benoit (Reach), Ken Mealey (Amex), Laura Townsend (MAG), Ryan McDonough (Verizon), Jan Noppen (SWIFT), Adrian Hope-Bailie (Coil)


<scribe> Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20190207

payment request


NickTR: Thanks to the fantastic achievement of the editors!

<nicktr> scribenick: nicktr

ian: we are making our way through w3 process
... we have closed the issues we said we wanted to
... I have reached out to the security and privacy interest group

<Ian> noon ET privacy interest group chat on 28 Feb

ian: we are not out the woods yet
... for example, Wendy Seltzer (who leads the security stream) has some questions on the substantive changes
... the other hoop is implementation. We hope to get at least two browser implementations passing the test suite
... but we look to be on track for a May timeline
... thanks to editors and implementers

<Ian> after v1 feature requests

ian: we are starting to track v2+ features
... for example, "hasEnrolledInstrument" is something that appears to have momentum

<Ian> Issues we closed before the next CR

ian: we hope to look at these at our F2F

ian: we know that we will not go to Candidate Recommendation before 28th Feb - which would then land our proposed recommendation in a publishing moratorium - but the tool is very useful
... any questions on the process or concerns from browser vendors on adjusting implementations?

<Ian> https://w3c.github.io/test-results/payment-request/all.html

<Ian> https://w3c.github.io/test-results/payment-request/less-than-2.html

ian: we have to get that page to be "all green".

<scribe> scribenick: ian

nicktr: Thanks for the summary
... for those not steeped in W3C process, that helps
... the message to take away from the call then is that we hope to have a PR API REC in Q2 2019
... at the FTF I want to turn some attention to adoption

face-to-face meeting


nicktR: Mornings of programmed content; afternoons available for breakouts as is our pattern
... I propose we start with PR API and Payment Handler
... it would be amazing to see more demos of payment handler
... I volunteer for a breakout on catch-up if that's seen as useful
... please let us know your ideas

<nicktr> scribenick: nicktr

ian: at the card security taskforce yesterday, we reviewed the flow diagrams, and then we should see if we can prototype
... and Visa have suggested that they could help so it would be great if we have something for the F2F
... tbc of course

<scribe> scribenick: ian

IJ: I have a goal of an SRC prototype; not sure if achievable

<Zakim> AdrianHB, you wanted to ask about v2 of specs

AdrianHB: I was interested in perhaps spending some time at FTF on features for after V1
... any topics like recurring, micropayments, etc.
... multi-tender payments

benoit: I have a few things I'd like to explore....one is extra data requirements on cardholder
... this might be something like birthday or tax id that may be required by an entity that is processing the payment in some markets
... I also have lots to say on multi-currency payments; also interested in multi-tender


See also:

- Enhance basic card to allow merchant to selectively exclude data in response? See issue 97. This may be a general requirement, but we can start in a revision of Basic Card.

- Cart images, primary/secondary label. See issue 761

- Vat ID


Discount codes. See issue 145

Refactoring of the APIs?


<nicktr> https://github.com/w3c/payment-request/issues/761

<AdrianHB> +1 - please add to the agenda

IJ: Please add to it!

lte: Generally, on the post-v1 we are interested in hasEnrolledInstrument, recurring, multi-tender
... I wanted to say that I am trying to see if I can get more merchant representation at the FTF meeting

<nicktr> +1000 to having more merchants please

lte: so if we have a bunch of new merchants then an intro from nick would be welcome
... getting them up to speed quickly would be interesting

nicktr: I think having more merchants would really help our momentum

lte: I think the challenging thing for us is getting the right people to the table
... I think people with business cases and perspectives will be the more likely kind of participant to start

<nicktr> ian: we might be able to meet the evening before

<nicktr> ...I volunteer nicktr to do more stuff

IJ: I am available evening of 1 April if people want to get together for an intro discussion

<nicktr> qq?

NickTR: Please register!

<nicktr> registerhttps://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/83744/wpwg-201904/

<nicktr> scribenick: nicktr

ian: rouslan, danyao - do you have an idea about what we might talk about regarding payment handlers?

rouslan: we could do with input with feature requests for handlers
... we could share the roadmap and get more volunteers to write handlers
... and motivate other browser vendors

ian: we saw a demo of a web-based handler for pay with google at lyon. Any news there?

rouslan: that was actually the live webapp google payment handler
... it is still being rolled out

ian: the cool users?
... any demos - SRC?
... I am aware of another demo that we might see
... housekeeping
... the goal was to get momentum from PISPs
... we were contacted by a participant from the open banking meeting we attended
... we have begun approaching Coil and others around web monetization

Next meeting

<Ian> Scheduled 21 February, but at risk

<Ian> NickTR: We will confirm by email

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/02/08 13:11:51 $