Automotive Working Group Teleconference

05 Feb 2019



Ted, Tim, Harjot, Laurent, PatrickL, Ulf, Benjamin, Gunnar, PatrickB(irc-only), Guru, Glenn, Daniel, Magnus, Joakim


F2F meeting

PatrickL: Genivi AMM is 14-16 May in Munich

Magnus: I think I will be there anyway

Guru: I will be attending

Daniel: looks good for me

Ted: as we may want to hold a transportation data workshop as mentioned in member-automotive mail in June in California, I was wondering if we might want to have our face to face there

PatrickL: Wonsuk raised this as he needs to start scheduling his travel
... we should go with absolute, less visa concerns for some
... we had some collisions last year and may want to be careful scheduling to avoid conflicts with AMM

Magnus: we have had that problem before

Ulf: how about the first and second day as that is usually less critical?

PatrickL: I haven't seen the agenda yet to be able to inform an opinion on which days

Magnus: earlier is often more committees, later the technical groups

Guru: I think a Monday/Tuesday would be fine

PatrickL: Proposed 13 and 14 May, 2019
... I will send an email to the list to see if there are concerns and encourage people to respond with their availability

Guru: we might miss out on Gunnar's time since he may be busy

Ted: we should perhaps ping Gunnar and Karin to ensure they can accomodate us

PatrickL: plenty of alternatives abound in Munich should they not be able to

Daniel's presentation


Daniel: last week we discussed about REST API and how we can sort by various parameters
... the problem is change of positioning modeling in VSS is not new
... we discussed at the last face to face. Benjamin drafted this issue
... three points: why to consider a change here. not so good if position is encoded in the path which is identifier to the leaf
... in VSSo the positioning is more an attribute and not part of the identifier
... there can be zoning complications too. thinking about improving adoption of the specification prompts modifying now
... Benjamin proposed putting zone at the end, for time pressure example you can give row
... I propose to have a new field in a branch, called position and can then look at position attributes which can be left, right, row, index etc
... we can use enumeration or an identifier. they can be fixed and defined or dynamic
... you can generate the tree after using the tooling we have
... it can check for all positions in the path and move them to the end
... I think this would solve some of the problems

Ulf: this makes sense. I tried to visualize the resulting tree. we will reduce redundancy in vspec which is a good idea
... in the last part where you have all the rows with the paths, I could not see what that would look like in the tree
... typically the leaf nodes are what carry the data, here the pressure node would carry it
... positioning not nodes in the tree?

Daniel: tire pressure, row 1, left would be a specific node. if you omit eg left or right for a given request you would get both for designated row

Ulf: please produce a visual representation as that would help

PatrickL: it is essentially doubling the branches on the tree for mirrorable nodes eg across axles
... is that a fair summary?

Daniel: it puts the positioning at the end, leaf nodes. think of multiple leaves at end of branch
... I would rather see it as an attribute to avoid mistakes
... you can address a single leaf or provide path including positioning

Benjamin: the best example you have in VSS is seats. you should be scared as they are currently hard coded
... it is really hard to review vspec as there is unneccessary redundancy
... you want to get a pressure leaf with the attribute position

Daniel: you can use positioning id for querying or explicitly in the path
... I can come back next week as a branch commit is made and resulting resources

Tim: JSON has addressed this by embedded the accessors at the level at which they apply
... it makes clear on what is the axle and what is the wheel. it makes sense as a developer

Daniel: that looks good for the JSON part
... we could do addressing like this for JSON. it would not stop you from getting to the pressure

Data contracts

Ted: there are various issues coming up from the data task force's contract discussions. some may influence VSS or v2 of VISS and we will like to bring specific ones here to the working group for further discussion
... before raising issue on github, for some we will try to introduce on call or in mail thread
... we previously mentioned desire to have degree of precision for given data points and Daniel indicated that would make sense in VSS
... another we are discussing is the business cases for heartbeat monitoring or wake events, if/when v2 will be available while the car is off
... we understand and affirmed by Gunnar that justification needs to be strong and OEM will vary on whether they would allow it

Glenn: there were a couple cases that came up, one was when there were a number of major wild fires
... using a heartbeat we were able to locate vehicles within this cordoned off area
... another would be for courier companies

Ted elaborates on courier towing use case

Glenn: there are two general cases, one for accuracy of the underlying sensor
... in some cases the data changes rapidly before stabilizing. we may want to focus on the changes and not for more static values

Ted: does this make sense to raise as an issue for inclusion in v2?

Ulf: agree it is an issue to discuss but unsure how to introduce it within the specification and effects it would have
... power consumption is indeed an important issue and you need to be very careful in this context
... should this API be able to control the wake-up? configure it, not option for client app to decide

Ted to raise issue in Github

Next week

Daniel: I have a colleague who gave a presentation and his thoughts on GraphQL

PatrickL: in remaining time, any open issues to take up?

Open Github Issues

<PatrickLue> https://github.com/w3c/automotive/labels/gen2

PatrickL: we have four open issues, one associated with a pull request that would take too much

<PatrickLue> Unsubscribe All Feature: https://github.com/w3c/automotive/issues/291

PatrickL: given remaining time let's go into unsubscribe all
... Ulf described a -1 subscription id that would result that client unsubscribing from all subscriptions
... I am challenging the group on this concept as I am unclear on the benefit
... unsubscribe should be handled with the same degree as care as the subscriptions initially

Ulf: I support you there

PatrickL: no fair, I wanted to argue...

Gunnar: any other way to get a reset state?

PatrickL: when created interface is destroyed by client all subscriptions would be closed

Gunnar: action to be taken then by client

PatrickL: I see the server implementation doing the garbage collection of subscriptions when the client no longer exists

Gunnar: mechanism to recognize?

PatrickL: timeout

Gunnar: I agree unsub all would not be a normal operation but we may want a reset

PatrickL: I see it at protocol specific and not part of our defined interface
... any objections?

Gunnar: not as long as the meta question stays open

PatrickL: yes, for each protocol there needs to be proper handling

Ulf: it could be described in our transport document for each protocol. we discuss lifetime of a session

Gunnar: works for me

PatrickL: encourage all to look at open issues


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/02/05 15:17:25 $