W3C Public Bugzilla shutdown

W3C discontinued its public bugzilla instance as of April 1 2019, as announced at the Nov 2018 AC meeting.

The contents of this service were archived and will continue to be served in place at the same URIs. Some groups also migrated their issues to github.

This page has details on our plans for both Archival and Migration to GitHub.


The archiving was done by crawling the public site as an anonymous user (not logged in): this means that users on the site are identified by name and/or login id but not email address. This was done to avoid keeping thousands of email addresses available in the archive in perpetuity, leading to increased spam.

A few details about pages in the test archive are listed below.

Bug lists

Bug pages

Dependency tree pages

Excluded pages

Some URIs are explicitly excluded from the archived version, served 410 Gone responses:

Open questions

(no longer pertinent since the archiving has been done)

Migration to GitHub

(this section still needs work)

In addition to the archival noted above, we plan to help groups copy issues from bugzilla into github issues, if desired.

List of products

W3C's public bugzilla instance has 30000+ bugs organized into 63 products, with 484 total components.

Summary of products in W3C's public bugzilla instance: (a work in progress)

Product Type Last bug Components Notes
ARIA Spec 2017-05-25 11
ATAG Spec 2005-04-07 2
Amaya Tools 2015-02-02 11
AppC Checker Tools 2007-12-30 1
AudioWG Spec 2013-08-29 3 Moved to Github
Browser Test/Tools WG Spec 2016-09-26 2 Apparently has been moved to Github; e.g. sample bug. Group home page still points to bugzilla.
Bugzilla Tools 2010-09-01 1
CSS Spec 2018-11-22 49
CSSValidator Tools 2018-08-30 15
Component Model Spec 1970-01-01 0
DOM TS Spec 2012-06-07 7
FXTF Spec 2017-04-23 2 Apparently moved to Github, e.g. sample bug
Geolocation Spec 2014-08-13 2
HTML Checker Tools 2017-06-12 1
HTML WG Spec 2016-04-19 42 Apparently moved to Github, e.g. sample bug
HTML.next Spec 2016-12-19 1
ITS Spec 2007-08-23 3
IndieUI Spec 2014-12-26 3 Small number of bugs, some closed with text "Closing IndieUI bugs since the project ended."
LinkChecker Tools 2015-05-21 2
LogValidator Tools 2008-04-27 3
Media Annotations WG Spec 2013-05-02 5
P3P Spec 2009-08-04 11
PFWG Spec 1970-01-01 2
PointerEventsWG Spec 2015-01-09 1
QA Spec 2015-08-24 2
SML Spec 2009-08-10 5
SOAP-JMS Spec 1970-01-01 0
SVG Spec 2016-09-05 59
SWAD-Europe Spec 2003-02-07 1
Speech API Spec 2017-09-08 1
Test Harness for Browser testing Tools 2008-09-08 3
Testing Spec 2013-03-11 2
TextTracks CG Spec 2015-10-06 4
Unicorn-old Tools 2007-10-26 3
Validator Tools 2018-10-31 7
WCAG Spec 1970-01-01 4
WHATWG Spec 2016-08-19 10
WS Choreography Spec 2006-10-31 25
WS-Addressing Spec 1970-01-01 0
WS-Policy Spec 2009-02-24 10
WS-Resource Access Spec 2012-05-29 8
WSDL Spec 2009-02-12 7
Web & TV Spec 2012-03-22 3
Web Cryptography Spec 2016-09-28 3
Web Intents Spec 2012-07-24 1
Web Notifications Spec 2014-05-02 1
Web Performance Spec 2013-11-08 1
WebAppsSec Spec 2015-06-28 8
WebAppsWG Spec 2017-02-02 40
WebRTC Working Group Spec 2015-02-09 4
XML Processing Model Spec 2013-08-04 2
XML Query Test Suite Tools 2015-03-19 1
XML Schema Spec 2018-06-20 9
XML Schema Test Suite Tools 2015-08-26 6
XMLP WG Spec 2007-10-17 5
XMLSecMaint Spec 1970-01-01 2
XPath / XQuery / XSLT Spec 2019-01-18 44
XProc Spec 1970-01-01 0
XQuery Update Facility Test Suite Tools 2011-08-30 1
XSLFO Spec 2011-08-18 2
mobileOK Basic checker Tools 2011-11-18 4
mobileOK authoring tools Tools 2009-10-27 7
webplatform.org Tools 2013-03-28 9

Migration Scripts

Potential scripts to migrate bugs from bugzilla into github issues:

@berestovskyy bugzilla2github

This option seems most promising from what I have seen; here is a detailed writeup based on a forked version that includes lots of implementation details incl github API rate limits, etc. At least some of the interesting changes in the fork seem to have been merged upstream. (Théo Zimmermann is acked on @berestovskyy's page)

Interesting notes from the author of the detailed writeup above, included in this detailed analysis of switching bug trackers:

The only complicated part of the bug tracker switch was the migration of preexisting bug reports. We reused a tool by Andriy Berestovskyy which is designed to import Bugzilla reports (extracted as an XML dump) to GitHub using its REST API. The bugs are imported in an order designed to preserve numbers whenever possible. Bugs whose number is unavailable (e.g. because the number is already taken by a GitHub pull request) are postponed and renumbered. We implemented several improvements to make the tool better fit our needs:


Discussion on Stack Overflow; Code. Seems to have been used by the Audio WG to migrate their issues. (or some of them)

Sample issue: Bugzilla, Github.

@dill BugzillaMigrate



Notes on migration of @w3c/webcomponents issues: (not sure about impl details)

Sample issue: Bugzilla, Github.

Other instances

W3C's Member and Team instances of bugzilla were shut down in Mar 2014. They had a relatively small number of bugs (950 and 270), compared to 30000+ in the public instance. For those instances we did a very simple crawl and archive of individual bug pages as well a few overview pages and lists of products and components. Authenticated uses can view the archived Member instance or Team instance.

Gerald Oskoboiny <gerald@w3.org> for the W3C Systems Team
Last modified: $Date: 2019/04/02 05:33:31 $ by $Author: gerald $