15:02:39 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 15:02:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/01/25-pbgsc-irc 15:02:49 Zakim has joined #pbgsc 15:03:04 Meeting: Publishing Business Group Steering Committee 15:03:17 Date: 2019-01-25 15:04:23 chair: Luc Audrain 15:38:13 ivan has joined #pbgsc 15:38:30 rrsagent, set log public 15:38:30 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee Telco 15:38:30 Chair: luc 15:38:30 Date: 2019-01-25 15:38:30 Regrets+ Tzviya, George 15:38:30 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2019Jan/0017.htm 15:38:31 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-01-25: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2019Jan/0017.htm 15:55:35 laudrain has joined #pbgsc 15:59:18 present+ 15:59:35 present+ karen, luc, wendy, yoshii 15:59:37 present+ Karen 15:59:42 present+ 16:00:02 present+ dauwhe 16:00:53 present+ 16:01:31 present+ 16:01:43 I can try 16:02:26 did you see anything just now? 16:03:04 present+ liisa 16:03:24 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 16:03:29 Daihei has joined #pbgsc 16:03:30 garth has joined #pbgsc 16:03:43 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbgsc 16:03:48 present+ Garth 16:03:52 present+ 16:04:27 scribenick: dauwhe 16:04:43 laudrain: we are happy to confirm the nomination of Daihei as co-chair 16:04:48 +1 16:04:55 ... we can work on the organization and goals for the group 16:04:56 +1 16:05:04 ... we have a BG call next Tuesday 16:05:11 Daihei: I am honored to work with all of you 16:05:42 TOPIC: EPUBCheck 16:05:50 laudrain: I have the formal report from Avneesh 16:05:58 ... this is an important milestone 16:06:26 ... this brings 4.1.1 with several translations, and it's now used by the IDPF validator web site 16:06:39 ... we need to give an authorization for payment for this milestone 16:06:57 ... any objections? 16:07:05 dauwhe: please give them money! 16:07:05 +1 to pay 16:07:09 +1 16:07:12 +1 16:07:13 +1 give them the money :) 16:07:17 laudrain: I see no objections. I consider this adopted. 16:07:25 +1 16:07:59 Resolved: pay the DAISY consortium on scheduled milestone of end of January, as development process is on-time. 16:08:21 kudos to DAISY for being on-time! 16:08:27 laudrain: there is a question in this discussion 16:08:41 ... the online validator is still on the idpf domain name 16:08:56 ... it's been updated silently by romain to use the last stable version, 4.1.1. 16:09:05 ... but we need to think about how we keep this online 16:09:11 q+ 16:09:20 ... and can we move it to a w3c domain? 16:09:41 ... I've also asked romain if he has usage statistics for the validator? 16:10:06 ack dauwhe 16:10:27 dauwhe: what do we do with IDPF web site ? 16:10:44 … pages on IDPF says 3.1 is the current version 16:10:44 q+ 16:10:53 ack liisamk 16:11:00 dauwhe: there's a larger question about the IDPF web presence 16:11:14 liisamk: yes, we need to figure out what to do 16:11:28 ... even the wikipedia page about epub is wildly out of date 16:11:33 ... we should update that 16:11:34 q+ 16:11:44 laudrain: do we need to set up a task force about this? 16:12:29 dauwhe: I think this is a BG issue, as it is about IDPF as much as it is about EPUB 16:12:34 laudrain: we will bring to BG 16:12:37 ack laud 16:12:54 ... there is an alpha of EPUBCheck for EPUB 3.2, so things are going well 16:13:09 Topic: Events 16:13:22 laudrain: we talked a while ago about having events at big conferences 16:13:37 ... I wanted to share with you that there's a digital publishing summit in June in Paris 16:13:38 q+ 16:14:14 ... we can talk about standards, EPUB 3.2, epubcheck, etc. I am part of the program committee. 16:14:32 ack ivan 16:14:34 ivan: you partially answered my question 16:14:46 /me does not see site for 2019 16:14:47 ... I was looking at this event, but I haven't even found a website 16:14:48 q+ 16:14:50 https://www.edrlab.org/dpub-summit-2018/ 16:14:52 ... there is no real announcement 16:15:08 ... or info about doing it jointly with w3c 16:15:18 ack Daihei 16:15:20 Daihei: I was contacted by Laurent the other day about this 16:15:31 ... I have solicited the APL to participate 16:15:36 q+ 16:15:39 ... and someone from APL will attend 16:15:51 ... and Laurent was asking if someone could speak at the conference 16:16:04 ... and I'm working with APL on finding someone 16:16:09 ivan: that's great 16:16:28 laudrain: with Laurent, he shared that the place is settled, inside the French National Library 16:16:38 ... now we have to populate the program 16:16:45 ... the first contacts have been started 16:16:53 q+ 16:17:04 ack laudrain 16:17:09 ack Karen 16:17:37 Karen: for marketing please contact Coralie for any support we might be able to provide 16:18:06 laudrain: we were asking about what other kinds of events we could have in various places and times 16:18:08 q+ 16:18:18 ack liisamk 16:18:38 Yes, the Paris summit is June 25-26 16:18:52 liisamk: Dave or Rachel, do you know if there's any W3C presence at ebookcraft? 16:18:56 q+ 16:18:57 will the epic rant be recorded? 16:19:02 dauwhe: I will give an epic rant at ebookcraft 16:19:03 ack wendyreid 16:19:15 q+ 16:19:18 wendyreid: I will be presenting on audiobook formats at techforum 16:19:35 laudrain: what could we think about for Fall? I spoke about Frankfurt 16:19:43 ... is there something that could be done in Japan around TPAC? 16:19:50 ack ivan 16:20:09 ivan: Wendy, Dave, or anyone? Can you send information on ebookcraft? 16:20:15 q+ 16:20:19 http://techforum.booknetcanada.ca/ebookcraft/ 16:20:46 ivan: this is partly a BG question, but there are other areas where we are weak 16:20:54 ... and we might want to think about how to get to those 16:21:02 ... Bill_Kasdorf is at home in scholarly 16:21:14 ... I don't know what events there are on Manga etc 16:21:28 ... and there are other areas which are not traditionally epub-related 16:21:34 ... I don't know where or what they are 16:21:43 ack daihei 16:21:51 Daihei: about TPAC in September 16:22:04 ... there might be a chance, I don't think there's already an event 16:22:22 ... if it is to be done, it should be organized by APL, but they don't have the budget 16:22:28 I'm speaking at an STM event in Japan in April 16:22:32 ... I can discuss this with Yoshi-san etc 16:22:38 ... and can come back to y'all 16:22:48 q? 16:22:49 q+ 16:23:08 laudrain: re: manga/BD/Comics, there is an event in France today 16:23:30 ... next year, anything that the CG creates as a prototype would be exposed there 16:23:38 ... it's end of january 16:23:59 q? 16:24:19 laudrain: Bill_Kasdorf, can you take this to the external task force, especially in STEM/scholarly? 16:24:23 Bill_Kasdorf: that's a good idea 16:24:32 ... I'm speaking at an STEM event in Japan in April 16:24:38 ... the program for SSP is already closed 16:24:47 ... same for the university press program in June 16:24:53 q? 16:25:07 ... I want to do these separately, because I want to do fundraising too 16:25:12 q? 16:25:15 ack dauwhe 16:25:15 +1 to bill and 2 communications 16:25:25 scribenick: Karen 16:25:37 Dauwhe: if we want to think about these events, we need to plan much more in advance 16:25:56 ...I have to have my travel budget submitted by now; event programs closed already 16:25:58 s/STEM/STM 16:26:06 Luc: We should think about 2020? 16:26:11 Dauwhe: yes 16:26:31 ...and focus on our goals; where would we be most effective; bandwidth, where to concentrate our resources 16:26:44 ...have some principals beyond doing something in conjunction with this conference 16:26:48 laudrain: so we should now think about 2020 16:26:51 Luc: that is subject for the BG 16:26:52 ... that's a topic for the BG 16:26:58 scibenick: Dauwhe 16:27:10 +1 advance planning in BG 16:27:16 laudrain: any other comments? 16:27:27 Topic: feedback from the AB meetup in NYC 16:27:46 liisamk: there were six of our eight publishing co-chairs there 16:27:51 ... a small group of other pub folks 16:27:56 ... a good chunk of the AB 16:28:01 ... Jeff, Ralph, Wendy S 16:28:08 ... tzviya created an amazing agenda 16:28:14 ... and taking us from topic to topic 16:28:21 ... it was an amazing evening 16:28:39 ... we talked about packaging, and got interesting stuff from dsinger and Kenji B. 16:28:48 ... it was a really really good dialog and questions 16:29:00 ... Dave did the background of EPUB, and how it relates to web tech 16:29:14 q+ 16:29:17 ... wendyreid talked about the audio work and moving it forward without settled web packaging 16:29:51 q+ 16:29:56 laudrain: the idea to have some high-level... how could we have high-level goals brought from this meeting, so it could be fuel for the BG 16:29:57 liisamk: yes 16:29:58 ack laudrain 16:30:02 ... I'll get back tot hat 16:30:04 ack laudrain 16:30:10 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:30:13 Bill_Kasdorf: I'm interested in the feedback from the AB 16:30:33 liisamk: there was a preso from Robin Berjon who talked about how to work with web developers 16:30:42 ... treat them like humans, bring examples... 16:30:50 ... it was depressing because it's so much work 16:31:07 ... leonie talked about the a11y community's relationship with browsers 16:31:16 ... and how it took years to do a very small thing 16:31:31 ... "this web standards stuff takes forever" 16:31:41 ... tzviya, Rachel, and I talked about the CG/BG/WG 16:31:51 ... and talked about the struggles of the BG 16:32:08 ... it's hard to deal with the chicken/egg problem until the horse is out of the barn 16:32:35 or the chickens flew the coop? 16:32:38 ... we need to get ahead of the curve a bit 16:32:48 ... and there was a QA between the AB and the publishers 16:32:58 ... there are issues of resources 16:33:08 ... we talked about the challenge of (trigger warning) DRM 16:33:32 ... at the end, Jeff said that this conversation was fantastic, it was way more interesting than our BG/SC meetings 16:33:41 ... so how do we bring this energy back to the group? 16:34:08 q? 16:34:51 dauwhe: Jeff mentioned that he understood better the tension between business and technology 16:35:28 q+ 16:35:31 laudrain: was there any talk of LCP? 16:35:52 ack Karen 16:35:55 dauwhe: yes, and I emphasized that some sort of DRM is essential for library ebook lending 16:36:04 Karen: I know this was an opportunistic meeting 16:36:17 ... do you see an opportunity for other regional discussions or meetups? 16:36:20 q+ 16:36:25 q+ 16:36:34 ack laudrain 16:36:38 laudrain: yes, perhaps in europe in paris around the end of june we could have such an event 16:36:47 q+ 16:36:48 q+ 16:37:03 ack liisamk 16:37:04 Karen: maybe that's the model, and we could also try at tpac 16:37:04 ack liisamk 16:37:16 liisamk: I think we could do more regional meetups and conversations 16:37:23 +1 regional meet-ups 16:37:28 ... I had an interesting conversation with leslie hulse afterwards 16:37:42 ... the way that w3c works that is still is not comfortable for business people 16:37:47 ... it's still too technical 16:37:58 ... she's fascinated by the audio stuff, but doesn't care about packaging 16:38:20 ... she wants to know about vendors and requirements. she wants to know if it gets there, will it be an easy sell. 16:38:30 ... we need to do better at helping them understand 16:38:36 Karen: that's a great point 16:38:40 ack ivan 16:38:51 ivan: there is also the other direction 16:39:01 ... how the WG affects the BG 16:39:09 ... but there needs to be two-way communication 16:39:15 ... back to the original question 16:39:28 ... the issue is not meetings with the AB, because they have other goals 16:39:46 ... the essential point to have regular meeting with the developer community 16:39:58 ... there is a regular french conf on webdev 16:40:04 ... and that's where we should have a meeting 16:40:26 ... we need to reach out to parisweb 16:40:38 ... that's the relationship that's weak 16:40:47 q+ 16:41:17 q+ 16:41:26 ivan: for example, it's too late now but the big tech conference is in Taipei in 2020, but there's an opportunity with publishers and webtech over there 16:41:30 ack wendyreid 16:41:37 wendyreid: ivan and i are on the same page 16:41:57 ... the meetup was productive, but we don't always need the AB 16:42:26 ... many of us are already attending certain things, we could put on events to reach out to the local publishing community 16:42:39 ... we get face time with people affected about what we do, and get feedback 16:42:53 ... like leslie's feedback--I only hear that F2F 16:43:08 q? 16:43:11 ... we should look at our future events and see what we can do 16:43:18 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:43:19 Bill_Kasdorf: I'm hearing two different things 16:43:40 ... planning in advance, so we can get on program at conferences is a way of messaging to large groups 16:43:48 ... but the real value of NY meeting was that it was small 16:44:03 ... you can do both 16:44:10 ... the latter can be done at the last minute 16:44:49 +1 to Bill_Kasdorf 16:45:01 ... and independently 16:45:08 q? 16:45:34 liisamk: wendyreid: I agree we need to do more to have casual events when we are all somewhere 16:45:45 ... but it's hard to justify travel to meet webdevs 16:45:58 ... I'm still struggling to get permission to go to TPAC when I'm a chair 16:46:08 ... going to a web conference is a stretch 16:46:19 q+ 16:46:20 q? 16:46:22 ... my 2020 travel budget happens in July of 2019 16:46:24 ack liisamk 16:46:37 ack Karen 16:46:39 Karen: a few practical things 16:46:50 +1 to Liisa 16:47:01 ... the NYC event did require a lot of effort for logistics and sponsorships 16:47:29 ... venues cost money. catering costs money. 16:47:42 +1 to Karen, yes, even the smaller informal events involve costs and logistics 16:47:43 ... much has to happen to make these events possible, even on a small scale. 16:47:46 q? 16:47:54 laudrain: what are next steps? 16:48:03 ... a list of 2020 conferences we want to contact? 16:48:12 ... which task force could have this list? 16:48:17 q+ 16:48:27 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:48:43 Bill_Kasdorf: are we talking about with devs, or with business people in publishing? Or both? 16:48:51 q+ 16:48:53 ... the ab meeting was with publishers 16:49:13 laudrain: what's interesting for europe is what the AB did with publishers 16:49:14 q+ 16:49:20 ack laudrain 16:49:30 ack liisamk 16:49:52 liisamk: if we take a step back and think of what made it interesting, maybe we can figure out how to repeat it. 16:50:16 ... there was interest because it was publishers and the AB, but maybe it was the questions that made it interesting 16:50:48 ... I see the next steps on conferences... we have started a list of conferences. We can start thinking about next year. 16:50:57 q? 16:51:26 laudrain: two other topics... update from W3M about TPI 16:51:44 Topic: TPI 16:51:49 Karen: I'm going through it fast 16:51:56 ... this is a work in progress 16:52:33 ... (shows slides) 16:52:47 ... TPI was a special membership category to transition IDPF members to W3C for two years 16:52:55 ... offered to IDPF members 16:53:03 ... 44 signed up 16:53:17 ... last fall we had a campaign to get members to continue 16:53:53 ... we've also sent change-of-status emails to the various groups--those terminated, those transitioning to BG, and those becoming full members 16:54:02 ... and we'll send something to the public-publishing list 16:54:29 ... (shows TPI termination list), 25 did not continue 16:55:19 ... we had seven convert to business group members 16:55:37 ... we had eight convert to full membership, and one is pending 16:55:50 ... with good support from japan 16:56:03 congratulations on getting the U-M Libraries as a full member! 16:56:06 ... and we have a list of BG participants... 36 right now 16:56:41 ... and there are some participants who are not in good standing right now 16:57:30 ... and then there are ~50 w3c members engaged in the PWG etc 16:57:42 q+ 16:57:45 topicq? 16:57:47 laudrain: thanks very much 16:57:53 Karen can you share that deck? 16:57:56 liisamk: could you share that with us? 16:58:02 Q= 16:58:05 q+ 16:58:08 Karen: I think so; I need permission from Jeff and Ralph 16:58:19 ack garth 16:58:32 garth: quick question for karen, looking at the full members etc 16:58:42 ... is that good? how does this fit with expectations 17:00:02 q? 17:00:10 q+ 17:00:19 ack liisamk 17:00:50 liisamk: I was asked not to ask about money on wednesday 17:01:07 ... but we need to have that conversation sometimes 17:01:27 ... membership is based on overall business, even though EPUB and audio are a small part of our business 17:01:36 +1 17:01:52 Bill_Kasdorf: the list of orgs involved in publishing--that should be more broadly communicated 17:02:06 ... there are lots of organizations that are participating. 17:02:14 Karen: I can update the logo slide 17:02:26 ... that is a great sales tool 17:02:37 laudrain: we are at the top of the hour. thanks everyone 17:02:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:02:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/01/25-pbgsc-minutes.html ivan