Web Fonts Working Group Teleconference

24 Jan 2019


Vlad, jpamental, sergeym


<KenLundeADBE> In terms of use cases, such as fonts, Adobe recommends our open source "Source Han" fonts that include 65,535 glyphs each.

Monotype will provide some info on dynamic subsetting - performance, APIs, historical usage

<jpamental> We also want to take into consideration that due to the general practice of only using 4-5 fonts due to file size concerns. Given that practice, even the average designer/developer would want to have this capability in order to remove the performance issues around using web fonts in the first place.

<KenLundeADBE> Our Pan-CJK fonts are unique in that multiple fonts are not necessary for supporting multiple languages, and language-tagging that triggers the 'locl' GSUB feature allows less fonts to be used/referenced. For multilingual CJK content, instead of installing the five language-specific fonts, each of which have a default language, only one of them needs to be installed. This should reduce any overhead, and the good news is that modern browsers su[CUT]

Christopher: caching mechanism should be taken into consideration when deciding on font subsets.

<jpamental> Addition to Christopher's comment is that we're thinking here about caching for multiple users across CDN's etc


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/01/24 17:30:49 $

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Found Date: 24 Jan 2019
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