Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

24 Jan 2019


See also: IRC log


Andreas, Gary, Nigel, Thierry, Cyril
Glenn, Mike
nigel, cyril


<nigel> scribe: nigel

This meeting

Nigel: Today we have one issue marked for agenda for TTML Profile Registry.
... TTWG Future Reqs if there's anything to cover,
... F2F meetings next week
... TTML in RTP IETF submission
... Is there any other business, or any specific points to raise?
... I didn't have reason to add WebVTT to the agenda before, but there's been some discussion on
... the reflector today, so we can add it if that would help?

Gary: Yes, we can cover WebVTT please.

Nigel: OK

group: [nothing more for the agenda]

TTML Profile Registry w3c/tt-profile-registry#58 Fix spec reference for etx2 to point to EBU-TT 1.1

github: https://github.com/w3c/tt-profile-registry/pull/58

<cyril> scribe: cyril

nigel: PR to fix etx2
... I raised it, andreas reviewed it, open for 13days
... it's ready for the editors to merge

<nigel> SUMMARY: Editors to merge tomorrow at the earliest assuming no new objections

TTWG Future requirements

nigel: Is there anything specific to discuss?
... there has been some discussion on embedded images
... it's fine offline
... no comment on that point

Joint f2f meeting with EBU Timed Text, Feb 1 2019

nigel: I have updated the agenda
... we need some time on WebVTT
... I am not sure what the best time would be

gkatsev: day 1 would be good

cyril: If the discussions on the requirements I raised could be discussed at a convenient time for me
... like 4pm geneva time

nigel: day 1 is mainly those requirements, TTML2, modularization ...
... live demo as part of the PTS event
... and the WebVTT implementation report
... day 2 in the morning is the joint meeting about live ttml
... and how we handle EBU defining semantics
... like multiRowAlign but other contributions
... we need to think about what the options are
... if you have any other topic let me know

TTML in RTP IETF submission

nigel: we had a bit of feedback from Mike
... my colleague James just updated a new draft

<nigel> RTP Payload for TTML Timed Text

nigel: one of the thing that generated discussion is the media type definition
... there seems to be a best practice IETF document saying that you should include the media type registration for the payload format
... that explains why the draft copies it
... that's a bit bizarre (to me, personally)
... but it seems a recommended practice
... the change control now says W3C has change control over this specification [i.e. the media type registration]
... there has been a review/comments from members of the IETF group as well
... it's a good sign, has momentum

WebVTT status

nigel: gary and thierry have been discussing this

gkatsev: the status is that unless there is progress on the spec, it will be removed from the charter and not added back soon
... my question is what would constitute progress

tmichel: the question is not really about the progress on the spec, because it's at CR and stable
... the issue is really about the implementation report
... I've looked at wpt.fyi
... I agree that for APIs, most of the tests pass 80%
... but the rendering is at about 1% or 2% close to zero
... it needs to be run manually
... I discussed with Philippe
... we need a proper implementation report
... showing things are implemented twice
... if we don't progress to PR, it's unlikely that it will stay in the charter
... if the implementation report progresses, the transition to PR should be ok

gkatsev: I'm actually working on going through the rendering tests across browsers

tmichel: I've done a bit too
... my conclusion is that Chrome it was good, Edge was bad and FF was so and so
... I didn't test Safari

gkatsev: Safari is pretty good as well

tmichel: we need to know where we are

gkatsev: that is what I'm working on and will have results next week

tmichel: you have to know the past and that the efforts have been slowing down, so thank you for joining the group and putting efforts

gkatsev: I totally understand
... I would like to see it through if we can

nigel: one question I have is: how would you establish what counts as a feature?
... as far as I know, WebVTT does not have a list of features in the spec
... TTML has it but a lot of other specs don't
... what's your approach Gary?

gkatsev: the way they set it up in WPT is that each test is a feature
... the rendering tests have standard cues, or 2 cues overlapping
... it seems that the tests cover a pretty wide variety of "features"
... for example has a separate file per unicode characters

nigel: if each test is a feature, how do you assess completeness of the testing vs the spec?

gkatsev: as Silvia said, Apple funded the development of the tests based on the spec
... I'm assuming it's fairly complete
... but I would need to verify that
... but it seems the big and important parts are covered

nigel: it's fair to say that there is always a bit of judgment from the group on what features are and on the coverage
... if you do that review and see areas are weaker, it would be good to bring that to the group

atai2: could you check if after the tests have been completed, if there were changes to the spec

gkatsev: yes, I can check when the last change to the spec was and the last change to the tests was
... I doubt there was substantive change to the spec after the tests have been done

atai2: that would be good to review it

nigel: anything else on webvtt?

gkatsev: not for now

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/01/24 16:47:07 $