Verifiable Claims Working Group Meeting

22 Jan 2019



Ken_Ebert, Mike_Lodder, Benjamin_Young, Allen_Brown, Matt_Stone, Amy_Guy, Oliver_Terbu, Manu_Sporny, Brent_Zundel, Kaz_Ashimura, Adrian_Gropper, Dave_Longley, Ganesh_Annan, Ned_Smith, Ted_thibodeau, Yancy_Ribbens, Dmitri_Zagidulin, Joe_Andrieu


<manu> scribenick: mike-lodder

Agenda Review

<stonematt> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2019Jan/0030.html

stonematt: topic is agenda review

F2F Sign-up

stonematt: f2f sign up

<stonematt> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G1ygbZMI5nJB94ROuX-Vtic4FgbeYl-S58E_DoXa7-w/edit#gid=913829325

stonematt: we sent a link to this sign up last week for those who intend to attend Barcelona
... need to know who's coming for logistical reasons
... any questions about F2F

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to discuss comments

manu: adam lake from Digital Bazaar is looking at hotel accommodations
... those that are within walking distance to RWoT
... buying lunch and snacks only, no breakfast

<kaz> f2f page

stonematt: please put hotel recommendations in the document
... and for transportation
... moving on to unassigned issues

Unassigned Issues

<stonematt> https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?utf8=✓&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+no%3Aassignee

stonematt: need to know if any of these are CR blockers
... 383 contains no CR blockers
... manu to verify

manu: 383 is only editorial

<kaz> issue 383

<stonematt> https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/381

manu: I'll take 383
... 381 is editorial only

<stonematt> https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/380

manu: 380 is problematic, CR blocker
... I'll take that one

<stonematt> https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/379

manu: 379 is editorial, assigned to Amy

<stonematt> https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/371

manu: 371 needs to be fixed but not a CR blocker
... 371 is a CR blocker

<stonematt> https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/363

manu: 363 is editorial
... spec text change only
... assign to myself

<stonematt> https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/362

manu: 362 editorial only assigned to myself

Explainer for the TAG

<stonematt> https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/blob/gh-pages/VCDMExplainer.md

stonematt: where are we on the explainer? what's left?

ken: ZKP angle, brent and I have finished

jwt: is there an example for ZKPs and JWTs?

stonematt: manu can you provide guidelines for how much content is needed?

manu: I don't expect we need a lot of examples
... since we have a ZKP one, lets add a JWT one

ken: agree we should have discussion on feedback and need resolution on small issues

manu: these affect the examples in the explainer

<stonematt> ACTION: Oliver_Terbu to add JWT example to explainer

stonematt: oliver will you submit the JWT example

ken: they also affect the examples in the explainer
... but not CR blockers

stonematt: agreed, just need to reduce duplication in multiple places
... need a reasonable due date, can they be completed by Thursday, or end of week?

brent: I think the only missing element is the JWT example
... if oliver can get it done, then end of week is reasonable

manu: features at risk section is not filled out yet

<Oliver_Terbu> oliver will provide it either today or tomorrow

manu: someone needs to shepherd the process

stonematt: is that required before we go to Tag review?

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to can volunteer to do features at risk.

brent: ken and I did an editorial pass, clarified the data model, and fixed a lot of old texts, I'll take an editorial pass but not the at risk section

manu: I will take the at risk section
... need to understand what implementation of features means
... we know which features are at risk and which ones are not

ken: there is one section "Selective Disclosure" that hasn't been reviewed yet either

manu: probably another about JSON, JSON-LD

ken: headers are there but discusses JWT

manu: trying to remember other topics that were controversial
... probably need to add some more things
... like authorization
... anything debated (frameworks) need to be covered

<Oliver_Terbu> q

Oliver_Terbu: there is some confusion around can implement or will implement, needs clarity

<brent> +1

stonematt: we will discuss next
... do we still think Thursday is a reasonable deadline?

manu: if brent and ken feel comfortable writing "this was a tricky design goal" then that might be enough

<brent> +1

ken: brent and I can take the "Selective Disclosure" portion
... I don't know what to write about other sections like "authorization"

manu: I need to add something to the explainer anyway
... I'll take that assignment

<Ned> [/help]

stonematt: can we recount the missing topics

<stonematt> recounting "tricky design decisions" that are missing: Terms of Use and Authorization

stonematt: authorization, terms of use
... this document is getting big

Implementor List

<stonematt> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SzfAUA0J72-1BORHJEmY4cdZrQ6vmKy4oq_24r_NwB4/edit#gid=0

stonematt: manu sent a list of features might be implemented,

manu: every feature needs to be implemented by at least two consumers
... a number of features that we need to know if they intend to implement
... some features are trivial to implement
... and if you don't implement it, its probably due to philosophical differences

stonematt: if anyone is missing from the list, let us know and we'll reach out to them and get commitments

manu: must take a JSON document and process it
... no signatures required to pass tests
... need volunteers to write tests, these tests are simple

JoeAndrieu: manu, are you suggesting that tests are required?

manu: checking of linked data proofs is not required

JoeAndrieu: I didn't see it in the charter, so I'm confused where this is coming from

<stonematt> how do we show "tamper evident"

JoeAndrieu: need to define how to determine if its valid
... is it outside conformance to determine if the crypto suite is valid

<manu> https://www.w3.org/2017/vc/charter.html

<manu> https://www.w3.org/2017/vc/charter.html#deliverables

JoeAndrieu: specifying the relationship between the proof and document
... not the crypto suites

stonematt: need to show document tamper evidence

<Zakim> stonematt, you wanted to say how to we show "tamper evident"

<manu> https://www.w3.org/2017/vc/charter.html#deliverables

manu: JoeAndrieu you are correct, it says we can recommend

<JoeAndrieu> present_

manu: we can invent new crypto for this but others will not like it
... not an official requirement to pass crypto suites
... test suite can have optional tests
... not required for conformance
... JWT has IETF specs that we can point to
... but can't do it for ZKPs
... or the LD-proofs

JoeAndrieu: we can't test without specifying which crypto suites are used

ken: three items
... we will rust code that Evernym builds on top of Sovrin's implementation, is that two different implementations

manu: no because you are collaborating
... can't be too close

ken: 2nd item, what form does the input come in for the test

manu: JSON-LD document, processes it and puts out the proof attached

ken: last item, terms of use, we won't be implementing it

manu: they become features at risk if we don't have two implementers

ken: I will connect with you (manu) about that

<Zakim> stonematt, you wanted to say do we care about market value of the DM w/out crypto details?

stonematt: I don't think we had clarity about crypto suites in the tests
... if we had a decision can you please put it down

manu: we didn't have a decision on that
... Joe would like to see more specific tests
... could add some that check RSA2048 and Ed25519
... but is anyone else going to implement that
... can't make it a requirement of the conformance suite

kaz: pleae note that test suite is useful but it's a separate delivelable from the spec itself, ans it's not required for spec transition itself
... so we should be clear about the requirements for our test suite (as an additional deliverable)
... from the spec transition viewpoint, what is more important is generating a list of assertions which covers all the features from the spec

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to note, yes, additional requirement, but I think we're committed to something at this point.

manu: its optional, but group has committed to have a test suite
... how far do we go to check the crypto

kaz: we can clarify our own requirements for this to work effectively

manu: we can put in tests that check in detail RSA2048 and Ed25519 but they won't be official
... then discuss what else needs to go in there

<stonematt> thanks all!

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Oliver_Terbu to add JWT example to explainer

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/01/29 22:40:42 $