Due to telecommunications and other challenges these minutes cannot be filled in accurately. Instead a summary is provided.

We continued the conversation on backends, some participants would be more focused on the in-vehicle spec but believe there would be strong interest and potentially other resources.

Based on the ontology work I expressed some similarities between SPARQL and GraphQL wondering if we should select one or support multiple from a backend data store. Daniel stressed the most important aspect is the data model and supporting more than one access mechanism is fine. ViWi could be one such access method, advantage being we have a spec for it.

There was general concern about splitting of scant resources for working on both and how the Auto Working Group should focus on what it is chartered for the time being - gen2.

I repeated a request for participants to provide at least outlines of backend solutions they are working on so we can contrast. Most indicated they would likely be unable to given company policies.

We introduced sampling methodologies presented to the Data Task Force by Harjot, rationale for it in brief and that we should perhaps have an abbreviated presentation for a future Working Group call.

We touched briefly on open github issues for gen 2 and all important points will be reflected in github issue comments.

Automotive Working Group Teleconference

22 Jan 2019


Ted, Daniel, Benjamin, PatrickL, Glenn, Harjot, Laurent, Ryan, Ulf


<Ulf> My Outlook item for these meetings do not work anymore. Can you provide a link to it here? And maybe send me an ics invitation for the series later?

<scribe> scribenick: ted__

<isaac> Hi Ted, can you please forward me the connection details?

<isaac> thanks

<PatrickB> stuck in parallel workshop, I can only attend via irc today

<isaac> yes, it worked, I am in. Thanks again

<wonsuk> me Present+ Wonsuk_Lee

Ulf: backend will get resources and interest, i will focus on gen2

Patrick: aaa

Ted: ontology graphql v sparql

Daniel: the big thing is the data model..

Ulf: should we strive for having the same data model for those apis if so maybe further gen2 as a next step

daniel: we should focus on data model first as core and then different ways to access it

patrick: iirc one of patricks points, advantage of using viwi it could be quite fast

<PatrickLue> Patrick: As far as I remember JLR said a quick result is wished. So waiting for the data model may contradict this.

<PatrickB> We wish to see quick results, sure.. I also do not see why we could not jsut start HTTP + WebSocket, is is quite comon for WebServices ;)

<PatrickLue> Daniel: We have to agree on how use-cases are handled. As an example we have to agree what "speed" is.

.data model as we have it now is extensible w private branches

<PatrickLue> Daniel: We have already a core of 300 values, this gives as a good start.

.we have a good number of core signals that can be leveraged

patrick: from my point of view it would be fine if jlr were to lead such an effort

[/me also thinks we should look at ontology and graphql more esp as uber may have a suitable profile data model for us]

ulf concerned about splitting resources and priority

patrick: my thinking is we should focus on gen2

<pb> To recap: You want JLR to lead the HTTP+WebSocket (viwi) spec, while the The WG focusses on Gen2?

ted @@

gen2 spec review

Patrick mentions potential blockers (in gh?)

P: nothing i mentioned in that mail is a pure blockers

.my very last point is if whether we need to take into consideration backend protocol now

Ulf: I wanted to be clear if we were on or off board api for gen2

.we will fail if we only create a solution for on board clients
.on-board is too short term, we need to look at the medium and longer term

ted: explainer or diagram of different visions

patrick: i will not be able to produce such a thing with vw's name associated with it. i could provide ideas from my own vision

ulf: on behalf of volvo my situation is similar and could not make any promises. we have a project for viss onboard

.i can reach out internally and hope they will start to use it at some point
.a gen2 that can also handle some aspects of off boarding, requiring customers to go through oem cloud might be the next first step
.in a more distant future under privacy and security control would be something to strive for

ted aaab

daniel: as i said earlier we would like to support different access models

Sampling methodologies

Patrick: perhaps we can get an overview on sampling methodologies as we discussed them some last week

Harjot: consider the sampling a value add. if it is not described or discussed is not addressed in some form for fleet use the usability of it is greatly reduced

.frequencies, sampling techniques...

ted suggests a condensed presentation, will recirculate data tf minutes and writeup in advance for bg reading

Glenn: it is also worth pointing out ome of the benefits of preprocessing, increased efficiency a suitability to the use case

<PatrickLue> Pull Requests: https://github.com/w3c/automotive/pulls

<PatrickLue> issues: https://github.com/w3c/automotive/issues

Patrick: I encourage people to look at the current pull request and open issues for next week

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/02/05 16:14:45 $

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Present: Ted Daniel Benjamin PatrickL Glenn Harjot Laurent Ryan Ulf
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Found Date: 22 Jan 2019
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