16:17:33 RRSAgent has joined #json-ld 16:17:33 logging to https://www.w3.org/2019/01/11-json-ld-irc 16:17:34 rrsagent, set log public 16:17:34 Meeting: JSON-LD Working Group Telco 16:17:34 Chair: bigbluehat 16:17:34 Date: 2019-01-11 16:17:34 Regrets+ ajs6f 16:17:34 Agenda: [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Jan/0003.html](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Jan/0001.html) 16:17:35 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-01-11: [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Jan/0003.html](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Jan/0001.html) 16:28:47 pchampin has joined #json-ld 16:30:51 azaroth has joined #json-ld 16:52:51 gkellogg has joined #json-ld 16:58:00 regrets+ workergnome 16:58:10 regrets+ adam_soroka 16:58:52 simonstey has joined #json-ld 16:59:48 present+ 17:00:02 present+ Rob_Sanderson 17:00:26 present+ Gregg_Kellogg 17:00:28 present+ 17:00:48 present+ 17:01:01 zakim: who’s here? 17:01:14 Zakim, who's here? 17:01:14 Present: ivan, Rob_Sanderson, Gregg_Kellogg, pchampin, simonstey 17:01:16 On IRC I see simonstey, gkellogg, azaroth, pchampin, RRSAgent, Zakim, ivan, dlehn, dlongley, bigbluehat, ChristopherA, fr33domlover 17:01:30 regrets+ jeff_mixter 17:02:01 present+ 17:02:23 bigbluehat has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2019-01-11: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-json-ld-wg/2019Jan/0003.html 17:04:15 Topic: scribe selection 17:04:35 scribenick: pchampin 17:04:45 Topic: Approve minutes 17:04:46 https://www.w3.org/2018/json-ld-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-01-04-json-ld 17:04:52 +1 17:04:58 +1 17:05:03 PROPOSAL: approve minutes 17:05:05 +1 17:05:12 +1 17:05:15 +0 (absent) 17:05:15 +1 17:05:18 +1 17:05:24 RESOLVED: approve minutes 17:05:53 Topic: Announcements / Reminders 17:06:03 Subtopic: 2019 Winter Face-to-Face - February 7-8 in Washington, DC 17:06:09 azaroth: thanks to adam and benjamin for excellent scribing last week 17:07:21 azaroth: regarding the upcoming F2F in Washington DC, and the admin shutdown in the US, 17:07:50 ... since people already have their travel booked, 17:08:05 ... I reached out to 4 people for an alternative location. 17:08:45 ... One option is the Folger Shakespeare library, near the library of Congress. 17:09:01 ... The other option is XXX 17:09:18 s/XXX/Coalition for Networked Information/ 17:09:19 s/XXX/Coalition for Networked Information/ 17:09:46 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Dupont+Circle,+Washington,+DC+20036/@38.901612,-77.0447075,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7b7c7b54fb65b:0xa016e28f09dff7d2!8m2!3d38.9095778!4d-77.0434415 17:10:09 ... A little further away from the Smithonian than Folger. 17:10:43 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Folger+Shakespeare+Library/@38.8907816,-77.0137334,16z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x89b7b7c7b54fb65b:0xa016e28f09dff7d2!2sDupont+Circle,+Washington,+DC+20036!3b1!8m2!3d38.9095778!4d-77.0434415!3m4!1s0x89b7b82ee3c52dcd:0x71e5b5ff42284ef4!8m2!3d38.8892959!4d-77.0027554 17:10:45 ivan: are both of them easy to get to via public transport or foot? 17:11:01 azaroth: yes 17:11:42 ivan: then, Rob, you are in the best position to make the decision. 17:12:16 azaroth: Folger is closer to the Smithonian. Dupont Circle probably is 30' walk. 17:12:25 ... So I'd suggest the Folger. 17:13:05 gkellogg: what if the gov shutdown is resolved by then? 17:13:19 Adam said: " I strongly urge you to accept one of the generous offers from other institutions of cultural heritage in D.C. to host the February face-to-face. " 17:13:26 ivan: I think Adam suggested that we go the secure way. 17:13:29 (in an email to Benjamin, me and Ivan) 17:14:01 PROPOSAL: move F2F location to Folger due to US government shutdown 17:14:02 ... The Folger does us a real favor. It would not be good to accept and then decline. 17:14:08 +1 17:15:05 +1 17:15:07 +1 17:15:10 +1 17:15:10 +0 (won't attend) 17:15:12 +0 17:15:55 ivan: for people that will not attend, will there be a possibility to dial in, 17:16:01 ... or are we on our own? 17:16:52 azaroth: if only a few people are to dial in, we can make do with the local wifi. 17:17:08 ... I can ask the Folder if we can have a dedicated laptop for dial in. 17:17:12 RESOLVED: move F2F location to Folger due to US government shutdown 17:17:18 s/Folder/Folger/ 17:17:53 present+ 17:18:19 Topic: Issues 17:18:23 azaroth: we are not totally off the hook until the Folger confirms. That should be on Monday. 17:18:26 Subtopic: HTTP parameters for specifying context or frame (round 2!) 17:18:35 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/8 17:18:58 syntax - https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/pull/111 (open) 17:18:58 framing - https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-framing/pull/34 (merged) 17:18:58 api - https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/pull/56 (ready for review) 17:19:51 bigbluehat: the framing PR is already merged -- mostly clerical, regarding IANA registration. 17:20:36 gkellogg: the PR is about the possibility for a client to specify the contex with which it wishes the retrieved data to be processed. 17:21:14 ... Last week, we discussed this, and realized that dereferencing the value of the profile attribute is something that we don't want to do. 17:22:01 ... I had to rewrite this part. This information is now to be conveyed with a Link header. 17:22:12 q+ 17:22:18 q+ 17:22:20 ack bigbluehat 17:22:25 ... A consequence is that the context URL can no more be used for content negociation. 17:23:14 ack azaroth 17:23:55 azaroth: my understanding about the move away from the profile parameter is about the dereferenceability? 17:24:10 q+ 17:24:35 gkellogg: not exactly. The RFC indicates that the URI used as profile parameter can be derefenceable, for documentation. 17:24:47 ... But the execution should not be determined by derefencing it. 17:25:27 azaroth: Why not simply specify that, if a server receives a profile URI that it does not know, 17:25:29 ack bigbluehat 17:25:35 ... it just answers with 406? 17:25:54 q+ 17:26:26 ... We should not specify *how* the server does the serialization. 17:26:46 ... That's implementation detail, not specification. 17:27:02 ... Given that, I don't think there is any expectation that the server should dereference; 17:27:18 ... but it may do that if it thinks that's a good thing. 17:28:00 q? 17:28:57 bigbluehat: the spec last week was explicitly specifying that the profile parameter should be dereferenced. 17:29:06 ack gkellogg 17:29:19 ... Going away from this lead us away from the profile parameter all together. 17:29:23 q+ to also note we can't *prevent* it, as it's valid in the Accept header 17:29:24 ... But I see where you are going. 17:30:14 gkellogg: We should have both mechanisms: one to query a well known profile, 17:30:57 ... and one to provide a previously unknown context, to be processed by the server. 17:31:24 ack azaroth 17:31:24 azaroth, you wanted to also note we can't *prevent* it, as it's valid in the Accept header 17:32:03 azaroth: we can't prevent the profile from the accept header; it is part of the media-type. 17:32:23 q+ to ask if Link header usage needs its own issue 17:32:29 ... We should embrace what people are going to do anyway, 17:32:45 ... which is a profile parameter in the accept header. 17:35:50 bigbluehat: I'm concerned we are defining a server API for JSON-LD, which is not what we are meant to do. 17:35:52 +1 to bigbluehat to steer away from JSON-LD-REST 17:36:13 (not because it's a bad thing, but because we're not chartered to do that!) 17:36:26 ... We should provide a list of profile URI that we recommend. 17:36:35 q? 17:36:37 q- 17:36:44 ... Whatever else people use as profile URIs is their business. 17:37:07 q+ 17:37:25 ... The Links header is more an API spec, which would be LDP2's job, not ours... 17:37:26 ack gkellogg 17:37:52 gkellogg: there was always a problem for the profile parameter for, e.g., compacted 17:38:45 ... there was no way to convey the context against which compaction was done [not sure I got it right] 17:39:02 q+ 17:39:04 ack bigbluehat 17:39:10 ... This has been long discussed in the CG. 17:39:18 ... The Link header was a way to address that. 17:39:59 bigbluehat: Is this purely an IANA registration and suggesting good practices? 17:40:12 ... I fear that too much HTTP matter in the spec and/or the test, 17:40:14 q+ 17:40:21 ack gkellogg 17:40:25 ... will feel that a MUST or a SHOULD for any JSON-LD implementation. 17:41:20 gkellogg: that's a way to ensure that people using it know how to use it. 17:42:13 ... The bit about the Link header could go in a different (REST?) spec or a best practives doc. 17:42:38 +1 to best practices tests 17:42:50 s/will feel that/will feel like/ 17:43:22 ... We should remove any normative discussion about the Link header, 17:44:01 ... and replace it with a more vague mention to "header fields, to be described elsewhere". 17:44:04 PROPOSAL: remove normative discussion of use of Link header usage for response augmentation--move to best practice for now 17:44:14 +1 17:44:14 +1 17:44:15 +1 17:44:16 +1 17:44:17 ... And move the current test elsewhere, probably a new spec. 17:44:17 +1 17:44:23 +1 17:44:45 RESOLVED: remove normative discussion of use of Link header usage for response augmentation--move to best practice for now 17:45:50 gkellogg: Do we want to create new spec for server behaviour, or a best practices document? 17:46:09 ... And then should we create a different repository? 17:46:29 ivan: I prefer many small repos, but I know not everyone agrees. 17:46:54 ... Wherever the editors feel it more confortable. 17:47:17 ... Should we close the issue? 17:47:27 gkellogg: I still have a few changes to make. 17:47:36 ... After a small period for people to concur, 17:47:57 ... I'll merge the changes. 17:48:07 ivan: and then close the issue at the same time. 17:49:03 Topic: Allow relative IRIs for @vocab 17:49:11 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/72 17:49:50 syntax - https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/pull/114 17:49:50 api - https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/pull/58 17:50:33 gkellogg: when we decided to satisfy the need for using the base as the @vocab, 17:50:48 ... I came up with the idea of using an empty string as @vocab. 17:51:16 ... When I implemented it, what I ended up doing was resolve @vocab as a relative URI against the base. 17:51:38 ... So why not allow that in the spec... 17:51:47 ship it! :-) 17:52:06 ... It is uncontrersial, as it does not change past behaviour. 17:52:38 ... Now you can simply use @vocab: "#", to use relative URIs everywhere. 17:53:03 --> https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-syntax/issues/72#issuecomment-433597475 17:53:28 azaroth: is this the issue we discussed this during TPAC? 17:55:22 Rob Sanderson: if you set vocab to ../# and you had example.org/ns then you get example.org/ns../# 17:56:07 gkellogg: I have to improve the text to indicate when standard URI resolution is used, and when string concatenation is used 17:56:33 PROPOSAL: address security concerns related to relative URIs for @vocab in current PRs before closing #72 17:56:37 +1 17:56:39 +1 17:56:41 ivan: please close issue 72 when you clarify that and merge it. 17:56:42 +1 17:56:45 +1 17:56:51 ... Let's reduce the number of open issue 17:56:55 +1 17:57:00 +1 17:57:04 RESOLVED: address security concerns related to relative URIs for @vocab in current PRs before closing #72 17:57:18 +1 17:57:25 Subtopic: HTML baseURI and @context? 17:57:26 https://github.com/w3c/json-ld-api/issues/53 17:57:44 q+ 17:57:50 ack ivan 17:58:20 ivan: we should discuss which are the major issues we want to put on the agenda for the next F2F. 17:58:42 Move issues into Discuss-F2F in the JSON-LD Management project 17:59:05 ... From the top of my head, there are the issues raised by danbri that we started discussing in Lyon. 18:00:42 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:00:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2019/01/11-json-ld-minutes.html ivan