
Are you ready?

Your warm-up cards


W3C TPAC 2018 is coming up in Lyon, France. We are looking forward to welcoming you.

Held this year on 22-26 October, TPAC is our most popular meeting.

There is a lot happening so we thought we'd compile cards with information and tips on how to make the most of your time at the event.

This document exists as a PDF.

Table of Content

  1. What is TPAC?
  2. Where?
  3. Address
  4. Directions
  5. Newcomer?
  6. Week at a glance
  7. Monday Dev Meetup
  8. Registration/information desk
  9. Floor maps
  10. What does a Meeting look like?
  11. The Technical Plenary
  12. What do the badge colors mean?
  13. What are Breakouts?
  14. If you're a W3C AC Rep
  15. If you're a W3C group Chair
  16. If you're a Speaker
  17. For all participants
  18. Sharing your experience
  19. Your feedback
  20. Eating & drinking
  21. Other useful information

What is TPAC?

TPAC (Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee Meetings) is a yearly five-day event.

TPAC gathers the W3C Technical community to resolve challenging technical or social issues.

TPAC fosters coordinated solutions to technical issues that transcends group borders.

80+ meetings and 50+ potential breakout sessions will take place for over 500 attendees from more than 20 countries. See detailed schedule.

Attendees are W3C group participants, W3C Member representatives, W3C Advisory Board and Technical Architecture Group members, invited guests, W3C Office staff or W3C Team members.


picture of the world map

TPAC 2018

22-26 October
Lyon, France


Cité Centre de Congrès
50, quai Charles de Gaulle
69006 Lyon

Photo of the Lyon Congress Center and river beyond


Arriving by plane? Lyon Saint Exupéry, 25km away, is the closest intl airport. Then, RhoneXpress - every 15 minutes - connects to the Lyon Part-Dieu train station (30 min, € 14.70 one way / € 25.90 round trip.)

Arriving by train? TGV (high-speed train) connects Paris to Lyon Part-Dieu train station (2 h.)

From the Train station Trolley busses to Centre des Congrès (10 minutes, €. 1.90 one way.)

Arriving by bus? C5 Bus connects city center to Centre des Congrès (15 min.)

Read more about transportation on the TPAC website.


All attendees —but especially first-time participants— are invited to an informal welcome & drinks session on Sunday 21 October (6-7pm).

Meet us at Suelta
(Centre des Congrès)

Please RSVP.

Week at a glance

  Mon 22 Tue 23 Wed 24 Thu 25 Fri 26
07:00 - 08:30 Chairs breakfast
08:00 - 18:00 Registration & information
08:30 - 18:00 Groups Plenary & Breakouts Groups
10:00 - 11:00 Coffee break
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch
15:00 - 18:00 Groups Groups & AC Plenary & Breakouts Groups & AC Groups
15:00 - 16:00 Coffee break
18:30 - 22:30 W3C Dev Meetup
19:00 - 21:30 AC Dinner Reception

Monday Dev Meetup

W3C DevRel organizes a Dev Meetup: 22 October, 18:30-22:30

tpac2018 lion logo for developers meetup

Registration/information desk

Find W3C staff at the registration areas:

Floor maps

list of rooms and their numbers

floor map of level 33 - Roseraie

floor map of level 22 - Saint-Clair

floor map of level 11 - Rhône Pasteur

floor map of levels -1 and -2-1, -2 - Forums

What does a Meeting look like?

icon of a laptop and wifi signal

The Technical Plenary

What are Breakouts?

What do the badge colors mean?

thunmnails of the various colours of badges

If you're a W3C AC Representative

See who has registered: early-bird, late bird.

The Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon.
Location: Forum 1, Level -2 - Forums.

The Dinner on Tuesday 23 October 7 PM is open to Advisory Committee representatives, W3C Chairs, Advisory Board & Technical Architecture Group members, W3C Offices Staff and Team members.
Location: Place Haute - Level 1 - Rhône Pasteur.

If you're a W3C group Chair

See who has registered to your meeting(s): early-bird, late bird.

W3C Chairs meeting: Tuesday 23 October, 7 AM.
Location: Forum 2, Level -2.

The Advisory Committee Meeting on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and Dinner on Tuesday 23 October 7 PM is open to W3C Groups Chairs.
Location: Place Haute - Level 1 - Rhône Pasteur.

If you're a Speaker

Please follow these simple speaking guidelines:

For all participants

TPAC 2018 operates under a Code of Ethics (CEPC).

We all share responsibility for our work environment.

For any issues or questions, please see a member of W3C management.

Sharing your experience

Use #w3cTPAC to refer to the event on social networking sites, but remember to not microblog W3C Member-confidential matters.

Twitter logo

Your feedback

Take a couple minutes to provide feedback on your TPAC week by 23 November 2018.

For any question, write to w3t-tpregister@w3.org.

graphic of two hands shaking

Eating & drinking

Recommendations courtesy of @JiminyPan; see also Discover Lyon (W3C wiki)

Other useful information

Created 18 September 2018 by Coralie Mercier. Last modified $Date: 2018/10/22 10:32:44 $ by $Author: coralie $.