Drafted 3 proposal SC's, see link above
Please continue to add to the proposals document if you come up with other problems mobile users have that aren't solved by current SCs. There will be a joint meeting with the low-vision group in January.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Default Present: JakeAbma, Kim, Marc, Shadi Present: JakeAbma Kim Marc Shadi No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: kim Inferring Scribes: kim WARNING: No "Topic:" lines found. Found Date: 13 Dec 2018 People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: No "Topic: ..." lines found! Resulting HTML may have an empty (invalid) <ol>...</ol>. Explanation: "Topic: ..." lines are used to indicate the start of new discussion topics or agenda items, such as: <dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]