20:50:32 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 20:50:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/11/27-dxwg-irc 20:50:43 rrsagent, make logs public 20:50:50 chair: PWinstanley 20:51:37 regrets+ Simon Cox, Antoine Isaac, Andrea Perego, Rob Sanderson, Dave Browning, Ixchel Faniel 20:51:43 present+ 20:58:22 Makx has joined #dxwg 21:00:10 dsr has joined #dxwg 21:00:47 ncar has joined #dxwg 21:00:52 present+ 21:01:04 rrsagent, create minutes v2 21:01:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/27-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 21:02:21 present+ 21:02:40 Jaroslav_Pullmann has joined #dxwg 21:02:42 present+ 21:02:46 present+ 21:04:04 alejandra has joined #dxwg 21:06:17 roba has joined #dxwg 21:06:18 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwg 21:06:59 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2018.11.27 21:07:13 scribeNick: ncar 21:07:20 present+ 21:07:33 chair: PWinstanley 21:07:34 present+ 21:07:34 present+ 21:07:36 topic: admin 21:07:47 big shout-out to Antoine for fixing all the links for the UCR 21:07:57 https://www.w3.org/2018/11/20-dxwg-minutes 21:08:05 present+ 21:08:13 +1 21:08:15 propose agree minutes 2018-11-20 21:08:19 0 - not there 21:08:23 0 ( i was not there) 21:08:23 0 (was absent) 21:08:26 propose: agree minutes 2018-11-20 21:08:40 proposed: agree minutes 2018-11-20 21:08:41 s/propose:/proposed: 21:08:42 proposed: agree minutes 2018-11-20 21:08:49 +1 21:08:53 +1 21:09:20 +1 - i made a bit of a mess of the actions ... Ux nots so good here 21:09:27 that's now 21:09:28 +1 21:09:29 44 21:09:39 that's now 5 21:10:00 resolved: agree minutes 2018-11-20 21:10:09 topic: open actions 21:10:11 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/open 21:10:53 q+ 21:10:53 close action-260 21:10:54 Closed action-260. 21:11:21 ack roba 21:13:15 #261 came out of plenary 21:13:18 closed: action-261 21:13:24 close: action-261 21:13:32 close action-261 21:13:32 Closed action-261. 21:13:52 topic: profile ontology update 21:14:19 roba: doc with dsr, some changes still requested by kcoyle for abstract 21:14:31 PWinstanley: what's the namespace situation? 21:14:49 roba: namespaces as agreed in plenary, we are waiting for W3C feedback 21:15:04 PWinstanley: dsr, what's timing? 21:15:13 dsr: we should hear in a day or two 21:15:24 dsr: and I will let the group know 21:15:43 dsr: we have everything we need, I will work with editors on any small details 21:15:45 +1 21:16:11 PWinstanley: we need to be on a hair trigger for feedback, with Christmas break in mind 21:16:26 q? 21:16:33 PWinstanley: we have our spreadsheet for tracking interactions 21:16:34 q+ 21:16:44 ack roba 21:17:10 +q 21:17:17 roba: I will be presenting the ontology at the OGC's Spatial Data on the Web meeting in a few weeks 21:17:19 ack alejandra 21:17:28 https://2019.eswc-conferences.org/call-for-papers-research-of-research-track/ 21:17:44 alejandra: people could submit to ESWC 21:17:54 q+ 21:18:13 ncar: I am going to the ESWC 21:18:31 ack ncar 21:19:24 ncar: perhaps I will be able to submit Prof Ont to ESWC 21:20:00 PWinstanley: we must all focus on getting written feedback on the ontology so we have something to show to W3C for the work we've done 21:20:19 topic: new UCR draft 21:20:24 q+ 21:20:30 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 21:21:00 Jaroslav_Pullmann: antoine has done most of the recent work. He has sent an exhaustive email communicating the changes 21:21:06 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dxwg-wg/2018Nov/0802.html is Antoine's email 21:22:05 Jaroslav_Pullmann: the definition of what profiles are is changed, profile distributions - what they look like, profile metadata addressed and content negotiation by profile also 21:23:03 Jaroslav_Pullmann: antoine and I are interested in knowing if the new structure is useful 21:23:18 Jaroslav_Pullmann: next step is to look at undividual UC/Req wording 21:23:19 https://rawgit.com/w3c/dxwg/ucr_profile_requirements/ucr/index.html#RPFNCTERMS 21:23:27 +1 to the structure; this will help us write the guidance document 21:24:49 Can we have a date for review by group? 21:25:19 PWinstanley: action on all to look at UCR document to then have a discussion byt the 4th Dec 21:25:54 q+ 21:26:02 ack kcoyle 21:26:07 ACTION: ncar to (Everyone) review the UCR 21:26:07 Created ACTION-265 - (everyone) review the ucr [on Nicholas Car - due 2018-12-04]. 21:26:36 kcoyle: moratorium dates are on DXWG wiki page, Dec 19th is latest 21:26:46 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Main_Page#Key_Dates 21:27:06 action: Jaroslav_Pullmann to validate UCR with PubRules 21:27:07 Created ACTION-266 - Validate ucr with pubrules [on Jaroslav Pullmann - due 2018-12-04]. 21:27:35 topic: DCAT review 21:28:59 alejandra: the subgroup has been discussion specific issues, e.g. more frequent PWDs, subgroup will do another PWD release before Christmas with Issues discussed in GitHub then followed by another PWD in January 21:29:13 alejandra: does this timing seem ok? 21:29:30 PWinstanley: we should be moving towards final in January 21:29:47 PWinstanley: have we addressed the issues raised by Trani? 21:30:19 alejandra: we have replied for clarification and placed issues in GitHub 21:30:29 PWinstanley: are there any showstoppers? 21:30:36 alejandra: I don't think so 21:31:11 topic: leftovers 21:31:23 PWinstanley: we have a few new proposed UCs 21:31:27 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/238 21:31:35 PWinstanley: roba, one is yours, what's the situation? 21:31:58 roba: this was discussed and shouldn't be here (in UCR) so it should be removed 21:32:28 PWinstanley: any other business? If not, we have had a short effective meeting 21:32:37 rrsagent, create minutes v2 21:32:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/27-dxwg-minutes.html PWinstanley 21:32:48 present- 21:32:59 bye! 21:33:02 present- 21:33:21 bye 21:33:31 quit 21:33:38 \quit 22:09:40 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwg 22:09:54 regrets+ Annette Greiner 22:10:01 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:10:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/27-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 22:10:12 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2018.11.27 22:10:13 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:10:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/27-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 22:11:00 meeting: DXWG plenary 22:11:01 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 22:11:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/11/27-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 23:16:49 dsr_ has joined #dxwg