<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
<DaveBrowning> No
<alejandra> problem of deprecation in schema.org, example: https://schema.org/Attorney
all: [discussion on scope and place for the alignments of DCAT / Schema.org]
<alejandra> Riccardo's document with examples: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R9jSpn8vVXJkJqVD7lZzYbD2o3mVmbPQkdf8velRXy8/edit?ts=5bd71bcb#heading=h.pltpe5vgr6a8
alejandra: Jeremy mentioned the approach used in the SDW Best Practices of having regular releases every 3/4 weeks.
SimonCox: Another option is to make regular announcements pointing to the ED.
alejandra: Actually, so far we received 2 comments already. Should we draft a response?
SimonCox: About Clemens's comment, I don't think it is a problem to provide a response and resolving that comment.
DaveBrowning: I have an action to reply to Clemens, and create an issue in GH where the comments can be discussed.
SimonCox: There was another comment in GH from Stephen Richard highlighting a communication issue about the inclusion of services in DCAT.
<SimonCox> AndreaPerego: we need to make very clear that cataloguing Services is not mandatory
<SimonCox> ... this is an additional capability, which is provided in addition to descrbing Datasets and Distributions
<alejandra> https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg/issues/1423
<SimonCox> We should also add examples of (i) SPARQL endpoint (ii) Services that are *not* bound to specific datasets
<alejandra> that's the issue about webapi
<alejandra> in schema.org
<SimonCox> ... we have an example of the latter from the OGC Soil IE (it is actually not even a 'geospatial' service per se)
<alejandra> Milestone: https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/milestone/14
all: [discussion on the best way to describe the mappings]
alejandra: Have we an agreement about where we put the mappings (i.e., outside the DCAT spec)?
DaveBrowning: My understanding is that there's not yet an agreement.
Succeeded: s/Steven Ridget/Stephen Richard/