SVG Working Group Teleconference

29 Oct 2018


AmeliaBR, Tav, krit


<scribe> scribenick: AmeliaBR

TPAC recap

Dirk: There's a new Community Group on positive work environment; used to be members-only, now trying to be more open. Also, part of general move by W3C to make sure people are supported.
... For our Working Group, I talked with W3C & various AC reps. Everyone still wants SVG WG to go forward.
... but from W3C side, there is still strong push to get a PR-ready spec by end of November.
... For a Charter renewal, there was interest from elsewhere in Adobe & others that we get a clear W3C spec for the SVG that is covered by SVG-in-OpenType fonts. This is mostly a subset of SVG 1.1.

Amelia: There are also some new features that are used in SVG in OpenType, like the context keywords.

Dirk: That's true. There is a lot that needs to be specified more clearly. But also, the idea is that this new spec wouldn't be *just* for glyphs, but a standardized subset of SVG for various applications.
... For the main spec, I think the interest is *not* to do an SVG 2.1, but to use SVG 2.0 as a basis and then pursue new features in modules, not a monolithic spec.
... There was a request from Microsoft to have a few additions to SVG 2, they hope to make proposals soon.

Amelia: Changes for the 2.0 spec, or new features?

Dirk: New features for modules.
... It also sounds like we might get some new editors. There was suggestions from Microsoft that they will assign people again. Not sure if it will be David Storey or someone new.
... There was also process updates. A new system where you could ask for a re-publication with a GitHub issue or PR instead of emails to staff contact. Haven't looked at the differences carefully..

Tav: What are the new features Microsoft is proposing?

Dirk: One was something like non-scaling-stroke, but scaling with maximum and minimum.
... also non-scaling pattern fills, and something about gradient types
... he was going to send a proposal.
... One thing to discuss is whether we want new proposals to go to a community group or WICG, or keep it in the main group.
... There are 4 different SVG-related community groups, but none of them are very active right now.

Tav: Splitting things up can kill momentum if there aren't enough people.

Dirk: Yes. But there are a number of different approaches being used by other groups. Probably best to wait until we get new WG members.
... Any concerns about leaving SVG 2.0 as the last monolithic spec & doing future work in modules?

Amelia: That was what I hoped would happen.

Dirk: So I thought, but we will need to clarify as we write the new charter, which I'll be working on with Chris.

Web components & SVG


Amelia: Based on the comment in the issue, there was a "rough consensus" to match the Chrome/Firefox behavior (so SVG cross-references work inside shadow DOM), but there are still details to work out.

Dirk: And the decision was to treat links differently than other cross-references, so they could still link out to the rest of the page.
... But also not clear which spec this should be in.
... Not sure what needs to change in our spec. There was a discussion of having xlink:href behave differently from href, but others disagreed with that.

Amelia: I will be keeping an eye on the issue. I don't think we'll need to change much in SVG 2.0 core
... If the behavior they decide on isn't backwards compatible with use-element shadow DOM, then use-elements will just have special behavior. So all we need is to keep defining what use elements should do.

Styling and Use Element shadow trees

Github: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/504

Dirk: Amelia & I discussed this with Emilio (who posted the issue) over IRC last week.
... So, the nature of shadow trees is that style selectors from the main document don't match into the shadow tree. In SVG 2 currently, we say to copy the CSS rules into the shadow tree & then match again. But some rules wouldn't match, because the shadow tree is only part of the original tree.
... This allows the approach to be more consistent with the rest of the web platform, but it doesn't match Edge/Chrome/Safari current behavior. From discussion, Microsoft in particular was against any change that wasn't backwards compatible.
... So maybe we can work with people to find a solution that is both consistent with web components and also backwards compatible.


<krit> https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/struct.html#UseStyleInheritance

That's the example from the spec of a rule that would change between the old or new rules.

Amelia: One thing that has changed since the SVG 2 text was written is we decided to make the use shadow trees closed to author scripts. This gives us room for a little extra magic that can't be defined by regular shadow DOM.
... The SVG 1 version of cloning the cascaded styles has its own problems. But the break comes specifically from selector matching. So maybe what we need is a little bit of "magic" rules for how selectors match in use-element shadow trees.
... so if a path element was cloned from somewhere it was a child of a g, then `g > path` would match the shadow path, even though there is no shadow `g`.
... but interactive selectors like `:hover` would still be assessed on that particular shadow element, not on the original.

Dirk: Is this possible to implement cleanly?

Amelia: It would need special code, but anything that is backwards compatible would need special code, because its unique behavior.

Dirk: Ok. But I think we need a discussion with CSS & web components folks.

HTML media elements in SVG

Github: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/563

Dirk: I made a PR, Amelia has already reviewed. I initially was wondering whether these should stay as graphical elements, but since there is no support I just removed them completely.

Tav: Removing completely? Oh, for direct reference only. But they would still work in foreignObject.

Dirk: yes
... No implementations and limited interest. The PR also covers SVGUnknownElement. I'm not even sure if there's agreement whether that's a good idea. It could also require changes in the HTML parser.

Tav: No problem with the removal.

Amelia: For the media elements, the main interest was from non-browser software, to be able to use multimedia without a full HTML+CSS implementation. But that means less likelihood that browsers will move forward to implement.
... So deferring makes sense for now.
... For SVGUnknownElement, that's a bit of a breaking change. Not sure if just deferring will fix anything. Maybe just accept to remove.

Dirk: Well, we can decide the future later. But do we agree to remove from 2.0?

Tav: Yes.

Amelia: Yes

<gsnedders> Yes.

Amelia: I had specific questions on the PR, making sure we don't accidentally remove other text, but support for the general idea.

Geometry properties on use and symbol

github: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/525

Dirk: The spec has some inconsistencies, about whether x/y/width/height are geometry properties on symbol and use.
... there are also pattern and mask.

Amelia: Inconsistency was my fault; changed the definitions for symbol/use & didn't catch the other places that should be updated.
... Can't remember all the discussion that went in to the change, but I think main argument was that it was useful for authors & there was no real reason not to allow it.
... But, problem is that that change happened after the Blink & WebKit implementations of geometry properties shipped, and I don't think anyone has updated it since, so we don't have our two implementations for Proposed Rec status.
... Now, as Dirk mentions, there are other elements with these attributes where we weren't yet ready to call them CSS properties, but hope to in the future. So if we roll the spec back, its not to say that it won't happen in the future.

Dirk: So, the question is what do we include in SVG 2?

Amelia: I think we need some tests. Confirm what is/isn't supported yet. Maybe ask if any implementations are in process.

Dirk: Agreed. Then we can follow up with discussion on the issue & bring it back to the WG with more data.

Meeting time

Dirk: North America switches back to Standard time next week.

Amelia: It might be best to do an email poll, where everyone can see it in their own time zone.

trackbot, end telcon

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2018/10/29 21:10:32 $

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