Web Authentication Working Group Teleconference

19 Sep 2018


elundberg, Rolf, weiler, jfontana, jcj_moz, LukeWalker, Ketan, Akshay, jeffh


<scribe> scribenick: weiler


jcj: we should close this.


1045 / mobile support

jc: I recommend to close this with no action.

<jcj_moz> https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1045

jeff: one could argue that we should explain this better. don't need to do it now.

jc: not sure what we'd say - "if you're implementing for other-than-browser..."

rolf: that would help

jc: then maybe we should get it in.
... where to put it?

Rolf: intro.

jc: I'll do it.

jeff: is theere a link for MS's approach?

jc: I don't think we should link to only one platform....
... if we don't have MS, then don't link at all.

Akshay: I'll try to find one.
... I'd make this a level 2 thing.

jfontana: we'll wait for that link and resolve this.

akshay: if no link, then level 2

jfontana: will you put this in 1045 or a new PR?

akshay: 1045


export definitions.

jeff: this is ongoing editorial. to help other specs with auto cross-reference.
... no need to do this right now.

[discussion of how standard this is]

jeff: I wouldn't do this now. maybe for rec.
... could do export by default.

rolf: this is non-normative. can do it at a later stage.

jfontana: seems like something we should do, but not now.

jeffh: change it to the rec milestone.


akshay: links change all the time... I think we should not have links, just "see platform guide"

jfontana: jc?

jc: i put some text in. i'll do the PR today.

akshay: I like this text


jfontana: 14 other issues.

adopt consistent terms for RP server-side and client-side components https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/80

jeffh: ongoing stuff....

akshay: push this to Rec milestone.

jeffh: +1


jfontana: this is ongoing tracking issue

weiler: it shouldn't stop progress
... might be good to fill in links to where we asked for reviews.


jeffh: @@ Would be good to get feedback from chrome and edge. we've been intending since early Aug to just punt on this for proposed rec.
... we need to figure out if this will block going to rec.
... it is technical changes to the spec.

jc: we should go ahead, but I don't know what to write.
... logically, firefox copies as soon as process starts

jeffh: algs don't say to do that, which is what boris is objecting to.
... this is a normative change.
... do we have wiggle room?

akshay: we can't do normative changes now.

wendy: if we had a sense of how it should it, we could put in a non-normative example, if that would help implementers to match.
... or leave it undefined. but a normative change would require back to CR.

jeffh: obviously firefox edge and chrome are doing something.

akshay: @3

jeffh: someone needs to figure out how to navigate this.

weiler: does the constraint for non-normative helps make it clearer what to write?

jc/jeff: yeah

weiler: since it's non-normative, do we hold PR for it, or does it wait?

wendy: if we want boris to see it at AC review, then do it now

jfontana: JC, will you try to write this?

Add clearer definition of API use cases to the spec https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/334

jfontana: move to level 2


jeffh: push to rec / ongoing.


jeffh: i need to file an issue with whatwg; the best thing we can do is a non-normative comment. if UA supports token binding, then do some magic to get your hands on the token binding ID.

jfontana: jeff, will you do it?

jeff: let's deal with it now, so people can review it.

wendy: expectation is that PR will become the Rec.
... we should get everything into it

akshay: so push to level 2 or resolve now?

wendy: yes, unless super-editorial, like typos.


<wseltzer> [or markup]

jeff: punt. and other things we're pushing off should likely also go to level 2.


jeff: not user-visible. make it level 2 / doesn't matter.


jeffh: wendy? Sam?

jeff: hard timeout disappeared?

akshay: correct
... I don't know what to write here.. too many unknowns

<wseltzer> https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#discover-from-external-source

jeffh: could add an implementaion consideration... offer such users opportunity to tweak timeouts.

rolf: maybe reference w3c spec on this?

jeff: I'll look at it. may not be 'til end of week.

wendy: can we just say "consider cognitive accessibility in setitng timeout values"

jeffh: here and in getassertion

akshay: i'll submit the PR today.
... can someone else suggest text?

jeffh: I'll put some in the issue.


jeffh: this needs to get done by rec
... but these are credman changes

wseltzer: webappsec is interested in splitting credman to fix this
... we can give that to the director as the assurance that it will work okay.

weiler: put it at rec


jfontana: this looks like credman, too.

wendy: let's make sure issues are filed v. credman

jfontana: ask jeff to do that.


akshay: arnar needs to sort this

[several people not sure re: this one]

weiler: leave it at PR while other PR issues resolve. if nothing happens, move it to L2.



jc: I opened the PR.
... should we be more clear that it's a reocmmendation - make it a "note"?
... I'm fine with it as-is.

akshay: I'm fine with i.

<Rolf> I agree: PR is ok IMHO.


[no issues; jc will merge]


jfontana: still five open issues.

weiler: who has the action for creating the PR tarball.

akshay: adam did that.

adam: I already called "not it".
... but I can do it.

weiler: wait 'til the issues clear

adam: a week from Friday is my last day at FIDO. At amzn after that; could be crazy after that.

jfontana: let's aim for Friday.

wseltzer: unlikely that the director will give us one-day turnaround.

akshay: i'll do 733.. 360 is jeff. 1022 - wait for arnar or push to l2

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.153 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/09/19 18:04:19 $

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Succeeded: s/on/all/
Succeeded: s/red/rec/
Present: elundberg Rolf weiler jfontana jcj_moz LukeWalker Ketan Akshay jeffh
Found ScribeNick: weiler
Inferring Scribes: weiler
Found Date: 19 Sep 2018
People with action items: 

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