Clreq Editors' Call

17 August 2018

Meeting Minutes

The new trends in standardization of CLReq

Bobby: We will have an APL (Advanced Publishing Laboratory) Symposium on Sep 19 Wed in Tokyo
… fantasai & r12a will also join
… after the W3C Workshop on Digital Publication Layout and Presentation (from Manga to Magazines)
… frivoal, r12a, Bobby, and 橋口 侯之介 will present

huijing: I'll also be there.

Eric: the presentation will be in Japanese?

Bobby: yes.
… In 2013, I translated JLReq
… with the help of Angel & Chunming, we established the Chinese Layout TF
… to develop a JLReq-like document for Chinese
… CSS Fonts L4 added support for 'font-family: fangsong'
… which is great

Eric: We can mention the diff between TC and SC in the Symposium
… which should really be locale differences, rather than language/script/character differences
… we can also mention Bopomofo

Bobby: And some issues in pinyin
… also ruby in light novels
… it's a kind of new requirement
… Related: https://‌www.slideshare.net/‌studioego/‌coscup-x-gnomeasia-x-opensuse-2018-support-to-korean-language-on-gnome-cjk-issues-of-floss
… see 94/132 ^
… we can also talk about line composition

Eric: Like prohibition rules for line start and line end.
… also the position of punctuation marks
… it's currently controlled by the glyph
… Unicode 12.0 is proposing new variation sequences for it

Go through the issue and pull request list


huijing: I made the suggested changes
… DengXian is a new font for SC in Windows 10

xfq: Should we add -apple-system?

Yijun: It's San Francisco, not PingFang.

xfq: I see.

xfq: I think we can merge it.

All: Agreed.


Eric: Richard's guess and Bobby's image are correct
… re @moyogo's comments, I don't think it should be solved in the fonts level

Bobby: It's out of scope of the lreq document

Eric: The original text is correct, but we can clarify more because it has caused confusion.


Bobby: Is it about middle dots?

xfq: I think it's about fullwidth and halfwidth full stop usage.

Eric: I suggest that we merge the text in the note of into 3.2.1

Previous discussion: https://‌www.w3.org/‌2018/‌05/‌14-clreq-minutes.html


Bobby: I can write this

Next telecon time

October 11, Thu, 19:00-20:00 (UTC+8)

All: Agreed.

Bobby: We can discuss if we have any input for TPAC
… and if there is any new section we want to add

Thanks everyone!

Minutes formatted by Bert Bos's scribe.perl version 2.41 (2018/03/23 13:13:49), a reimplementation of David Booth's scribe.perl. See CVS log.


Succeeded: s/proposed/is proposing/

Failed: s/It's San/It's San/

Succeeded: s/is correct/are correct/

Succeeded: s/Related:/... Related:/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: xfq