16:55:26 RRSAgent has joined #webauthn 16:55:26 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/08/08-webauthn-irc 16:55:28 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:55:28 Zakim has joined #webauthn 16:55:30 Meeting: Web Authentication Working Group Teleconference 16:55:30 Date: 08 August 2018 16:55:33 present+ weiler 16:58:58 present+ agl 17:00:51 present+ Ketan 17:01:35 mandyam has joined #webauthn 17:02:20 Ketan has joined #webauthn 17:02:28 present+ gmandyam 17:02:57 present+ nadalin 17:02:58 elundberg has joined #webauthn 17:03:06 present+ Akshay 17:03:08 present+ 17:03:34 chair: nadalin 17:05:07 jfontana has joined #webauthn 17:05:30 present+ jfontana 17:05:54 weiler: Chrome on my phone doesn't want to load the call URL in the agenda email 17:08:04 you had a mic for a bit and it was echoing 17:08:39 tony: yes, we did get updated CR draft out there 17:08:48 ...published 17:09:15 ...as far as IPR is concerned should be no issue going forward 17:09:26 ...we can get things closed in time for PR submission. 17:09:33 ...any qustions. 17:09:46 jeffh has joined #webauthn 17:09:54 present+ amazingly enuff 17:10:01 @weiler no comments on it. I have not looked at time tool. 17:10:04 present+ 17:10:12 tony: I think we can keep up if we can get thse PRs and issues closed. 17:10:34 present- amazingly, enuff 17:10:41 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1021 17:10:52 tony: akshay has singed off on this. 17:11:13 ..no to enough acess rights , Mike can you do it. Yes. 17:11:43 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1023 17:12:02 tony: we need emil to sign off on this. Mike has signed off 17:12:14 ....can we give Jeff same authority he had before. 17:12:22 @weiler that should be fine. 17:12:29 toney: jeffH can you merge 17:12:34 jeffH: I can do it. 17:12:51 @weiler on time line. should I send out snippet of timeline to everyone. 17:13:25 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1024 17:13:44 tony: this is ready to go. Dominic? he does not have rights. 17:13:50 jeffH: I can do it 17:14:07 tony: we don't have PRs without milestones, lets look at issues. 17:14:33 tony: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/876 17:14:47 ...we had a decision on this. 17:15:08 ...we have 3 technical issues 17:15:43 ...#294, #1004, 876 17:16:12 ...#1014 also 17:16:17 present+ 17:16:50 selfissue: can I go back to 876. we can 't close until credman is fixed. 17:16:56 ...who can do PR 17:17:00 JeffH: I can 17:17:06 selfissue: I will add that 17:17:27 jeffH: i proposed it last week. I have work to do in credman and I will get to it next week. 17:18:00 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1014 17:18:22 tony: not sure this is an issue 17:18:57 agl: we looked at this last week 17:19:11 tony: it is tagged an technical and i can't see it 17:19:20 jeffH: i think we agree we can pull technical tag 17:19:54 tony: i think that gets us down to the last 3 technical issues. 17:20:29 ...we have #334, I don't think Christiaan is on the call today. 17:20:47 present+ John_Bradley, selfissued 17:21:08 jeffH: there needs to be some clarification. And work I did with Emil on authenticator taxonomy. One could say it has been addressed to some degree, but it needs review or more detail 17:21:22 tony: who is good to review 17:21:27 ...akshay? 17:21:35 akshay: sure. 17:21:44 assigned to akshay and christiaan 17:22:01 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/358 17:22:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/08-webauthn-minutes.html weiler 17:22:07 tony: assume jeffH is lookng at this 17:22:27 jeffH: we are not going to fix everything for PR, we have been chipping away at it 17:22:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/08-webauthn-minutes.html weiler 17:22:44 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/403 17:22:50 jeffH: this is on my list to address 17:23:02 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/462 17:23:10 tony: this goes along with the duplicates. 17:23:15 ..you chipping away 17:23:19 jeffH: yes. 17:23:43 elundberg think there is some we can eliminate in # 462 17:23:55 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/578 17:24:20 tony: elundberg did you cover this with taxonomy 17:24:29 elundberg: I don't think so. 17:25:11 tony: would seem this might be a place this gets described also. can you look and this and incorporate? 17:25:35 elundberg: yes. will look at authenticator operations 17:25:52 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/585 17:26:48 tony: is it possible we wind up looking at server spec in FIDO re: RPs 17:27:41 jeffH: can we reference the server spec from FIDO. 17:27:46 tony: it should be public 17:28:02 heffH: someone can add a reference for it and we can wait for it to appear. 17:28:13 tony: I will make sure that goes public - FIDO server. 17:28:22 ...it is out for IPR review 17:28:33 ...we will make it a public document 17:29:30 apowers: the server spec is published 17:29:38 jeffH: we can reference it 17:29:45 manu: https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-v2.0-rd-20180702/fido-server-v2.0-rd-20180702.html 17:29:50 doh 17:30:14 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/704 17:30:20 jeffH: this is just editorial 17:30:29 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/733 17:30:44 jeffH: waiting for feedback from the accessibility people 17:30:55 tony: can we get a message to them, sam 17:31:06 @weiler: I can figure it out. 17:31:15 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/764 17:31:28 elundberg: not much was can do here 17:31:43 tony: not sure there is much we actually would want to do here. I can cause other issues 17:31:53 ...I suggest this winds up getting closed. 17:32:01 selfissue: closed or V2 17:32:28 tony: it comes down to authenticator selection, we can push it off or we can close it now. 17:33:06 agl: on the surface, this person is looking at silent authenticators, I am in favor of closing. 17:33:13 tony: I would agree on close 17:33:32 jeffH: close it with noted rational. 17:33:42 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/796 17:33:45 tony: cleanup 17:33:56 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/876 17:34:08 tony: back to this, we are OK with this 17:34:21 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/972 17:35:00 agl: this is awkward one. fido spec shows the whole complex thing, we want to reference the spec , but the spec is kind of nonsense and nobody does it. 17:35:10 ...I will take on PR and try to work that diplomatically 17:35:22 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/980 17:35:49 agl: might be some minor cleanup here. but in has AppID implications. 17:35:57 tony: we don't want to do that. 17:36:12 ... not sure a clarification would be any good in extension 17:36:27 agl: I think there is some confusion here. 17:37:13 ...would it help to clarify, but something in the issue 17:37:25 .... I will add a comment in the issue for Shane (author) 17:37:30 jeffH: that sounds good 17:37:44 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/981 17:38:09 jeffH: on this one, in FIDO registry there is , i think, 4 certificate flavors 17:38:30 ...this is kind of an interop thing. Shane has a good point here, what should RPs implement for? 17:39:05 ...this has broadened out, it might be good to constrain 17:39:19 q+ 17:39:45 ack ma 17:40:07 gmandyam: is algorithm re-specified in the cert chain? 17:40:31 agl: it's x509 tells you ..... can put anything in 17:41:23 elundberg: should we add a note to refeence this registry that jeffH mentioned and say these 4 algorithms should be added 17:41:31 jeffH: I am putting in a comment now 17:42:38 agl: we could nail down more here 17:42:46 jeffH: you may want to 17:43:26 agl: as browsers implementing this spec, we pass what the token gives us. this is kind of a FIDO thing 17:43:42 elundberg: it is also related to assertion signatures. 17:44:00 ...could have any flavor for user keys, but need to support all key formats 17:44:11 agl: the assertion key is negotiated to some extent. 17:44:14 ..it has to work. 17:45:32 gmandyam: I ask about this at IETF. we have definitive algorithms and cert rules, it is up to RP whether they want to interpret or ignore 17:45:36 ...what else can you say 17:45:56 jbradley: which anything should I implement is the question from shane 17:46:16 gmandyam: fair enough, but jeff's concern in valid 17:47:30 agl: if you want interop, you do not force attestation 17:47:53 jbradley: the other thing is, this might be valuable in the FIDO metadata 17:48:12 jbradley: never mind this might be circular 17:48:42 tony: OK, any other discussion on #981 17:48:55 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1012 17:49:03 tony: we have a PR open against, should be ok 17:49:14 ...we discussed #1014 17:49:21 ...and #1019 is just editorial 17:49:33 jeffH: elundberg is assigned. 17:49:43 tony: that takes us through the issues. 17:50:01 ...we have couple of open issued for triage. 17:50:38 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1011 17:51:13 gmandyam: the PR does not remove Safety Net , it is just for augmentation. 17:51:36 ...we can close it, but it not something for L1 perhaps 17:51:43 tony: we can tackle in L2 17:51:54 gmandyam: sure 17:52:36 ...in Level2 timeframe there will products in market will have trust on attestation....it seems we can find a solution to position this so it is not a choice or of or the other 17:52:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/08-webauthn-minutes.html weiler 17:52:55 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1020 17:53:01 tony: is this in our scope 17:53:17 elundberg: I plan to add a comment. Hopefully there will be a fix. 17:53:39 JeffH: in could bring clarification in the spec 17:54:11 gmandyam: user can leverage what is in the browser 17:54:30 elundberg: we don't require implementers of web authn are not required to implement ctap 17:54:44 ...so it does not require external authenticators 17:55:01 gmandyam: isn't that the point 17:55:28 jeffH: summarize at bottom on issue, and he discusses risk... we know this. RPs can to things to accommodate this 17:55:36 s/hopefully there will be a fix/hopefully this will be a wontfix/ 17:55:37 ...it goes back to use cases in #334 17:55:47 ..his point may be moot. and we need to explain it better. 17:55:55 selfissue: can you add that to #334 17:56:02 jeffH: sure 17:56:12 tony: last one is 1022 17:56:22 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1022 17:56:45 tony: looks like we are doing this today, but it is not document well 17:56:56 tony: agl I will assign this one to you 17:57:05 ...that is all I have for today. 17:57:10 ..anything else? 17:58:04 elundberg: I am a bit worried aobut lcient operations we have , we have 3-4 ways to abort and return error. I am worried we might not be clear. 17:58:13 tony: can you put it into level 2 17:58:48 selfissue: I have editorial question. the current CR is not listed in the set of previous versions 17:59:07 jeffH: we typically had to add that manually after the editor's draft. 17:59:25 selfissue: I will create an issue and assign it to... 17:59:29 tony: sam 17:59:53 @weiler: were there any working drafts issued between the two CRS 17:59:59 tony: not that i am aware of 18:00:14 @weiler: you want the editor's draft to show that? 18:00:21 tony: yes. 18:00:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/08/08-webauthn-minutes.html weiler 19:47:43 Zakim has left #webauthn