WoT F2F in Prague - Day 1

27 Mar 2018


Barry_Leiba, Kaz_Ashimura, Matthias_Kovatsch, Michael_Lagally, Dave_Raggett, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Victor_Charpenay, Daniel_Peintner, Taki_Kamiya, Takeshi_Sano, Ryo_Kajiwara, Darko_Anicic, Dan_Brickley, Milan_Milenkovic, Michael_Koster, Paul_Changjin_Jeong, Kazuaki_Nimura, Soumya_Kanti_Datta, Ege_Korkan, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Zoltan_Kis, Kunihiko_Toumura, Toru_Kawaguchi, Takeshi_Yamada, Ari_Keranen, Michael_McCool, Kazuo_Kajimoto, Elena_Reshetova(remote), DarkoAnicic, Benjamin_Klotz(remote)
Matthias, McCool, Kajimoto
taki, ege, kaz, nimura


<inserted> scribenick: taki

Next F2F

<inserted> Matthias: Are there any conflict for June 30- July 5?

<kaz> (no objections)

<inserted> Matthias: Good.

RESOLUTION: the next F2F will be held in Korea on June 30-July 5 (June 30-July 1 for PlugFest)

Plugfest Security Postmortem

McCool: Let's plan for next PlugFest.
... In the afternoon, discuss security metadata.
... Outline. What we tried. What's issue...
... Intel: Two exposed Things.
... local https. Basic auth.
... Not used by anyone else.
... using metadata proposals.
... Siemens. Https + basic auth.

Mattias: and bearer tokens

Matthias: proxy support. forward proxy.
... and reverse proxies. (things only reachable through proxies)
... used oracle instance.
... disabled cert check using config flag.
... last plugfest, used bearer tokens with Fujitsu beacon light.

Soumya: I used https. TD was encypted.
... It was a plain encryption.
... securoty of Thing itself is under development.

Yamada: Https + bearer token (jwt)

Kawaguchi: Global endpoint.
... Let's encrypt. local http only.

Matsukura: Fujitsu used https.
... proxy supported https.
... locally http only.
... https supported locally, but turned off for plugfest.

McCool: I will put this up to Github. people can edit it later.
... and I will create a survey.

McCool recaps what we did in Plugfest...

McCool: Issues such as protocol error. Probably due to firewall etc.
... Worked in hotel but not at Oracle.
... network disconnection. self-signed certification. those were also issues.

Kajiwara: we try to enable local device. using local CA.
... It is a CG work.
... HTTPS Local CG.

McCool: only limited set of authentication schemes. Only basic auth and beaerer tokens (jwt).
... Incomplete metadata. Those were issues.

Kawaguchi: cross-site scripting issue.
... Browser prevented us from using cross-site scripting.

Matthias: Was that your own servient?

Kawaguchi: We allowed it. Proxies did not.
... I used Chrome.
... I had problem when I used TD.
... Advanced ACE.
... Node-Red did not have problem.

Matthias: Chrome behaved correctly.
... Copper under firefox was not working.

McCool: I also used curl.

Matthias: Scripting issue. therw was not an issue in fetching.

McCool is creating a slide on scripting API issues...

<kaz> -> McCool's slides tbd@@@

McCool: cross-site scripting issue specific to using WoT scripting API inside browser.
... "Dashboard" app trying to connect to Things that was at different location.
... any other issues?

Zoltan: ACL is implemented. Need to do provision manually.

McCool: Next plugfest plan. what do we wanna do?
... security metadata.

Matthias: 30 June and 1 July.

McCool: We need to be done by 1 June.
... We need to create a consistent security metadata set.
... by then.
... we need to try more authentication strategies.
... OAuth2, wider use of bearer tokens.

Matthias: Pop tokens (at least as a 1-1 prototype)

Elena: API keys

McCool: Basic auth

Barry: digest and basic auth. what's different?
... digest and local authentication should be used together.

McCool: OCF is based on ACE.
... metadata for ACE, and OCF. entry points, roles, etc.
... we also should try non-OCF implementation as well.

Matthias: I have implemetation in node.wot.
... It is work in progress.
... coap implentation in node is fragmented.

<ryo-k> fyi: web page for httpslocal cg is here https://www.w3.org/community/httpslocal/

McCool: First we define metadata, then need to implement.

Matthias: Can you share OCF ACE information?

McCool: authentication server, certification server. ACL.

Matthias: OCF tends to depend on IETF standards.

McCool: Discussion in IETF T2TRG is necessary.

Ari: Lightweight M2M.

McCool: We are gonna have lifecycle discussion.
... we have lifecycle diagram.
... it has implication on security.
... we have been focusing on operation phase.

Kajimoto: we need to analyze the gap between security document and the issues we now have.

McCool: we still need to do general discussion.
... Testing validation strategy is related too.

Kaz: We need to clarify requirements before analyzing the gap.

McCool: general discussion first, then concrete discussion.
... for now, practice first, then generalize.

Security Metadata

McCool presenting on Security metadata proposal...

McCool: Issues with current assumptions, goals and requirements. We need disucission.
... I present strawman proposal
... I generated concrete examples.
... issues.
... different authorization schemes in one Thing.
... different entry points, roles, management styles. etc
... RAML, OpenAPI have this. different authorization scheme in one thing.
... I made those assumptions.
... We need to discuss whether or not this is a requirement.
... security interaction patters

Matthias: TD says how to get authorization. role is in token.

McCool: I try to describe existing mechanism.
... We can validate assumptions llater.
... OpenAPI supports multiple strategies, multiple entry points.
... we do not want to replicate configuration definition.
... we give a name. and use it elsewhere.
... we can share configuration between interactions.

<kaz> security pullrequest 86

McCool: AND-OR combination scheme.

Elena: we need use cases.

Matthias: When proxy is there, we do not see OCF device behind it.

Elena: OCF is in local network, and has its own authentization mechansm.

Matthias: one thing, how can it possible to support multiple security systems?

McCool: coap and https.
... OCF device with coaps and https.
... We can use OR operation.

McCool showing examples...

McCool: Security is an array.
... each has @id and "scheme"
... each interaction has "security" field referencing id such as "ocf-config".
... Proxies.
... proxy configuration and endpoint configuration. we can define both in "security".
... OAuth is a bit complicated.

McCool showing OAuth metadata definition...

Matthias: we need to check what we really need.

McCool: We should not repeat information here if it is processed somewhere else.
... i tried to make metadata definition consistent with existing system such as OpenAPI.
... I will keep updating the proposal.
... There are open issues. compatibility with JSON-LD.
... list of supported security mechanisms. what's in and what's out.
... validation issues. combination of parameters.
... there can be invalid combinations.

<kaz> security metadata document

<inserted> Kaz: wondering about the proxy/gateway use cases. Do we want to think about server capability within TD as well?

Matthias: We need to be careful what we define for gateway use cases.

McCool: we first should focus on what we need.

McCool is showing detailed specification section...

McCool showing various examples...

McCool: presentation is just a summary.
... for now 5 schemes are listed.
... each scheme can specify relevant protocols.
... API key is a blob. Bearer tokens have structure.
... OpenID and inter-ledger are interesting.
... Please take a look at the proposal document, and provide comments.
... I created issues in Github.
... for open issues.
... such as versions for security schemes.

Kaz: Do we really want to use "OCF Security Model" as a categor?

McCool: it is scheme="ocf"
... It is work in progress.

Kaz: given other entry names are technology-based, maybe "ACL-based security" or "SDO-specific security" which includes this (=OCF Security Model) as an example

Sebastian: should we keep discussion separate from TD vocabulary discussion?

McCool: whether common or specific to schemes. It depends on this.

Matthias: extension points need to be defined in TD.

Sebastian: common part needs to be discussed in TD call.

Matthias: binding should be discussed in security call.

Dave: abstract model can be discussed in TD.
... we need a framework around TD.

<kaz> [break until 11:15am]

<ege> scribenick: ege

Interaction Patterns Sequence Illustration (Kajimoto/Kawaguchi)

<inserted> -> @@@tbd Slides

Kawaguchi-san: this presentaiton will be about presenting examples of interaction sequences, not a new standard
... no clear description of end to end sequence and inconsistency among spec drafts, e.g., WoT Architecture, WoT Thing Description and WoT Scripting API
... I only have HTTP prepared so my example will be based on that.
... Describing an example of HTTP get request with scripting api (sending the request, getting a promise as a response)
... Similar example description with an HTTP PUT request
... Now some new stuff, especially for the plug fest: HTTP long polling
... Sending a get request and getting the answer once the server device detects a change and sensds a response

McCool: question on long polling

Matthias: What you asked is more about multi-XXXX and not actually long polling

McCool: ok. (to kawaguchi-san) what is a change , what is a previous state. What happens if you have a request during a change

Matthias: That would be more like a bad implementation

McCool: I would think of getting a previous state in order to understand if there is actually a change

Matthias: what is the actual problem

McCool: What if I have the value 0, it changes to 2, there I subscribe and then it changes to 1 and I get that value so I miss the change to 2

Matthias: If you implement it right there shouldnt be such problems

Zoltan: We are not interested in making precise time stamping problems etc.

Matthias: There is a way by using cookies. First get you store a cookie as a server and the second time it gets a GET request it blocks it
... I wanted to the client side of long polling in node-wot for long polling during the plugfest but didnt have time

McCool: I wanted to implement both server and client side with node wot (SAID BEFORE THE 11:37 Matthias)

Matthias: There is also another pattern where even if you dont have a change you send something saying that hey Im still here

Koster: We can all agree that observable properties is event type

Ari: http, using different resources

Matthias: If a device is already existing, you cannot impose to put a timestamp

Zoltan: what about putting timestamps in responses

switch the order of 11:42 and 11:43

Zoltan: but the scripting should expect behaviour

Matthias: CoAP has the observe clock

Kawaguchi-san: Now simple web socket that has been implemented by Siemens
... presented the slide

Matthias: this is simple websocket so you need to define the underlying protocols afterwards
... (After a question of McCool) we cannot think what is the application use case

Dave: What about if I want to send 10000 property update a second

Matthias: Then you should events

McCool: My thinking is that simple things should be simple

Dave: yes but complex things should not be impossible

Matthias: but you can already do that

Zoltan: (explained how you can do it)

<ryo-k> Series Transfer Pattern: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-bormann-t2trg-stp-00

Koster: There is an IETF draft by bormann that can help about it

Kaz: What is the difference between slide 4 and 5 from the slide design point of view? the difference between the possible event handling mechanisms (and important points) should be described in addition to the diagrams themselves

Kawaguchi-san: I have found this action pattern and I have found this invokeAction method

McCool: return codes of actions

Matthias: there is no current XXX about having Hypermedia control kind of stuff

Zoltan_and_Matthias: It should be such that you get status or TD or whatever and from the information you learn what you can do with it

McCool: Scripting API should be protocol independent

Matthias: It might be good to have something in the TD that says that I will do this action
... Then it proceeds on doing the action. In the meantime you can still access the server. In the example of a cleaner, the action could take 2 hours and then respond and all this time is sort of not used.
... you cannot have two different implementation of a request. You cannot have one where it tell you that it will do the action rightaway and another that starts doing the action and then responds. It is possible but way simpler to pick one

McCool: (before Matthias' answer he asked something about having two version described in the TD)

Matthias and Sebastian: (in response the Koster's question) this type of flow should make it easier to people to understand the difference of action and properties

Kawaguchi-san: Now event patterns
... There is a github issue on how to use property action event

McCool: We need to see how MQTT works, maybe Michael has something to do with that

Sebastian: I would like to see CoAP in the observe patterns
... I have a student working on MQTT for Web of Things, I can provide input later on about it

Kawaguchi-san: This is mostly to illustrate and to say that everyone is ok with the action patterns

Matthias: we dont do discussions on "architecture", we do specific topics, e.g. terminology is a part of architecture

Matsukura-san: (a question on what about proxies that we have introduced in plugfests)

Kawaguchi-san: I think we should do another slide where we merge proxy and basic intereactions

RESOLUTION: both Panasonic diagram on the basic interaction and Fujitsu diagram including proxies can be included as part of the appendix (after some cleaning-up)

[break until 11:15am]

Interaction Pattern Definitions (Matthias)

Matthias: Presenting property definition in the terminology. it is updated

Dave: What about the observable aspects, is it described somewhere

Ari: What about write only

Matthias: That would be modeled by actions

Barry: What if someone cant read it because of access rights

Matthias: That would come from the orthogonal security aspects, it shouldnt be mixed with property deifinition

Taki-san: What about previous states

Matthias: You can have it in the application layer and model it by an array
... I understand this might be needed, can you bring a use case to discuss

McCool: Or an action to get the history

Barry: or use blockchain!

Matthias: (After a question from Lagally) If you want to model something, start with property, if you cant model pass to action, if you cant model it, pass to events and only after that if you cannot model it then we can talk about having a 4th interaction pattern

McCool: What about state transitions ( EGE: didnt get the discussion about the state machine etc.)

<kaz> Kaz: wondering if all the "properties" (or rather members/fields of TD) need to be exposed, or only exposed ones are called "properties"

Dave: What about generating events in the client

McCool: You can do it with actions

Dave: yeah that is a workaround but what about the concept

McCool: an action with semantics

Dave: No that is a workaround. What if there is a usecase that we dont know that can be modeled only with a client raising an event. I am not saying that there is one and that we should add something but more like raising the a question

Matthias: You want a P2P network that you can do with things being servient
... the initial definition of action had the idea of doing a physical change

McCool: Maybe actions should be not only about internal state because maybe i dont care about the change of the internal state but the result of the action that is something about the physical world

Milan: I dont think you should call strong consistency in the event delivery. You should either say best effort or guaranteed delivery. Strong consistency is a bit ambigous

Public: people agree on what Milan says

Matthias: So what are the use cases of read only, writable and observable properties

<kaz> [lunch till 2pm]

Matthias: I didnt have time to explain the updates

<kaz> scribenick: kaz

TD Data Schema Now and with JSON-LD 1.1 (Victor)

<inserted> -> Victor's slides@@@

Victor: new features from JSON-LD 1.1
... for the sake of the following discussion by Sebastian and Matthias
... syntax, etc.
... [Objective]
... define the transformation
... to RDF
... using only standardized procedure
... 3 possible steps
... set WoT context if not present
... default values
... transformation to RDF
... [changes]
... default values
... getting rid of arrays
... couple of other changes
... key-indexed interactions
... JSON Schema syntax for Data Schema objects
... relax of the constraint on arrays
... for @context and @type
... for easier implementations
... [Default values]
... [Key-indexed interactions]
... we use "name" to identify interactions

Matthias: what does "framing" mean?

Victor: several possible representations
... compact one, nested one, etc.
... all the formats are expected to be equivalent
... based on the same RDF model
... TD is normalized format we're looking for
... framing algorithm for defaults
... second thing is key
... representing interaction
... where the key is the identifier

McCool: link to other places?

Victor: "name" here is not equivalent with the one from RDF
... still some open issues
... provided use cases

Soumya: app servient wants to parse it?

Victor: easier for an object to use arrays...

Matthias: parsing problem and accessing information
... software object identical with TD structure
... codes are iterating

Victor: this is what our JSON Schema is defined
... open api also uses that
... [JSON Schema syntax]
... "fields" before "name" and "schema"

McCool: "prop" could be name of some property

Taki: @@@ prohibited?

Victor: reusing JSON Schema
... properties come from TD properties
... separate question
... another proposal for that

Matthias: let's focus on what JSON-LD 1.1 is like

Dan: W3C itself should make decision which to use

Matthias: if we go down to the path (1.1), what is the requirements?
... complexity?
... key is nice applicable feature
... AC review for the proposed Charter
... JSON Schema is independent from JSON-LD

McCool: what are our use cases?

Victor: framing is the most important feature
... there is no easy way without that
... on the other hand, many people have started to use JSON-LD and found problems

Matthias: regarding dependency
... syntax and semantics
... discussion during TPAC2017
... adapt to new concept
... being clearer

Sebastian: like the change (e.g., framing)
... interested people could provide use cases

Matthias: we should go through the changes

Victor: [COnstraint on arrays]

<danbri> JSON-LD charter is before W3C AC for review (https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2018JanMar/0054.html - member only link). Draft charter is (public link), https://www.w3.org/2018/03/jsonld-wg-charter.html

Kaz: left side and right side?

Victor: possible usage here (not left as 1.0 and right as 1.1 here]

Matthias: TD directory should support this
... how to deal with this convention?

Zoltan: array for "@type"?

Matthias: you can do that
... the parser would handle it

Victor: if you use other JSON-LD convention, other could have string, etc.

McCool: restriction for small devices?

Matthias: kind of education needed
... could be an array

Victor: [Issues]
... a couple of issues
... identification
... WoT convention, JSON path, RDF normalization
... Base URI
... use of JSON-LD's "@base"
... use of TD identifier
... [Identification issue]
... in both JSON-LD and JSON Schema
... there are properties and actions
... using "id" is JSON-LD 1.1 convention
... having "uuid" for some id
... if there are 2 identifications, would have id conflicts

McCool: observe tag?

Victor: "id" is yet another URI

McCool: relative to where the TD is
... may or may not be same

Victor: possibly other kind of IDs
... #properties/example/schema/properties/id JSON Path
... not sure how they handle it
... this is not part of the JSON-LD spec itself
... 3rd alternative: hash://md5/9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0 RDF normalization (randomly generated)
... common with temperature, etc.

Kaz: who handles the hash ID?
... possibly TD directory?

Victor: possible option
... also every agent may also expose the ID

Barry: new hash schema?

Victor: took from some proposal
... there are different ways there

Barry: talk about that later

Dan: RDF hash would make sense
... ":hash"

Barry: talk about later

Victor: [Base URI issue]
... how to declare TD
... how JSON-LD is defined here

<danbri> discussion of http://json-ld.github.io/normalization/spec/

Victor: just add "@base": "urn:wot:myThing"
... we could specify within the TD spec
... only has the space as the key
... in this case
... urn:wot:myThing/example WoT convention
... this is something we use
... might need access control
... submitted to the JSON-LD CG
... but pushed back

Matthias: why out of scope?

Victor: require some preprocessing
... we could continue to use option with JSON-LD 1.0

Matthias: discussion on the pre-processing stage?
... could also take the base id to fill the content

Victor: possible solution

Matthias: nice solution is
... this is TD-specific

Victor: this "@base" "urn:wot:myThing" would be put on the array if used for TD
... wanted to show this diagram...

McCool: we actually see them?
... or transformed results?

Victor: put into the TD as soon as the property is processed

McCool: how would a big ugly hash work?

Matthias: if you input extra document which is located somewhere
... you don't need the hash itself

McCool: possible human-readable id?
... in a form
... as alias

Kaz: possibly additional "display name" or "exposed name"?

McCool: within the document for the developer, the id should have a human-readable alias
... most users don't handle that

Victor: could be possible
... [diagram of DataSchema]

-> @@@url of Victor's DataSchema diagram tbd

Dave: extended diagram for DataSchema?
... used for multiple times?
... we can make it easy to use that so

Victor: all the data included in the DataSchema

Matthias: it's possible

Victor: we can reuse it once it's defined as part of DataSchema

Matthias: those are small extensions
... basic building blocks

McCool: some use case on binary data
... extend the Schema for that?
... media-type knows about that

Victor: anyway requires container

McCool: what if it's empty?
... leave it out?

Kaz: clarification on the colors

Victor: yellow upper nodes are JSON Schema
... green lower nodes are TD extensions
... [another diagram on SenML]
... binding templates spec
... interaction for properties here
... (goes through the diagram)
... abstract model regardless of the serialization

Sebastian: comment on the current TD ant this model
... for the future

Ari: just a future example?

Victor: yes
... [yet another example]
... provided by Matthias
... battery->schema->
... we can input this into the doc
... I'm done

McCool: min/max?

Victor: wanted to explain that kind of detailed but couldn't due to network connection

Matthias: "rssi" property

Victor: (shows the TD draft)
... (rawgit version)

Matthias: (explains the example)
... example 2

Zoltan: multiple ranges?

Matthias: whatever complex types
... might want to talk with the JSON Schema guys

Dave: arrays in JS 1.1
... order or unorder
... maybe unordered one would be less costly

Victor: JSON-LD?
... already covered

McCool: 1.0 as well?

Victor: yes
... just RDF list is used regardless of whether ordered or not

Matthias: what JSON-LD 1.1 could bring to us?
... is this something we want?
... should follow 1.1 version?
... note that we could be delayed by using 1.1 version
... this could be raised within the AC Review for the proposed JSON-LD 1.1 WG

Dave: would be good to join that group as well

Matthias: will look into this

Dan: some awkward characteristics on JSON-LD
... you need @context
... a bit awkward
... not sure this group really should add anything to their work

Victor: this work should be standardized

McCool: 2 comments
... our schemes fixed??
... any applications
... larger scope for IoT

Dan: when the RDF model group had discussion
... still questionable for this group

Lagally: when the draft would be published?
... we want to wait until JSON-LD 1.1 becoming a REC?

Matthias: no
... the roadmap I imagine
... 1.1 version is based on what they have been working
... may start around June
... figure out what the features to be fixed
... still loose end
... we have initial strawman for the next f2f if we start our work for 1.1 now

Lagally: wondering about the risks

Matthias: it's a complicated situation
... my expectation is JSON-LD 1.1 based version (of WoT specs) could be stable

Lagally: wondering about actual product implementations...

Sebastian: wouldn't expect yet another big changes...

Lagally: should work with the stable version?

Matthias: you can new features if you want
... same mediatype definition anyway

McCool: various possible issues
... if early enough, we might be able to resolve them

Soumya: hear 2 directions
... wondering about what oneM2M is doing
... they're using 0.a version for standardization

Matthias: the model would not compatible...
... their style is spec first and then implementations
... on the other hand, we've been working on implementations simultaneously
... another point is
... the model of TD itself didn't change drastically
... we have property, schema node there
... property could directly have type

Victor: not the way we should use JSON Schema

Matthias: meant small changes about the underlining model

Victor: possible solution might be using RDF itself :)

Matthias: possibly we can use pre-processing

McCool: as our plan b

Lagally: when we could expect implementations?
... might be going to 2020
... note that I'm talking about device manufacturers

Kaz: wondering if we could think about the core of JSON-LD vs 1.0 profile and 1.1 profile
... and work on both
... and then once the 1.1 version is fixed mainly work on that

Matthias: would try a vote
... who would prefer 1.1?
... whould would do that?

McCool: what version would make sense?

Kaz: not the final decision but people's opinions at the moment

Kajimoto: difference between 1.0 and 1.1?
... if the changes are very small, we can assume 1.1

Matthias: the changes are stronger than the ones they made previously
... positive feedback from Mozilla and EVRYTHNG as well
... would go for one specific solution

Taki: Victor explains the changes

Sebastian: more data side

Matthias: let's see what the JSON-LD 1.1-based TD would be like

Simplified TD with JSON-LD 1.1 (Sebastian/Matthias)

-> slides tbd@@@

TD pullrequest 116

Sebastian: first change (example 4 from TD)
... possibly semantics may not be decided
... JSON-LD 1.1 requires @context
... but it should not be necessary
... still based on the RDF model
... concrete triple
... at @context
... we need kind of post-processing as well

Matthias: possibly 3 processings?

Sebastian: we have to integrate the context

Matthias: in that case 3 processes?

McCool: user's perspective
... what 1.0 and 1.1 are like
... side-by-side examples?

Matthias: what about example 1?

<danbri> maybe typo on screen: Propertis (I think, fuzzy eyes :)

McCool: maybe we can generate an example?

Matthias: would like to look for that

(more discussions)

Sebastian: one big change is...
... (going back to the slides)
... [Downside of Current Workin Assumption]
... interaction container
... by the usage of "@type"
... class, type of the interaction model
... we use many "@type"s withing TD
... kind of interaction pattern
... semantic information like "iot:BinarySwitch"
... also we have to use container with JSON-LD 1.0
... because not allowed to use keys
... no restriction for that any more
... mandatory notations like "writeable", "observable"
... mediatype as "application/json" need to be defined everytime?

Matthias: some more discussion on "form" vs "link"
... we can ignore if "writeable" or "observable" is False

Sebastian: [Develoer Perspective]
... list of points
... usually HTTP/JSON is used on the Web
... why do I always have to write that down explicitly?

Matthias: may specify the default as HTTP, CBOR, etc.

McCool: mainly use CoAP
... OCF devices are CoAP-based

Matthias: actual commercial deployments use CoAP

McCool: default values always the same?
... other values could be set?
... from security viewpoint, constant default would make sense

Sebastian: [JSON-LD 1.1]
... [Pre-processing with JSON-LD 1.1 ...]
... [@context #103]

Matthias: let's take break now

[break until 4:10pm]

<inserted> scribenick: nimura

Sebastian: explaining about TD - W3C editors draft

Example4: Experimental TD example

<inserted> -> TD Example 4 based on JSON-LD 1.0 and 1.1

Matthias shows different

1.0: LD+JSON need @context

1.1: TD+JSON, we can do pre-processing

we still have name fields

ignore semantic markup @JSON-LD1.1@@@

Valid URI/(URN) is used for identify the TD

Sebastian: we already have a years ago the JSON-LD but gone after that

Matthias: property has JSON-LD 1.1 object.

McCool: the property is nice, but action and event are confusing

Matthias: programming language like JS restricts: name is identifier

link was singular but currently plural

we want re-use @id?

an object has single key: @id

"level": "name" work, but ambiguous.

when we starts use schema, this is one of the risk because there's nothing yet.

few solutions there and risk there. 5% of the case?

taki: can we be the pre-processing optional?

that's we are trying to do.

Matthias: we do this changes.

"integer" resolve URI in local, so no collision.

we are going to consistent to JSON schema.

RESOLUTION: we would like to go for the changes based on JSON-LD 1.1

major topic in TD call is explain about the issues at github.

link vs forms: it's like json schema

more natural from scriptingAPI point of view.

issue #88, #108

<inserted> TD issue 88

<inserted> TD issue 108

Protocol binding: for example OCF, non-standard implement implementation

It introduce bit complexly for property, but people continue to implement

Conclusion: exposing web resource, link to web resource is sufficient for get/put, you know what to do.

Property become less powerful but concept becomes simpler.

What happens for observe property?

How to differ get end pint and observe end point?

If you need to read OCF, need to have header.

stick to form there.

link gives relation to resources.

form gives interaction, but that's weird.

forms in html world have specific meaning providing data

Mm: stick to form, not automatically processing

Non standards interaction, we need to cover.

pre-processing has defaults, some kind of suggestion is needed.

New TD Vocabulary (description, version, tags, etc.) (Matthias)

"name" term there, @is becomes handle and unique.

human readable expression is favorable that's helps developers

about name, is it optional?

it's still working.

for the reference of object @id is necessary.

that's central of mandatory.

agreed on make "name" optional.

but name always require make sense.

we don'have "name" in some examples.

level can be used for expressing international language definition.

level and name are different.

level does not necessary like name

Name: {"en"]:"My Thing", "de":"Mein Ding"}

do we really needed?

that's internationalizable solution.

descriptions should be optional.

inside description maybe common markup can be defined.

description can be internationalizable.

about tags,

popular model among developers.

We have label, so not necessary tags?

Do not include TD vocabulary to tags.

about version,

is it optional?

it is useful for all of the application.

if we introduce change on TD version, runtime could handle it.

no version for TD, but JSON-LD version?

OCF has spec version.

<victor> candidate terms from standard vocabularies: owl:versionInfo, owl:priorVersion (not ideal), dc:hasVersion, spdx:versionInfo (best)

maybe instance version can be introduced?

thing should work like web. what's the purpose of version?

<kaz> (MLagally shows some examples on Java)

TD must be self contained: fetch all required web resources.

about author,



It's not author.

however TD can have author.

minimum thing is support URI for fetching.

about domain,

as seen in iotschema.org

do we want to separate into domain?

Synchronization topic by Matsukura-san

In the plugfest, many integrations are provided by companies, so share the info and update the architecture document.

device servients were located in two place.

oracle provides solution in Praque.

proxy servients coordinate application and devices.

these app from Oracle or so could access remote proxy.

role of proxy servient is manage TDs and coordinate connection between apps and devices.

how to use proxy servient?

device connects to local network that connected to local proxy servient.

then app can search the device from TD directory.

in the future, proxy servient supports binding template.

Zoltan: what discovery mechanism is used?

proxy servient contains Thing directory.

Zoltan: only devices underneath can be controllable?

remote proxy that connected multiple local proxy servients handles devices underneaths.

Zoltan: what is the request?

Fujitsu specific approach is taken.

McCool: how do the devices discover?

TD directory is the implementation of core directory.

McCool: what protocol uses, standard way?

victor: look up is different from Siemens one.

McCool: how security handles? how do I translate?

<kaz> Kaz: if needed, we should ask Sano-san from Fujitsu for clarification on detailed protocols for discovery/registration

app never see local address.

security metadata to TDs would be added

Is discovery supported like query?

Still simple approach by search name is taken.

Assumption is names are unique that's not good assumption.

next time Fujitsu might support iotschema approach.

SSE and long polling are supported.

nobody implemented SSE in plugfest, but Fujitsu check that.

compact WoT core is developping, and next time we will show the device.

thing directory, proxy and the variations can be reflected to architecture doc.

<kaz> Kaz: just wanted a clarification

<inserted> ... the first point here (slide 7) means updating the preparation/guideline.md for the next plugfest and the second point means updating the WoT Architecture document, e.g., the Appendix section like the one from Kawaguchi-san

showing scalability experience for example 1 million devices will be useful.

kawa: register things at one time is convenient.

<kaz> [ Day 1 adjourned ]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. the next F2F will be held in Korea on June 30-July 5 (June 30-July 1 for PlugFest)
  2. both Panasonic diagram on the basic interaction and Fujitsu diagram including proxies can be included as part of the appendix (after some cleaning-up)
  3. we would like to go for the changes based on JSON-LD 1.1
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/04/08 15:04:02 $