Tokenization Task Force

27 Feb 2018



ClintonAllen, Ian, Ken, adamsolove, kristina, michaelhorne, roy, stpeter, RichardWaller, Adrian, Manash, alyver, Carlos


Spec update


- Manash to analyze response data models from ApplePay, GooglePay, SamsungPay to compare with tokenization response data model

- I believe Keyur is working on request data to characterize tokens (to improve canMakePayment results).

Manash: It seems that the response data elements are consistent across wallets that provide token responses
... multiple wallets call a mastercard (or visa) service to generate a payload
... as such our internal team is confident that the payload is consistent across *Pay
... what we need to do in the main call on 8 March is to ask the chrome and safari and samsung teams to share their payload sample with their teams to find out if consistent with what they are doing.
... also want to have their teams review the encryption proposal


This example shows some fictitious Mastercard-specific response data.


displayLast4: "***6789",

displayExpiryMonth: "02",

displayExpiryYear: "22",

displayNetwork: "mastercard",

encryptedTokenizedCard: "QWxobHZ4bU4yWkt1QUFFU05GWjRHb0FCRkE9PQ==",


When decrypted, the encryptedTokenizedCard data would be:


cardNumber: "5413339000001513",

expiryMonth: "12",

expiryYear: "20",

cryptogram: "AlhlvxmN2ZKuAAESNFZ4GoABFA==",

typeOfCryptogram: "UCAF", // "Universal Card Authentication Field"

eci: "242", // Authorization and final transaction request with UCAF data

trid: "59812345678",



<scribe> ACTION: Ian to reach out to Samsung, Apple, Google to see if that model matches what they are returning and see if they can report by 8 March

<trackbot> 'Ian' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., IFSF-EFT-WG-Lead, ijacobs, ijmad).

manash: The cryptogram is generated differently (e.g., Apple SE v. Google HCE)
... the data payload is consistent even if source differs
... the ECI (the authentication code) would be different for different networks
... it's not different from what parties are already generating

<Rick> Token Requestor ID

IJ: What is trid

<scribe> ACTION: Ian to fix the definition in the spec and reference

<trackbot> Error finding 'Fix'. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/Payments/WG/track/users>.

clinton: Looks good. The type of cryptogram is needed, and the request message including trid as well
... do we perceive the need for other types of cryptograms
... do we think typeOfCryptogram needs more flexibility?

Richard: Merchant will only be able to process a certain type of cryptogram

Clinton: What about shared tokens?

Manash: Android cryptos are generated in HCE...that's one reference point
... the other references points...both MC and Visa already support (and Amex experimenting with) different cryptograms that are generated by other parties
... format may vary so makes sense to keep it flexible

IJ: Any progress on token characteristics for request data?

Clinton's msg => https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-methods-tokenization/issues/25#issuecomment-363506135

Manash; First priority use case is 1-time token. Second priority is recurring. Then other use cases could follow (e.g., split shipment)

scribe: I will ask Keyur to do a bit more analysis
... I think the current format could support recurring payments, but we need to validate that

Clinton: Is trid sufficient to describe the token type?

Richard: I think we will need more than trid to describe the properties of the returned tokens
... the cryptogram might play a role in identifying the token nature

IJ: To clarify, do we need response data?

Clinton: If token requestor is registered with TRID may not need more data, but if not registered may need more information to help identify the type of information needed for those merchants.

8 March session

Manash: What do we need for a good discussion?



Clinton: I think we have variation in request message v. response
... mostly the request message data will depend on type of token needed and who is making the request.

IJ: What's the narrative for the group on the 8th?

Manash: In order for PR API to be adopted in markets with *Pay wallets, we want to create a common standard across tokenizations
... to lower cost of merchant integration
... the tokenization spec aims to do that
... at this time need WG (and browsers in particular) to look at the spec and see whether it solves some use cases for them

Ken: Is it too early to call for volunteers to implement?

(IJ: Never too soon!)

Manash: For us the important next step is that browser vendors look at it and we get support for the short name to be able to do more experimentation

IJ: Do you mean support for the short string or more than that?

Manash: Implementation as a W3C-standardized spec like basic card

<Zakim> AdrianHB, you wanted to ask about how this interacts with 3DS

adrianhb: Bear in mind that if we are looking for browsers to implement this in the standard, they will want rigid data structures.
... they might want an enum instead of an open string, for example
... How does this spec interact with 3DS?
... if I am doing a tokenized card payment, does 3DS come into play? Can it come into play?
... we should be clear about this at 8 March

Manash: Agreed. To answer the question , the 3DS work is seen as a (cross-payment-method) add-on


adrianhb: Would be good to show example on 8 March

stpeter: back to implementation question, I will look in more detail about the scope of work that would be required for implementation (in the browser)
... could be that the scope of work for the browser is constrained and may not need to do a lot of analysis

<scribe> ACTION: Peter to investigate cost of tokenization payment method implementation in a browser

<trackbot> 'Peter' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., OrtonP, stpeter).

1) Short string support

2) Some functionality related to the data (e.g., storage or analysis)

3) canMakePayment() matching

Manash: I want both PMI Support to be able to test multiple apps

Ken: We should see what implementation schedules might be as well

Rick: Regarding 3DS => it validates the card holder. The card details just start the payment process.
... validates card holder according to the issuer
... when you do 3DS you do get a separate cryptogram on top of the token cryptogram


Richard: In 3DS 2.0 there's an authentication request. In the response the issuer can send back and AV with a cryptogram (or require a step up)
... in theory the response is two bits of info (1) cryptogram (2) transaction reference id
... that information is about the cardholder

IJ: Should that be part of the 3DS add-on?

Richard: It depends on who requests the 3DS
... if the browser acts as a client and does the 3DS on behalf of the merchant, that would be great for scale, but the browser would need to return both cryptograms to the merchant as it has done so on behalf of the merchant.



<scribe> ACTION: Richard to send Ian (or add to GitHub) information about second cryptogram required (and when) from 3DS 2 response

<trackbot> Error finding 'Richard'. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/Payments/WG/track/users>.

AdrianHB: Regarding implementation of tokenization payment spec in browser, PR API supports the payment method NOT requiring validation by the browser
... so It think that Ian's assessment is correct - it's possible to not require conversion to IDL, just converted to a JSON string.



IJ: No progress from me.

Peter: Me neither
... I will do some outreach
... I would like to write up a proposal this week and have some results.

AdrianHB: I have been told that AES-GCM is the preferred method

AdrianHB: we've looked at this around ILP
... and spoken to some people we believe to be knowledgeable
... the AES-GCM seems to be the "best way to do symmetric key based encryption" but doesn't help with asymmetric
... but it might be possible to wrap a symmetric key in something else
... I think we can define a profile of JWE that we like, where we limit the allowed keys/algos.

next meeting

<scribe> ACTION: Ian to put together 8 March presentation for the full WG

<trackbot> 'Ian' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., IFSF-EFT-WG-Lead, ijacobs, ijmad).

Next meeting 6 March

scribe: after that no meeting 13 March

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Ian to fix the definition in the spec and reference
[NEW] ACTION: Ian to put together 8 March presentation
[NEW] ACTION: Ian to reach out to Samsung, Apple, Google to see if that model matches what they are returning and see if they can report by 8 March
[NEW] ACTION: Peter to investigate cost of tokenization payment method implementation in a browser
[NEW] ACTION: Richard to send Ian (or add to GitHub) information about second cryptogram required (and when) from 3DS 2 response

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/02/27 17:32:15 $