16:00:22 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 16:00:22 logging to https://www.w3.org/2018/02/23-pbgsc-irc 16:00:23 present+ 16:00:23 rrsagent, set log public 16:00:23 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee Telco 16:00:23 Chair: Liisa 16:00:23 Date: 2018-02-23 16:00:23 Regrets+ rachel, yoshii 16:00:23 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2018Feb/0000.html 16:00:24 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2018-02-23: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2018Feb/0000.html 16:00:35 present+ Luc 16:00:58 George has joined #pbgsc 16:01:20 present+ George 16:01:26 GOTO meeting isn’t open yet… 16:01:34 there it goes... 16:01:41 present+ 16:01:42 present+ dauwhe 16:01:48 present+ 16:03:08 BillM has joined #pbgsc 16:03:26 present+ Bill_Kasdorf 16:04:17 Zakim, who is here? 16:04:17 Present: Bill_Kasdorf, Luc, George, ivan, dauwhe, tzviya 16:04:19 On IRC I see BillM, George, RRSAgent, Zakim, Bill_Kasdorf, laudrain, ivan, dauwhe, tzviya, Karen 16:04:22 garth has joined #pbgsc 16:04:26 present+ BillM 16:04:32 present+ Garth 16:04:34 present+ laudrain 16:05:13 present+ liisa 16:05:22 chair: laudrain 16:05:46 liisamk_ has joined #pbgsc 16:05:58 present+ liisamk 16:06:10 scribenick: dauwhe 16:06:28 laudrain: I trust everyone is receiving emails from the new publishing SC mailing list 16:06:54 ivan: I updated the charter text, and turned it into proper HTML 16:07:08 ... on the BG home page, the chairs have been updated 16:07:17 thanks ivan 16:07:30 ... I have updated the internal database entry for the steering committee so the ML is up to date 16:07:42 q+ to point out that we should have a scribe rotation 16:07:45 ... it contains all the people on the SC, plus Ralph and Karen 16:08:05 laudrain: thank you 16:08:34 ivan: the BG is different, as people can remove themselves 16:09:12 tzviya: I just wanted to point out that Dave scribes every meeting; we should have a scribe rotation so we take turns 16:09:24 laudrain: we already tried a chair rotation :) 16:09:37 regrets+ RickJ 16:10:00 laudrain: I sent an agenda; we've started the first topic 16:10:07 q- 16:10:17 ... are we OK using Github for BG? 16:10:24 liisamk_: I thought we weren't for the BG 16:10:36 Bill_Kasdorf: that's what I thought too 16:10:38 q+ 16:10:52 q- 16:10:53 laudrain: it should be PBGSC? 16:10:54 ack ivan 16:10:58 ivan: there are two things 16:11:14 ... yes, we agreed for BG work, we would use Google Docs but not Github 16:11:19 If we are going to use google docs, let's create a folder so it's easier to keep track 16:11:27 +1 16:11:29 ... we have had a github repo for a long time, and that can be used in three ways 16:11:37 ... one is that it has a wiki 16:11:47 ... available for the SC and the BG 16:11:58 ... we could use it for SC documents 16:12:13 ... the same repo now is set up in a way that it produces more flexible public websites 16:12:31 ... we can add documents that are seen on the web properly, we can keep it more fresh 16:12:47 ... that's why I set it up--I cloned the PWG web page style 16:13:25 laudrain: tzviya, you mentioned we should have a folder for google docs? 16:13:42 tzviya: someone should create a folder, and share the folder with the group. It makes it much easier to keep track 16:13:46 * to clarify- is the GitHub to help us manage this page and the wiki associated? https://www.w3.org/community/publishingbg/ 16:13:54 ... create a PBG folder, then share the folder with the group 16:14:01 Bill_Kasdorf: that sounds good 16:14:03 q? 16:14:09 liisamk_: I put a link into IRC 16:14:16 ... is that the page you're referencing? 16:14:20 q+ 16:14:28 ivan: no, that's the problem. That page is difficult to modify. 16:14:37 ... it can only be modified by W3T 16:14:38 https://w3c.github.io/publ-bg/ 16:14:44 ... what I have is this one ^ 16:14:58 ... that is governed by github; we could put in redirects 16:14:58 q+ 16:15:09 liisamk_: can we link this from that page? 16:15:18 ivan: yes, we can 16:15:40 liisamk_: we should add to group communications a link to the google docs folder 16:15:55 laudrain: so this would be the main page for the PBG for all docs 16:16:07 ... who creates the Google Drive Folder? 16:16:13 tzviya: anyone can 16:16:32 BillM: we can get rid of the other publishing page? 16:16:42 ack biilm 16:16:48 ivan: the old page, I don't know if it can be auto-redirected 16:16:55 q+ 16:17:15 ... the other possibility is to put a link on the old page, saying this is where we do the real work 16:17:20 BillM: that's OK 16:17:44 ... my concern is that if people create a drive folder it may disappear 16:17:54 ... it might need to be done by a w3c account 16:17:56 +1 16:18:09 ... what we want is a w3c Google enterprise account 16:19:00 ivan: the problem is, Google docs cannot be accessed from China 16:19:27 ... so W3M would be wary of having any official W3C docs that are not available to everyone in the world 16:19:44 BillM: I'll look into it 16:20:01 q+ 16:20:04 ack george 16:20:18 q- 16:20:20 q- 16:20:21 George: happily, a11y for Google docs has improved, so now I can read and edit :) 16:20:39 ack BillM 16:20:39 ack billm 16:20:42 q+ 16:20:52 ack tzviya 16:20:57 ack tzv 16:21:16 tzviya: until we have an enterprise account, an individual with a stable address could create the folder; then we could switch 16:21:26 ... I really want to avoid loose documents 16:21:28 +1 to Tzviya 16:21:41 liisamk_: I'll set it up 16:21:44 q? 16:22:20 laudrain: I've been thinking about the process for the EPUB Road Map task force, with the help of Garth and Dave 16:22:43 ... the first question is the number of the new release, and the CG has reached consensus on EPUB 3.2 16:23:02 ... as the SC, do we agree? 16:23:03 q+ 16:23:06 q+ 16:23:29 ... and second, do we agree with the overall principles at stake in new revision, such as compatibility with 3.0.1 16:23:42 +1 16:23:43 ... do we think it's a good idea to move in this direction? 16:23:47 q? 16:23:55 ack BillM 16:23:56 ack billm 16:24:01 BillM: point of order, the new SC no longer has decision making powers 16:24:10 ... the question should be posed to the BG on Tuesday 16:24:33 ... this group should restrict itself to figuring out what tasks belong to what groups, and to work on agenda for BG 16:24:50 garth: I'm pro 3.2 and I vote 16:24:51 ack garth 16:25:04 q+ 16:25:14 ... I think the task force should meet quickly 16:25:21 BillM: maybe a meeting isn't even needed 16:25:30 garth: we did form a task force, we should actually have a meeting :) 16:25:43 ... we can bring it to the BG, and hopefully they will bless us 16:25:46 ack liisamk_ 16:25:53 liisamk_: do we have any sense that anyone will push back 16:26:09 q+ 16:27:17 garth: makoto is pushing this 16:28:01 Dave: consensus in CG Over 3.2 16:28:37 … probably technical disputes, natural anf healthy 16:28:41 q? 16:28:55 ack laudrain 16:28:57 laudrain: the ISO question was discussed with Makoto, and 3.2 is OK 16:29:00 ack lau 16:29:14 George: Makoto is good with this, and it will trigger EPUB a11y 1.1 work to move forward 16:29:29 ... I spoke to Avneesh earlier; he will email people to start 16:30:03 laudrain: the idea is to set up a call for the road map task force, to present this plan to BG on Tuesday, and announce on Tuesday that the task force would meet next Thursday 16:30:19 ... it would hopefully adopt the overall idea of 3.2 16:30:29 ... and ask for the CG to proceed 16:30:41 ... the next step is that the CG does its work 16:30:49 ... and as Dave said, disputes on tech details :) 16:31:06 ... and after a certain amount of time, there would be a new 3.2 spec adopted by CG 16:31:09 q+ 16:31:18 ... as a BG we need to endorse this spec 16:31:49 ... we will have discussions, and then if we agree as a BG we could have something like a CR 16:32:21 ... and when this last call for consensus is made, then I don't know if formal objections could be made 16:32:42 ... then this new spec would have a status -- community group note? But it would be the official latest version of EPUB 16:33:10 ack dauwhe 16:33:28 ack Dave 16:33:29 Dave: first EPUB spec under W3C 16:33:50 … so do good job more than quick work 16:34:05 q+ 16:34:05 … see Jiminy issues in ecxisting spec 16:34:06 garth: I would love to see real progress by Berlin 16:34:08 ack dau 16:34:13 +1000, dauwhe 16:34:21 ack gart 16:34:22 dauwhe: we should do good work, and deal with interop 16:34:51 garth: I think it's important to have progress in a post-merger world 16:35:31 ivan: the point of Dave is that this is the first time we publish something as w3c, so we should do it well 16:35:51 dauwhe: it is a community group note 16:35:55 ivan: that is correct 16:36:03 laudrain: any comments? 16:36:04 q? 16:36:22 ... that's the plan, we should explain this in the next BG meeting, and have a call of the task force 16:36:46 ... we cover the numbering, the principles, the rationale. 16:37:02 q+ 16:37:02 ... any objections of a call on Thursday, March 1? 16:39:07 q- 16:39:11 liisamk_: you could announce today that it's on tuesday :) 16:39:28 laudrain: that's Tuesday, February 27 16:39:39 garth: could we do before the BG call? 16:39:57 ... a way to move faster 16:40:00 +1 to moving faster 16:40:00 it is probably better for Japan too 16:40:18 garth: I could do 9 or 10 EST that day 16:40:55 Karen has joined #pbgsc 16:40:56 laudrain: 10am in NYC? 16:41:11 ivan: who should be there? 16:41:19 garth: people signed up for the task force in the doc 16:41:24 George: which task force? 16:41:28 laudrain: EPUB 3 road map 16:41:45 BillM: I can recommend that you send an email to entire BG, with a [header] 16:42:07 * liisamk thinks Bill has been eaten by the machine 16:42:18 q? 16:42:37 laudrain: I see dave, garth, tzviya, julian, rick, matteus, and makoto 16:42:52 ... it will be hard for Makoto 16:42:57 garth: I can be his proxy :) 16:43:21 laudrain: Topic: A11y task force 16:43:32 George: we have the a11y guidelines from IDPF 16:43:36 ... done by MG 16:43:43 ... they have not been updated 16:43:54 ... we now have the ACE knowledgebase 16:44:02 ... so we're trying to maintain two sets of guidelines 16:44:16 ... we would like to either redirect that URL to the ACE kb 16:44:18 q+ 16:44:28 ... or put a link at the beginning saying it's no longer maintained 16:44:33 ... but we can't update the old site 16:44:53 ... so we're asking the SC to endorse one of those approaches 16:45:01 ... and put that to the BG for consensus 16:45:21 ivan: I was not sure I understood 16:45:32 George: this is IDPF guidelines, so this is BG 16:46:04 BillM: maintenance of idpf website is a w3t issue 16:46:14 ... we can obsolete and point to latest information 16:46:21 ... I assume you don't want to host on w3c 16:46:39 https://idpf.github.io/a11y-guidelines/ this is the outdated site in question 16:47:05 George: DAISY had matt write the O'Reilly book, and the guidelines were extracted from the book 16:47:29 ... if we want to move stuff to w3c in the future, that'd be great, but for now pointing to the KB is what we should achieve 16:47:31 q? 16:47:34 q+ 16:47:38 billm: who owns the copyright? 16:47:52 ... are they IDPF copyright? 16:48:07 George: they're on the idpf website, so I think it's idpf copyright 16:48:20 it is IDPF Copyright 16:48:44 BillM: so you might need rights from IDPF 16:49:16 George: I don't know. 16:49:36 ... the ideas are based on W3C WCAG standards, and point to them 16:49:43 ... the ideas originate with W3C 16:50:02 ... I don't know if there was any exact language that was taken from the IDPF website 16:50:09 ... I'll check with Matt 16:50:33 ack Bill_K 16:50:51 Bill_Kasdorf: I'm not clear how this discussion relates to EPUB a11y 1.0 16:51:07 ... I hope we're not talking about abandoning that 16:51:10 +1 16:51:13 it's also available at https://www.w3.org/Submission/2017/SUBM-epub-a11y-20170125/ 16:51:15 George: no, we're not abandoning it 16:51:36 ... and with EPUB 3.2, we're going to update EPUB a11y to version 1.1, and submit to ISO 16:51:43 laudrain: tzviya put up a link to this doc 16:51:56 tzviya: about transferring the daisy KB 16:51:58 ack Tzv 16:52:02 ... w3c doesn't do documentation like this 16:52:11 ... I had a conversation with Matt about that 16:52:13 q+ 16:52:33 ... Dan Applequest of TAG suggested some of this move to MDN 16:53:02 ... aside from issues of copyright, he pointed out that most of what's in Daisy KB is mostly not epub-specific; it's best practices on writing HTML 16:53:16 ... we could call it w3c accessible publishing documentaiton 16:53:23 ... the w3c doesn't have a logical home for this 16:53:35 George: DAISY would be happy to move to w3c space whenever appropriate 16:53:36 s/documentaiton/documentation/ 16:53:43 ack Bill_K 16:53:54 s/Applequest/Applequist 16:54:00 Bill_Kasdorf: thanks for pointing out that epub a11y has been moved as member submission 16:54:17 ... what should we do about the idpf guidelines? people are linking to it. 16:54:57 laudrain: how do we move forward? 16:55:13 George: I'll talk to Matt, and have him check with BillM about © issues 16:55:30 laudrain: there is also the a11y techniques doc 16:56:04 https://w3c.github.io/publ-cg/guides/epub-a11y-faq.html 16:56:31 George: there's the techniques doc, which should be moved 16:57:02 laudrain: the link to the techniques in the EPUB a11y points to IDPF website 16:57:16 George: maybe we should bring that to the CG 16:57:20 laudrain: that's good 16:57:49 laudrain: anything else we should think about? Is it clear? 16:57:59 George: so this will become an agenda item for the BG 16:58:29 BillM: the roadmap task force should think about where the 3.2 note goes 16:59:00 laudrain: the hour has been exhausted :) 16:59:25 laudrain: have we settled how often we have a call? 16:59:36 BillM: can someone send an email to the BG with an agenda? 16:59:56 liisamk_: let's do agenda via email after this call 17:00:06 ... important thing is to get announcement about task force 17:00:18 BillM: and let's not forget epubcheck financing 17:03:09 BillM has left #pbgsc 17:03:11 laudrain has left #pbgsc 17:03:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:03:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2018/02/23-pbgsc-minutes.html ivan