Media and Entertainment IG - Cloud Browser TF

20 Feb 2018


Kaz_Ashimura, Chris_O'Brien, Colin_Meerveld



kaz: use case discussion?

colin: and github usage


colin: made some changes to the github

<colin> https://www.w3.org/TR/cloud-browser-arch/

<colin> https://w3c.github.io/Web-and-TV-IG/cloud-browser-tf/

<colin> https://w3c.github.io/me-cloud-browser/

kaz: we should use the latter repo (me-cloud-browser)

colin: right
... but still wrong link

official Note

old repo

new repo

colin: the official published Note has a link to the old repo

kaz: we should leave it as is because we can't change it
... on the other hand, we should use the new repo URL for our next publication

colin: ok

kaz: that implies the new Editor's draft at: https://w3c.github.io/me-cloud-browser/
... should have the link to itself
... https://w3c.github.io/me-cloud-browser/
... for the "Editor's draft" link

Use cases

colin: put use cases on the draft Note at: https://w3c.github.io/me-cloud-browser/
... would be better to have accessibility use cases as a separate Note
... so that we can easily reuse it for the other specs

chris: for the accessibility framework in addition to all the possible use case areas
... but how to handle it?
... could be reused for smart fridge, etc.
... binding accessibility framework for various industries
... make sense to do that as part of some specific group?
... or dedicated new task force?

kaz: possibly WoT WG might be going to have a TF for accessibility
... you might want to join their telco and f2f meeting

chris: maybe join remotely?

kaz: ok
... I'd like to introduce you to Graeme and the WoT Chairs

chris: ok
... anything could be a WoT device
... given everything is connected to the Web

kaz: user preference, etc., should be also considered for WoT

chris: right

colin: possibly extension and other capability

chris: something cloud browser could leverage also

colin: even if the current WoT doesn't handle accessibility, the goal should include accessibility as well

chris: abstracted layer for orchestration?

colin: yes
... could make the service accessible even when the (original) mechanism itself is not accessibly

chris: could help people speed up making systems accessible

colin: good to work with the WoT guys about this point
... and other use cases on the updated draft Note

use case description

More participation

chris: how to get more people?

kaz: let's talk with the ME Chairs
... and if it's ok by them, we can send a cfp message to the whole group
... fyi, there was some discussion on media timed event
... possibly some relationship with the cloud browser work

chris+colin: right

kaz: will talk with the ME Chairs CCing you
... also check with Alexandra
... anything else for today?

Use cases (revisited)

kaz: do you want to review the use case description?

colin: same content when we reviewed using the wiki

kaz: ok
... in that case, another question is if we want to use another detailed use case template
... or simply continue to use this style?

colin: started some refinement

kaz: do you want to refine the description a bit more before getting the whole IG review?

colin: we discussed some of the use cases already
... within the TF
... already good enough from the TF viewpoint
... so we could go ahead and ask the whole IG for review

kaz: so need Alexandra's confirmation
... anything else for today?


Notes on the next TF call and the next IG call

kaz: the next TF call will be in 2 weeks on March 6 (at 6am US Eastern)
... notes the updated whole IG call will be also on Tuesday right after this slot (=7am US Eastern) starting with March 6
... the IG call is a monthly call and held on the first Tuesday


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/02/20 14:53:51 $