31 Jan 2018



Kaz_Ashimura, Graeme_Coleman, Michael_McCool, GraemeColeman, Zoltan_Kis, Matthias_Kovatsch, Kunihiko_Toumura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Michael_Lagally, Daniel_Peintner, Barry_Leiba, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Toru_Kawaguchi, Ryuichi_Matsukura
Matthias, McCool


<mkovatsc> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Agenda

<kaz> scribenick: dape


Matthias: Not anything specific for todays agenda
... any quick updates ?


Next F2F

Matthias: still looking for venue
... host is also problematic. no local member there
... Kaz setup registration

<kaz> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/WoTF2F201803/results registration results so far

<kaz> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/WoTF2F201803/?login registration site for Members

<mkovatsc> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/WoTF2F201803/ registration site for invited guests

Kaz: 12 results so far
... last link for guests

Matthias: for getting estimate on cost please fill out registration
... will update wiki for F2F meeting

<mkovatsc> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_24-29_March_2018,_Prague,_Czech_Republic

Matthias: wiki is updated with link to registration

Kaz: I can add note saying "this is W3C member meeting" .. please contact XZY if you want to attend

<kaz> ACTION: kaz to generate a note on the participation (this is a W3C Member meeting...)

<trackbot> Created ACTION-127 - Generate a note on the participation (this is a w3c member meeting...) [on Kazuyuki Ashimura - due 2018-02-07].

Matthias: Recently I talked to someone who is interested
... any questions/reminder w.r.t. F2F meeting

McCool: Created security template for PlugFest.. will explain more details in PlugFest call

Matthias: We also have input section on wiki.. please add additional information

kawaguch: question about schedule
... agenda says Thursday is administration day, whole day?

Matthias: Usually we finish 4/5pm
... breakouts in the morning

TF Reports


Sebastian: in TD call latest document was discussed
... still in development. Major parts are ready for PlugFest
... we also got new information about JSON-LD 1.1
... about to get charter / working group
... need to check how relevant this will be for TD serialization
... might offer features we are interested in
... also decision to make separate Web meeting with authors of Mozilla/Evrthing proposal
... try to clarify open issues in this call

<sebastian> https://doodle.com/poll/74kactqy8z9zared

Sebastian: doodle poll shows that next week Monday will be this call
... will wait some more hours before picking the time
... no time in TD call for Kosters vocabulary (planned for next call)


Zoltan: Scripting API TF has deadline next Wednesday
... used editors call also
... as a rule we will freeze API 6 weeks before PlugFest
... we discussed major issue today
... will finish PR this week. Discuss these updates next Monday
... will make decision on Monday what the API will be
... after that implementation can catch up
... other agreement that frozen API will be in master branch
... will have development branch also (playground)
... there are a few things we need to know from TD
... security data in TD, not yet clear
... won't support this for now
... TD has base URI version. Where does it come from?

Matthias: Not a TD issue... more related to basic architecture
... not configured in script... only runtime knows
... href should be treated opaque
... security concept just known my implementation also
... script should not have security details

Zoltan: agree

Sebastian: w.r.t. "base URI"
... major idea was to have optimization of resource addressing

Zoltan: multiple endpoints... will select one endpoints

Matthias: can just use base uri with one endpoint

Zoltan: same TD with multiple protocols ?

Matthias: Yes... base uri can just optimized with one protocol
... optimizations of TDs is one future topic

Zoltan: TD including list of endpoints ?

Matthias: in the beginning we had this.. did not find a good way to solve this

Zoltan: OCF has support

Matthias: We did not want to prescribe how list/URI paths look like

Sebastian: need to describe what happens of various combinations of with/no base URI etc

Matthias: I think local href without base uri is error

McCool: 3 things come from outside concept
... 1. security metadata
... 2. base URI
... 3. protocol bindings
... wonder whether we should have external API that is also standardized

Matthias: think it is out of scope according to charter

McCool: need to add documentation (e.g in node-wot)

Zoltan: Need to have full stack implementation.. to figure out what is worth standardizing

McCool: make sense


Koster: Binding Templates TF
... 6 weeks before PlugFest document should be ready
... still discussion happening

Matthias: Propose to have target date 14th
... similar to TD task force

Lagally: will have a stable reference for the PlugFest..
... who will combine TD and binding

Matthias: binding works on proposal
... and goes to TD afterwards to integrate these changes

Lagally: review in TD group also?

Matthias: Yes... make sure that it is consistent

Lagally: When does merge happen?

Matthias: After Prague

Koster: w.r.t. integration.. there is TD ontology also

Lagally: Where can I find it?

Koster: believe in TD document

Sebastian: github repo of TD, folder ontology
... ontology in turtle

<inserted> TD Ontology

Sebastian: rendered version is in deliverable
... section 5

<inserted> Section 5 of the TD draft (TD4Prague branch)


McCool: Security TF
... discussed life cycle
... adapted from IETF

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/plugfest/2018-prague/docs/Web%20of%20Things%20Security%20and%20Privacy%20Template.pptx

McCool: created template for PlugFest
... discuss this in PlugFest call that follows

<kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: kaz to generate a note on the participation (this is a W3C Member meeting...)

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/01/31 18:49:40 $