Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

25 Jan 2018


Joanmarie_Diggs, Stefan, MichaelC, Janina, Matt_King, JamesN, charles_lapierre
Bryan_Garaventa, Becky_Gibson, Jon_Gunderson


<joanie> agenda: this

<joanie> agenda: be done

<joanie> agenda order 2 3 6 1 4 5

<scribe> scribe: matt_king

CfC results for new Working Drafts for Graphics ARIA and Graphics AAM

joanie: cfc got only positive responses so publishing new WDs of graphics-aria grphics-aam

only three roles in graphics aria spec

Minimal testing needed.

implementation in webkit and gecko done.

Once we have IA2 and Edge results, we will be ready to complete CR.

Getting started on HTML role parity

Joanie: FYI and prelim call for other volunteers.

HTML AAM has one set of elemnts where there is a role and a platform mapping.

Another set are those with no ARIA but do have a platform mapping. These are ones we really need roles for.

Thrid set: No ARIA mapping and not exposed on one or more platforms.

Do we want parity for the third group?

Fourth group, no role in aria and no mapping on any platform.

Maybe we can ignore fourth group.

Joanie taking on taks of mgrouping elments within these four categories.

Who else wants a chunk of parity roles.

Please let Joanie know.

mk: Is this on a wiki page?

Joanie: not yet.

Publishing 1.2 FPWDs for ARIA and/or Core AAM

Maybe wait till we have more meaty stuff before we put out first pub WDs of ARIA and/or core AAM.

MC: OK with publishing when the group prefers.

Advantage to sooner is that it signal that we are doing the work.

And, it makes moving to future drafts easier.

mk: what is the curretn diferential between 1.1 and 1.?

Joanie: aria-expanded on menuitem

Editorial work on aria-errormessage.

<joanie> 06-Dec-2017: Make aria-expanded a supported state of menuitem. This change also makes it a supported property of menuitemcheckbox and menuitemradio via inheritance.

<joanie> 06-Dec-2017: When aria-errormessage is not pertinent, authors MUST either ensure the content is not rendered or remove the aria-errormessage attribute or its value. User agents MUST NOT expose aria-errormessage for an object with an aria-invalid value of false.

mk: is that sufficient diff for a FPWD?

MC: Yes, there is a tendancy for groups to publsih them early in dev phase.

Joanie: happy to go either way.

I have tendancy to think having a little more to show would be good.

MC: we could publsh it and provide a timeline to show when there will be more.
... Getting it over sooner means it is easier to publish later.

Janina: what would be the timeline of additional features?

How much of a diff would another month make?

Or, 2 months?

Joaine: Hoping we will have made decent progress on parity in a month.

MC: A month from now times around CSUN well.

Targetting a month from now and slipping to 6 weeks, fails the CSUN target.

Joanie: let's aim for something significant in a month.

MC: increased focus on milestone adherance came in 1.1

We can expect more of that in 1.2

Joanie: Is consensus that we can do it in a month?

Janina: That is what I am hearing.

+1 from Matt

Joanie: Wondering fi w could try to target entering CR for graphics ARIA and AAM.

MC: there have been changes since last WD. How substantial?

Joanie: fixed some missing and broken mappings.

MC: One from from a WD for CR is difficult.

Need time to address comments, and should have comments open for a month.

then time to request rransition.

so not realistic to enter CR in a month.

Other option is to enter CR now; not sure that would fly.

Joanie: Let's stick with what the CFC was for and do another WD.

Personalization Semantics Task Force spec update

Charles: working on getting ready for FPWD

<clapierre> GitHub Repo

<clapierre> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics

Did lot of restructuring of document.

<clapierre> Personalization Explainer 1.0

<clapierre> https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/

We created explainer document.

<clapierre> Personalization Content 1.0

<clapierre> https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/content/index.html

Broke it up into different modules.

First is for content.

These are the main tow: explainer and content moduel.

that we want to bring to FPWD.

Changed from COGA being part of attrib name to being AUI for acceptable user interface

Actin, destination, field, simplification, distraction, symbol are the first aui-* properties.

Example is a button where aui-action="undo" on a button labeled revert.

Action includes thigns like delte, cancel, etc. These are token values of aui-action.

<trackbot> Error finding 'includes'. You can review and register nicknames at <http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/users>.

Haven't defined if this is RDFA or microdata.

Later we will adaptable help and support and then adaptable tools.

Asked for CRFC from task force to see if we are ready to come to WG to ask for CFC from WG for WD status.

Everyone on the TF call seemed ready so expect CFC to pass.

JN: Looks much, much better than previous versions.

Six props seems achievable.

Both from implementation and editorial standponts.

Solve a fixed numbe of problems first.

Charles: give credit to Michael for how we can break this aprat and make it more manageable.

JN: how would you like to receive comments and feedback?

Chrles: Github issues is fine.

Or, you could send to personalization TF mailing list.

JN: Not the mailing list ... GitHub issues it is.

Joanie: Your taks force would like me to send a CFC to publish the explainer and content module?

Charles: Yes, will send email to Joanie with specific request.

Joanie: Congrats, good work.

Charles; Also thank Roy and Michael!

Clarify that owned-by author rules need explicit role attributes: https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/511

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/511

<joanie> Clarify that owned-by author rules need explicit role attributes #511

<joanie> There are sentences in the ARIA spec which state document-conformance requirements for role values that have owned-by relationships with other role values. This change clarifies those sentences to state unambiguously that elements must have explicit role attributes containing those values in order for the requirements to be relevant.

<joanie> For example, this change takes the following sentence:

<joanie> Authors MUST ensure elements with role cell are contained in, or owned by, an element with the role row.

<joanie> …and replaces that with this sentence:

<joanie> Authors MUST ensure elements with an explicit role attribute whose value contains cell are owned by an element with an explicit role attribute whose value contains row.

JN: this could have significant code impact.

Generally recommen, for example, dow not put role="row" on a <tr>

Joanie: could you comment in the issue.

If it is not needed, we genrally recomment authros do not do this.

Joanie: I think we need to answer this.

Stefan: ARIA is limited in what it can do with complex tables. Woudl be good if 1.2 could help with this.

Joanie: Does anyone have time to take on comment in this?

JN: I can talk to som people who have done thinking on this.
... wll talk to original person who raise issue.

RDF model removal: https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/672

<joanie> The RDF model for ARIA creates confusion and it is unclear if it adds value. We should explore whether to deprioritize inline references or remove it altogether.

No one has objected to removing it yet in the comments.

Any thoughts?

MC: The issue was filed b/c appendix in spec points to out of date taxonomy.

Maybe the taxonomy has value as design tool but may not need to be in the spec.

MK: I don't know fi I understand what it brings to the spec.

MC: forces us to think through the set of features and make sure they are consistent with each other.

Helps avoid overlap and redundancy.

If we are not using the model, it doesn't do anyone in the real world any good.

Joanie: My extreme view is that we have so many inherritance problems that maybe getting rid of inherritance and explicit declaration could be better.

So, I am ready to drop it.

MC: It was very useful to help get rid of inconsistencies in 1.0.

mk: I find inherritance useful and sometimes problematic.

mc: We could also consider getting abstract roles out of the spec, but ehy are helpful for the taxonomy.

Joanie: If we intro control appaterns, they could have inherritance without taxonomy.

So, if you something implement a specific control pattern, it gets everything from implementing that interface rather than from its super classes.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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Present: Joanmarie_Diggs Stefan MichaelC Janina Matt_King JamesN charles_lapierre
Regrets: Bryan_Garaventa Becky_Gibson Jon_Gunderson
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Found Date: 25 Jan 2018
People with action items: 

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