Automotive Working Group Teleconference

23 Jan 2018


Rudi, Marty, Ted, PatrickL, Magnus, Wonsuk, Gunnar


<scribe> Scribe: Ted


Rudi's Call for consensus email

Rudi: agenda is also in WebEx chat window
... if anyone wishes to add another topic, please speak up
... last week I sent the CfC email to solicit feedback, comments or objections
... I have not seen a response
... the window for comments is the end of the week

Ted: if there are no formal objections from WG participants before the 26 January deadline I will ready the document and send the publication request to W3C Webmaster, Director and Communication Team
... hopefully will be published on the 30th

W3C Pubrules (tool to ensure document is valid, doesn't contain broken links, adheres to norms for document status, etc)

scribe: if there is formal objection to proceeding we would need to discuss within the group and either address concerns or prepare a dissenting opinion document
... Candidate Recommendation publication triggers a Call for Exclusions (patents). to date we have not had any lodged for our specification work

W3C Process Document

scribe: I have drafted the WG recharter to reflect us successfully entering CR with VISS

Rudi: any other comments?

Magnus: I'm pretty happy with it, let's move on

VIAS Survey and Conclusion

Rudi: Essentially this discussion has been going back on forth about whether it should become a standard
... we have received some extensive pushback and the argumentation makes sense
... VIAS has evolved from a rather thin client library that communicates to a VISS server to a myriad of protocols
... the connection between VIAS and VISS is not that clear anymore
... the initial idea for VIAS was to make it easier for web developers without having to handle web socket connections but a more familiar JS API
... it is still a good compliment to VISS. I concur with W3C TAG/Director suggestion to publish VIAS as Note and encourage release of any libraries
... this conversation has been going since TPAC in the mailing list. VIAS is valuable as a client

Ted: At Hira-san's request I summarized some of the major concerns raised, how a request to advance to CR is unlikely to succeed and what is needed from the group should they wish to

Summary of obstacles for VIAS and group consideration topics

Ted: I drafted a survey to get wider group input as Urata suggested and because we have been hearing from mostly the same people that outline some additional concerns and seeks to gauge input and resource commitments

WBS survey (currently closed)

Survey snapshot since there were access problems

Gunnar: I will take a look and give feedback

Magnus: I was able to access the survey after your changes

Ted: it is unfortunate that Hira and Urata are not on this call but hopefully this group input will help bring this to a conclusion
... presently VIAS is not in the draft charter

Gunnar: agree we should defer on a decision given their absence
... I also agree with your point about revisiting after we have the REST interface
... we are a little uncertain it would be appropriate to have VIAS ahead of that

Ted: at TPAC at since by email I have pointed out we can revisit and try to get VIAS back on REC track at a later date

Gunnar: practically it would be useful and worthwhile to have an implementation of VIAS and applied to VISS/RSI (aka v2)

Ted: I will open up that survey by end of day tomorrow

Rudi: let's give a deadline for decision wrt VIAS for next call

Draft Charter Review

draft charter

Rudi: appreciate drafting that

Ted: Rudi and Paul agreed to be chairs and I am exploring a third
... please provide any input before the next call
... after group input, I will review with Wendy Seltzer (W3C Strategy Lead) then send to W3C Management (W3M)
... W3M will provide input and then I send it to the W3C Advisory Committee (AC)
... AC will indicate support, ideally this will raise awareness and increase interest among W3C's Members in this activity

W3C Members

Patrick: within the scope it is written that the services are there to reflect what is available within the vehicle network
... I see the services as running within the vehicle network and providing information

Ted: I recycled that wording and open to changes, agree we are not providing direct CAN access since that will freak people out

Gunnar: please send your wording as early as possible so others can react

Call for Editors

Rudi: with a new charter and new work we invite people to consider becoming an editor
... if you know you are definitely inclined please let us know, otherwise reflect further

Ted: with the WG rechartering to complete VISS and begin RSI in earnest I want to repeat my call for editors given at our F2F
... several had expressed interest and needed to confer with their managers before making the time commitment

[iterate candidate names off the record]

RSI current location

Connect W3C and Github accounts (all in WG encouraged)

Patrick: I will clearly want to be an editor on RSI but we should decide how we are structuring and identify who on what component

Ted: we will want some on "framework" (or whatever we'll call it) and the "modules"

Gunnar: agree not the term framework and we should structure ourselves carefully
... we will want similar pattern

Ted: I encourage Patrick and Gunnar or Rudi to compare notes on VSS, YAML and related tools for the modules to generate portions of the spec

Gunnar: yes, there are also command control interfaces that are similar to RPC
... that model might look a little different perhaps but we will figure that out through examples

Ted: I will reach out to those who expressed interest before privately and as Rudi said anyone interested should let him, me or I know


Proposed WG&BG F2F at Genivi AMM, Munich 17-19 April

Genivi AMM April 2018 wiki

Rudi: I proposed by email that we hold our next F2F at Genivi AMM in Munich in April
... if there is interest I will formally ask. They have been hospitable in the past and likely inclined to again

Patrick: please

Magnus: last time Peter found the F2F to be a bit unfocused
... people were distracted with other meetings during AMM

Gunnar: we can try to schedule it such to avoid common conflicts

Rudi: I am probably one of the culprits

(Ted was too, called away to give a couple presentations)

Gunnar: we will work on that

Magnus: I think it is a good location and worth coordinating, we just need to be careful about the conflicts

Rudi: I'll email Karin

Gunnar: happy to support including the scheduling
... three main days Tuesday through Thursday, let's consider options on Genivi end and come back with options

[suggestion to have Thursday and Friday]

Patrick: is registration necessary?

Rudi: for Genivi AMM yes but not the W3C F2F

Gunnar: portions are open to non-Genivi members and as Ted mentioned, worthwhile


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/01/23 23:47:44 $