<kaz> scribenick: kawaguch
Summary of achievements
<kaz> Matsukura's slides (PDF)
Fujitsu's proxy servients have thing directory
Fujitsu used stun while Siemens used tunneling
About 10 protocols are connected under local proxy
Matsukura-san will update preparation.md based on this slide.
<inserted> kaz: it would be easier for people to understand if we could clarify all the combination separately
Kaz suggests to describe every combinations achieved using table
including which TD and protocol (and request/response) was used
<kaz> Koster also suggests we list all of the servers each client (application) discovered and interacted with as a way to organize the detailed plugfest results
Issues for the next plugfest
<kaz> preparation document for Burlingame PlugFest
appendix A inter servient interface
between remote and local proxy we use stun protocol
Appendix 3 shows substitute of 2 using websocket
inter servient interface should be clarified
proxy servient function should be specified
firewall, NAT and security consideration
<kaz> mccool: having local TD and remote TD
thing directory, life cycle management and local/remote td should be clarified
TD Model such as event, action, semantic annotations and binding to other protocols
Kaz: it's better to add section 6 to preparation.md as plugfest result
and 7 as issues for the next
interservient interface can be in ether section 7, 8 or appendix
<inserted> matsu: ok to add them directly to the prep document?
Kaz: it might be better to copy the
preparation.md to another guideline document (e.g.,
guideline.md) and add new content to that file under the
2017-burlingame area
... and also should create a template for the Prague PlugFest under the 2018-prague area
we will have next call on next week
<kaz> Dec. 20
McCool: cordinate updated with iotschema.org
Koster: we will have
iotschema.org call tomorrow
... we can bring something to IETF hackerthon
... we can discuss and come back next week
Matsukura-san will prepare skelton for Prague
<kaz> kaz: any other points from Koster?
<kaz> koster: haven't prepared anything today myself
<kaz> ... Matsukura-san's slides captured issues well
<kaz> ... also we need to think about collaboration with iotschema.org as McCool mentioned
Koster: see issue on protocol adaptation
McCool: we need to think local
and remote endpoints
... event representation in TD is also issue
... proxy, NAT traversal and thing directory are not written in
architecture document
Kaz: do we want to record those issue at the W3C/wot repository as part of the PlugFest work?
scribenick: kaz
koster: sounds like a good starting point
... we can move it somewhere later if needed
kaz: we can put a label of "PlugFest" for a while
koster: ok
... that's all what I wanted to mention
... getting good shape in logistics
kaz: Koster and McCool, do you want to create GitHub issues based on today's discussion?
mccool: can do that but let's see the feedback from the iotschema.org call, etc.
matsu: any other comments?
kaz: Matsukura-san and Koster should have some discussion about the plan/logistics for the upcoming PlugFest calls :) ?
matsu: ok
... will talk with Koster-san
koster: we can start email discussion, etc.
... will collaborate on GitHub
matsu: unless any other questions, let's close the meeting
[ adjourned ]