Membership, Staff
- 464 Members as of 31 October
2017 (was 461 in April 2017)
- 50,5 FTE, with a
full-time or part-time staff
of 67 (was 68 in April 2017).
- New Staff (not including W3C Fellows):
- Zhenjie Li joined the Administration team at
W3C/Beihang (May 2017)
- Fuqiao Xue joined the Project
Management team at W3C/Beihang (July 2017)
- Ruoxi Ran joined the Project Management / Web
Accessibility Specialist teams at W3C/Beihang
(August 2017)
- Sean McCreery joined as Executive Assistant for
W3C CEO (August 2017)
- Staff left:
- Olive Xu (April 2017)
- Andrei Sambra (April 2017)
- Felix Sasaki (April 2017)
- Phil Archer (June 2017)
- Yan Wang (July 2017)
- Yingying Chen (August 2017)
- W3C
- Tanya Mandal, Internet
Academy (December 2016, MarComm)
- Ivan Herman, CWI (January
2017, Architecture & Technology)
Technical Reports
Technical Reports were published between 26 April 2017
to 21 October 2017.
- 7 Proposed Recommendations
- 32 Candidate Recommendations
- 217 Working Drafts
- 20 Group Notes
Rechartered Working and
Interest Groups: 6
- 291 groups (was 281 in April
- Over 8986 participants (we had nearly 8400 in April 2017)
- Nearly 260 Member organizations (was 265 in April 2017)
- Nearly 4620 non-Member organizations (was over 2800 in April 2017)
Strategy Funnel
initiated to track new activity.
- 12 charters or re-charters approved (Strategy work concluded)
- 5 proposals in Evaluation and Chartering
- 15 work areas tracked in Incubation, many in active Community
- 15 items in early Investigation
- 41 items in preliminary Exploration
- Proposed the charter of a Web & Virtual Reality WG which was concluded
after Advisory Committee Review that the work needed further
incubation and scoping before a WG should be formed. A Web and
Virtual Authoring Workshop will be held in December 2017.
Read more about the
Strategy Funnel and contribute on GitHub.
- 36 Working Groups
- New Working Groups:
Working Groups extended for Recommendation
maintenance: HTML Media Extensions, RDF Data Shapes,
XML Query, XSLT, Spatial Data on the Web. The
expectation is to close those Groups
once Process
2018 gets adopted.
- 2 Working Group are outside their charter periods:
- Web Fonts: waiting on their transition to Proposed Recommendation
- Browser Testing and Tools: waiting to finalize their
implementation report to resubmit their Proposed
Recommendation transition
- 235
active specifications are tracked:
- 200 aiming for Recommendation
- ~40 documents are intended to become Proposed Recommendations
in the next 6 months
- 30 have not been updated in the past 3 years
- 57 were first published more than 5 years ago
- W3C now automatically flags previous dated versions of technical reports as outdated, to
ensure readers are aware of the fact that a newer version was published. We're also working to ensure that
search engines point to the canonical version of documents.
- Resources:
- The W3C Guide, resource for chairs and team contacts, is getting refreshed
- We're now providing a milestones tool, to help Chairs and Team Contacts
to avoid Process and Publication Moratorium delays
- The transition requirements have been updated to keep up with the Process changes
- Testing the Web: web-platform-tests
(WPT) is an effort to build a cross-browser testsuite for the
majority of the web platform
- web-platform-tests dashboard tracks implementations on a daily basis (contributed by Google)
- The charter template was updated to promote interoperability, where all changes made to specifications should have tests.
- Work on getting Working Groups to promote tests along with changes to specifications is ongoing.
Global Participation
- Member participation status monitoring system
development: an Alpha version of a member participation
dashboard, for W3C Team use, is running on a local server
hosted by W3C China Host; the dashboard shows the global
participation status from different angles, e.g. by
country/region, member, topic, group, time, user,
etc. Both W3C public mailing lists and github data have
been retrieved and analyzed in this system. More functions
will be added as the system develops. This dashboard and
the statistics it provides is used by the W3C team for its
efforts to improve member participation.
- Selected best practices from 4 hosts and W3C Offices have been
shared cross W3C team. On-boarding process for new AC reps has
started to be implemented.
- A translation strategy has been reviewed and approved by
W3M as a way to enhance the participation from non-English
speaking countries.
- Starting with TPAC2017, a
Welcome Package for new W3C event participants with
necessary info has been suggested to help new
Marketing & Communications
- Events:
- Manned a
booth and
hosted a
panel discussion at PayExpo Eruope 2017, London,
England on 5 October 2017
- Presented a
panel discussion at Money20/20, Las Vegas, USA,
23-25 October 2017
- A dozen interviews of W3C key people (on topics such
as HTML, EME, WAI, WebRTC, etc.)
- 6 W3C Press
Releases (habitually translated into several languages
by W3C Offices)
- Conducted an analysis of W3C and EME in the Media.
- 17 talks
- 24 W3C Blog
- Weekly
digest of W3C news and trends
- Social
Media: Twitter, Facebook,
- Weekly Public
- 5
new Member
- Prepared a Welcome Package with necessary info to help
new participants, distributed starting
with TPAC2017.
- Collaborated even more closely with W3C Business
Development to streamline workflows and foster impactful
- Organized a special AB election.
- Exploring new Communications medium: AMA sessions, Video.
- WBS redesign to be deployed after TPAC
- Released an etherpad
instance for collabotative editing by the W3C Community
- Continued enhancements to the Automated Publication
Workflow System to facilitate publishing from Bikeshed and CSS
Working Group workflow.
- Retired former Pubrules system in favor of its
successor, Specberus.
- Replaced the Talks system.
- Deployed W3C/Github account integration.
Updated the Patent Policy with errata to reflect Process 2017 terminology
Industry, Liaisons, Online training
Read about those in-depth in
the W3C
Strategic Highlights.