16:01:42 RRSAgent has joined #social 16:01:42 logging to https://www.w3.org/2017/11/22-social-irc 16:01:44 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:01:44 Zakim has joined #social 16:01:46 Meeting: Social Web Working Group Teleconference 16:01:46 Date: 22 November 2017 16:01:51 present+ 16:01:52 present+ 16:01:54 present+ 16:02:02 present+ 16:02:14 present+ 16:02:30 i haven't 16:02:46 how does that work 16:04:19 i'm a little nervous about that but i'll do my best 16:04:25 :D 16:04:30 scribenick: melody 16:05:04 h has joined #social 16:05:10 https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/2017-11-22 16:05:22 should i be capturing this sort of boilerplate convo? 16:07:01 +1 puckipedia ! 16:07:07 https://activitypub.rocks/implementation-report/ 16:07:19 cwebber2: activitypub is moving to PR which means that activitypub is as we see it ready to become a standard, but is waiting on management to approve it as a standard 16:07:29 i'm really bad at scribing i'm sorry 16:07:45 I was just thinking how well you're doing, melody ! 16:08:03 s/management/management and the W3C Membership/ 16:08:48 i'll take a look when I get a chance 16:08:52 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/138 and https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/146 are the two issues 16:08:53 [aaronpk] #138 different hub for same topic if denied 16:08:54 aaronpk: with websub we've processed a bunch of feedback from the PR period, there are now two outstanding issues we need community feedback from -- it would be fantastic to get feedback from anybody using websub, i'll drop a link in the channel, and it'd be great to get input from the mastodon side, as it's critical to moving on to the next step of the spec 16:10:05 i'm not sure if that's gonna be easier for me 16:10:27 https://github.com/swicg/general/issues/22 16:10:27 [cwebber] #22 Publishing which extensions are used by a server 16:10:27 cwebber2: we're onto the final item of the agenda which is publishing which extensions are used by a server 16:11:12 cwebber2: if you want to be able to send some sort of message and be sure the other side actually knows how to handle that message 16:11:57 ... we have a certain amount of extension built into the spec already as general extension mechanisms 16:13:26 ... but you can imagine we have a social karma extension and if we want to treat that on both sides as a transaction, and you would want to know if the other side will handle it 16:13:44 i missed some middle here 16:14:35 q+ 16:15:52 ack aaronpk 16:17:08 aaronpk: can you give a more concrete example of how this doesn't solve the problem even if it *feels* like it does? 16:17:13 +1 aaronpk this is an antipattern; thinking about fallbacks is good 16:17:25 I agree but it feels like it can be more strongly worded. 16:17:57 q+ to other failure 16:18:04 aaronpk: this has been tried before but testing for extensions hasn't really worked well, it just looks like it solves a problem but doesn't actually, usually better to think of fallback behavior 16:18:35 ack nightpool 16:18:35 nightpool, you wanted to other failure 16:18:43 lol zakim 16:18:49 text-only b/c i just woke up, so maybe someone can relay? 16:18:53 cwebber2: this might be more important when you are expecting an acknowledgement to a certain kind of message and are suprrised when one never arrives 16:19:07 But this is important for other types of failures as well 16:19:17 what if you try to pay someone, but their server went offline? 16:19:17 http://meme.loqi.me/m/4rYhi14h.jpg 16:19:35 We solved this for Follows with explicit Accepts and Rejects 16:19:51 So extensions which need confirmation should have explicit confirmation. 16:20:00 I don't think the problem needs to be any more complex then that. 16:20:06 Unless there's something else I'm missing? 16:20:14 fin. 16:20:14 q+ 16:20:22 ack melody 16:20:26 scribenick: cwebber2 16:21:34 q+ 16:21:44 melody: I just wanted to add that one of the things that testing for extensions would allow you to do is not attempt delivery at all if a server does not support a specific extension, which could be important as a type of fallback behavior which could be important as a security-intensive thing if the server does not support whatever you're trying to publish 16:22:30 melody: for example, if you're transmitting some sort of sensitive information that you wouldn't want it to display as just an arbitrary message that you don't want displayed explicitly if not handled, it may be better not to transmit at all 16:22:34 scribenick: melody 16:22:41 q+ to reply to nightpool 16:22:45 ack sandro 16:23:43 +1 to sandro--just requiring a property on actors already covers everything this proposal could do 16:24:25 ack cwebber 16:24:25 cwebber, you wanted to reply to nightpool 16:24:30 sandro: mastodon had this failure mode with private messages before activitypub, JSON-LD extension mechanism covers everything this proposal could do 16:25:24 cwebber2: the explicit ack might be important anyway because if you do a federated add to a collection and the collection isn't owned by your server we don't have any mechanism to have any sense of whether the add happened, only a request to add 16:26:01 ... if i see that a request to add a photo to a shared curated album i don't actually know whether it happened i only see the request 16:26:25 q? 16:26:35 i'm sorry i missed that last bit 16:27:01 cwebber2 I think sandro's point was a little stronger then you summarized it 16:27:03 cwebber2: maybe accept/reject are good enough for an ack/nack but maybe we want something else? 16:27:37 In that an "extension" endpoint is a complete subset to having a property, with that *same uri* that just says "true" 16:28:06 q? 16:28:26 We could probably move to a resolution to close this issue given it sounds like we have consensus? 16:28:26 cwebber2: i agree we probably don't want to add another layer of indirection at this point 16:28:39 Ah, sorry puckipedia was still typing that when you spoke up 16:29:25 puckipedia: a while back we mentioned we might have a server actor for server-wide information, maybe for some extensions we can make sure that they are on the server actor 16:30:00 cwebber2: if we go the direction of adding properties, there's no reason you couldn't use them on the server actor in that way 16:30:13 there was a github issue. 16:30:17 sandro++ 16:30:18 sandro has 52 karma in this channel (59 overall) 16:30:25 and vague conversation w/ the glich-soc people 16:30:40 sandro: was there an actual problem somebody was having that prompted this issue? 16:30:42 let me see if I can scare it up 16:31:29 cwebber2: yes, but have not described it 16:31:58 https://mst3k.interlinked.me/@Elizafox/1517781 is the thread 16:32:00 [Eliza 「SHITPOST 2 U」 KSC] Is there any way with ActivityPub to discover what features a target server supports? 16:32:04 https://github.com/swicg/general/issues/22 is the issue under discusion 16:32:05 [cwebber] #22 Publishing which extensions are used by a server 16:33:05 cwebber2: are we ready to close the issue? 16:33:51 sandro: yes, we can point to these minutes and explain that it doesn't seem useful for the use cases so far 16:33:58 C2S is maybe a point here we haven't brought up yet? 16:34:11 [ajordan] Oh yikes completely forgot about the telecon... oops 16:34:15 [ajordan] And I gotta pack now :/ 16:34:19 [ajordan] Have fun though! 16:34:26 reading this thread/and the tagentially related glitch-soc issue by surinna https://github.com/glitch-soc/mastodon/issues/123 16:34:27 [ekiru] #123 Expose some description of functionality supported by the instance in the API 16:36:19 cwebber2: the mechanism we're discussing seems to work just as well for client to server 16:36:21 Right, that makes sense. Thanks. 16:36:37 sandro: the client would just have to know where to look 16:36:53 to be clear: this is the glitch fork, not the mastodon project 16:37:15 ah yes. the "spam" filter 16:37:24 sandro++ 16:37:24 sandro has 53 karma in this channel (60 overall) 16:37:39 q? 16:39:07 tantek has joined #social 16:43:16 https://cybre.space/about/more 16:43:56 https://octodon.social/about/more is another example 16:44:36 topic: account migration WIP on mastodon 16:44:41 should i start scribing again? 16:45:05 https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/5746 16:45:06 [Gargron] #5746 Profile redirect notes 16:46:21 nightpool: we have a new property on actors that say "this user has moved to this location" which is just displayed and does a soft redirect and the mastodon web UI disables the follow button 16:46:44 present+ 16:46:47 https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/5746#pullrequestreview-77611085 16:47:28 cwebber2: i noticed that moved to was added to the AS namespace so this is a good time to talk about our extension process 16:48:29 q? 16:48:34 Given that none of the CG members that aren't part of other working groups can use the wiki, i'm still somewhat -1 on using it for extensions. 16:48:35 cwebber2: we talked about letting implementers take the lead and try out changes before we decide whether to add something officially to AS 16:49:02 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Activity_Streams_extensions 16:49:29 sandro: could also add them on a provisional basis 16:50:03 cwebber2: it seems less provisional if a major implementer releases something while it was in the spec 16:50:14 what does "Provisional" mean? that's the problem here IMO 16:50:57 q+ to note we should name any "phases" by what they mean in practice, rather than an abstract term IMO 16:51:14 ack tantek 16:51:14 tantek, you wanted to note we should name any "phases" by what they mean in practice, rather than an abstract term IMO 16:51:21 sandro: we could make a wiki for the community group since almost anyone can join 16:52:08 q+ to suggest a github repo 16:52:57 tantek: recommend against a community-group-specific wiki, when the group ends, it's hard to transition things and nobody has made it work in practice 16:55:38 or having an "implemented" group or something 16:55:41 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Activity_Streams_extensions#Proposed_extensions 16:57:38 cwebber2: so right now there's no mechanism for moving an extension away from "proposed" 16:58:21 +1 to extend 16:58:26 +1 16:58:36 +1 to extend 16:58:37 +1 ten minutes 17:00:20 cwebber2: Given that people can't edit the wiki, propose we move the extension process into a github repository, people can use pull requests on a markdown document to contribute and discuss 17:00:45 sandro: we could convert the existing document to markdown 17:01:08 cwebber2: i don't think we need all the core stuff, we could do a document with just the extension info 17:01:58 sandro: wouldn't it be easier if there was only one place to look up vocabulary? 17:02:13 q+ 17:02:42 cwebber2: might be a lot to read through 17:03:06 cwebber2: which repository should we use? ActivityPub, New Repo, ActivityStreams? 17:03:29 ack cwebber 17:03:29 cwebber, you wanted to suggest a github repo 17:03:31 ack nightpool 17:04:16 cwebber2: going to create new repo 17:05:42 nightpool: there may be vocabulary that we haven't thought through in a fully general context, liked moved to 17:06:20 nightpool: if we make a new repository it should be for general activitypub extensions not just activitystreams 17:06:50 i missed scribing some discussion about activitypub technically being an extension of activitystreams, so activitypub extensions are all activitystreams extensions 17:08:01 topic: movedTo 17:08:02 nightpool: having seperate documents gives more room for adding historical information, context, and rationale 17:09:28 oh boy, AP is much more than an AS2 extension 17:09:29 AS2 extensions were intended to be vocab only IIRC 17:09:35 and AP introduces tons of features / protocols etc. above & beyond AS2 - it's a new spec 17:10:08 nightpool: movedTo is a first step towards migration, just the first, easiest, simplest thing out there, when you want to move you specify the actor you want to move to, the actor provides a confirmation 17:10:28 sandro: so this does not automatically move subscriptions/etc 17:10:57 I'm worried that a partial solution to migration may actually slow down or block a more complete solution that moves subscriptions etc. 17:11:15 I realize perfect is the enemy of good and all that 17:11:18 cwebber2: there was some talk of using a move activity to do the migration and subscriptions 17:11:30 h has joined #social 17:11:33 but in this case I feel it may actually be counterproductive 17:12:37 cwebber2++ 17:12:37 cwebber2 has 106 karma 17:12:40 cwebber2++ 17:12:40 cwebber2 has 107 karma 17:12:44 melody++ 17:12:44 melody has 1 karma 17:12:52 trackbot, end meeting 17:12:52 Zakim, list attendees 17:12:52 As of this point the attendees have been cwebber, puckipedia, sandro, nightpool, melody, tantek 17:13:00 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:13:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2017/11/22-social-minutes.html trackbot 17:13:01 RRSAgent, bye 17:13:01 I see no action items 17:13:03 tantek: I understand that, but this is a first step for mastodon's implementation.