18:01:11 RRSAgent has joined #social 18:01:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2017/11/21-social-irc 18:01:13 RRSAgent, make logs public 18:01:16 Meeting: Social Web Working Group Teleconference 18:01:16 Date: 21 November 2017 18:01:16 present+ 18:01:21 chair: tantek 18:01:28 present+ sandro 18:02:23 present+ 18:03:16 present+ 18:03:49 preent+ 18:03:49 dialing in presently 18:04:03 present+ 18:04:43 present+ 18:04:47 present+ 18:05:23 scribe: sandro 18:05:41 review https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-11-14-minutes 18:05:51 topic: review minutes 18:06:38 anyone know who UNKNOWN_SPEAKER was? 18:06:47 I think by definition no 18:07:06 ajordan: pretty sure that's me 18:07:10 +1 18:07:51 ajordan: updated 18:07:53 +1 18:08:00 eprodrom++ 18:08:00 eprodrom has 51 karma in this channel (52 overall) 18:08:05 +1 18:08:07 \o/ 18:08:32 PROPOSED approve last week minutes: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-11-14-minutes 18:08:42 +1 18:08:52 +1 18:08:58 +1 18:09:01 +1 18:09:18 +1 18:09:26 RRSAgent, pointer? 18:09:26 See https://www.w3.org/2017/11/21-social-irc#T18-09-26 18:09:27 present- hadleybeeman 18:09:30 Zakim gtfo 18:09:34 present- snarfed 18:09:39 flackr has left #social 18:09:41 present- torgo 18:09:47 present -bengo 18:09:56 present- get-webmention-url@1.0.0 18:09:59 present- + 18:10:02 Eprodrom made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-11-14-minutes]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=105250&oldid=105216 18:10:04 zakim, who is here? 18:10:04 Present: tantek, cwebber, npdoty, annbass, rhiaro, ajordan, eprodrom, aaronpk, bengo, sandro, tsyesika, csarven 18:10:07 On IRC I see RRSAgent, tantek, bengo, cdchapman, eprodrom, DenSchub, xmpp-social, htrobinson, dlongley, JanKusanagi, dlehn, bwn, sandro, rhiaro, distopico, Loqi, sknebel, ajordan, 18:10:07 ... csarven, KjetilK, hadleybeeman, Zakim, Chocobozzz, aaronpk, er1n, cwebber2, jungkees, raucao, saranix, erincandescent, jet, ben_thatmustbeme, Gargron, melody, mattl, 18:10:07 ... bigbluehat, surinna, bitbear, howl, dwhly, tsyesika, nightpool, trackbot, puckipedia 18:10:32 (chair does "Present-" on all the folks who are listed as Present by Zakim from TPAC, but are not actually on today's call) 18:10:53 present- npdoty 18:10:57 present- annbass 18:11:08 zakim, who is here? 18:11:08 Present: tantek, cwebber, rhiaro, ajordan, eprodrom, aaronpk, bengo, sandro, tsyesika, csarven 18:11:10 On IRC I see RRSAgent, tantek, bengo, cdchapman, eprodrom, DenSchub, xmpp-social, htrobinson, dlongley, JanKusanagi, dlehn, bwn, sandro, rhiaro, distopico, Loqi, sknebel, ajordan, 18:11:10 ... csarven, KjetilK, hadleybeeman, Zakim, Chocobozzz, aaronpk, er1n, cwebber2, jungkees, raucao, saranix, erincandescent, jet, ben_thatmustbeme, Gargron, melody, mattl, 18:11:10 ... bigbluehat, surinna, bitbear, howl, dwhly, tsyesika, nightpool, trackbot, puckipedia 18:11:51 rhiaro: you are having a hard time with this 18:12:32 RESOLVED approve last week minutes: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-11-14-minutes 18:12:33 rhiaro: I think you're IRC-only this week 18:12:47 q+ 18:12:55 ack eprodrom 18:14:27 o/ 18:14:32 (discussion of agenda timing) 18:15:25 ajordan, you here but need to leave at the hour? 18:15:33 sandro: correct 18:15:45 I have class then 18:16:11 topic: websub issues 18:16:24 aaronpk: I made it through the issues, all editorial 18:16:27 tl;dr: websub til 10:45, then ap as needed 18:16:34 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/142 18:16:35 [aaronpk] #142 use of Link header 18:17:00 aaronpk: Commenter said he's suprised Link header is used in Request. Typically in response. 18:17:32 aaronpk: I replied I didn't know why it wouldn't be, and this is how PuSH has worked for a long time 18:18:06 https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec5.html#sec5.3 18:18:12 Not listed there I don't think 18:18:49 sandro: mnot told it's fine 18:19:00 Not here either https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.5 18:19:03 Gotcha 18:19:10 q? 18:19:11 +1 to supporting Location in the Request 18:19:22 Fair point 18:19:38 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5988 18:19:51 "Invalidated by https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8288 !" 18:20:15 sandro: as I recall, he explained yes, you can use Link headers on requests. It's not specified in the RFC, which means both. 18:20:18 rowan has joined #social 18:20:54 This is surprisingly complicated 18:21:06 lol too real 18:21:21 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8288#appendix-C 18:21:34 " This specification updates the "Message Headers" registry entry for "Link" in HTTP [RFC3864] to refer to this document." 18:22:36 aaronpk, skimming https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8288#page-24 I don't see any problems 18:22:50 sandro: me neither. Do we use the "target IRI" terminology 18:22:55 aaronpk: I don't thiknk we use either 18:23:02 s/pk,/pk:/ 18:24:11 aaronpk: Did something relevant in the link registry change? 18:25:28 tantek: Let's not change the reference if that doesn't solve the issue 18:25:47 evan: I don't have an opinion 18:27:58 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5 18:28:09 aaronpk: that does list request headers 18:28:47 and Link header doesn't show up there 18:29:38 sandro: That list is not supposed to be exhaustive. Link header isn't listed either? 18:30:08 aaronpk: It's not listed among response headers 18:30:23 tantek: It's not disallowed 18:30:57 eprodrom: Can we ask the authors? 18:31:15 sandro: Yes, I did, and he said it was fine. (like 7 years ago) 18:31:38 sandro: (but I don't see that email) 18:31:40 I think we can actually summon @mnot to the issue if we want 18:32:38 tantek: Do we need to add a note to the spec? 18:32:40 PROPOSED: resolve 142 with comment that LINK header is not disallowed by 7231 or 5988, and informally, the author of 5988 (Web Linking) intended it to be allowed. 18:32:45 +1 18:32:51 eprodrom: No, it's fine, given this discussion 18:32:53 +1 18:33:00 +1 18:33:07 +1 18:33:17 tantek: And we can ask the commenter if they want a clarifying note added to the spec 18:33:25 +1 18:33:30 RESOLVED: resolve 142 with comment that LINK header is not disallowed by 7231 or 5988, and informally, the author of 5988 (Web Linking) intended it to be allowed. 18:33:32 + 18:33:33 +1 18:33:42 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/138 18:33:43 [aaronpk] #138 different hub for same topic if denied 18:34:01 https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/#subscription-validation 18:34:39 aaronpk: This is about Location header on request 18:35:01 .. I think this is something WebSub is defining 18:35:08 .. this is a Separate Feature 18:35:21 .. using the Location header to say your subscription was denied, but you can try using this other URL 18:35:54 julien-aaronpk.json 18:36:10 julien-eprodrom.json 18:36:35 eprodrom: I think the idea would be, you ask for one, a capabilities URL, and you get a different one 18:37:02 sandro: or is this conneg? or no, that would be Content Location 18:37:09 sandro: is this in the test suite 18:37:18 aaronpk: I accidentally overlooked it 18:37:42 eprodrom: This was thrown in a long time ago. I've never seen this implemented. 18:38:40 aaronpk: julien says he knows this was used once but he's not seen it in ages 18:38:50 sandro: so this is for access controlled URLs? 18:38:57 eprodrom: yeah 18:39:14 aaronpk: github.com example in issue 18:39:35 tantek: we don't know if anyone has implemented this 18:40:31 aaronpk: It's a MAY, not in conformance criteria 18:40:45 https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/#subscription-validation 18:40:53 tantek: it's not unusual to omit MAY's 18:41:22 "Hubs may provide an additional HTTP [RFC7231] Location header (as described in section 7.1.2 of Hypertext Transfer Protocol [RFC7231]) to indicate that the subscriber may retry subscribing to a different hub.topic. This allows for limited distribution to specific groups or users in the context of social web applications." 18:42:00 sandro: Can we try hard to find out if anyone cares? 18:42:25 q+ 18:42:52 sandro: it's kind of a back-door MUST on the subscriber library, as worded. 18:43:17 sandro: I think it'll be easier to drop if we can find evidence no one has implemted it 18:43:26 aaronpk: impl rep fro twitch.tv 18:43:32 sandro: it seems backwards-compatible to me despite the quasi-MUST? 18:44:10 sandro: aaronpk can you ask everyone who has filed an impl report 18:45:24 tantek: Okay, that's the best we can do for now 18:45:28 topic: ActivityPub 18:45:54 https://activitypub.rocks/implementation-report/ 18:45:57 cwebber2: We're doing really well 18:46:07 cwebber2: 8 impls, 2+ yes on every item 18:46:11 https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues 18:46:18 .. no open issues 18:46:19 https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#changes-31-october-14-november 18:46:53 .. relaxed from SHOULD to MAY on Liked property 18:46:59 q+ 18:47:03 a- 18:47:06 q- 18:47:06 .. which we've had be a non-restart change 18:47:36 .. also ld+json type thing, as in AS2 18:48:03 .. also Forwarding mechanism, said you need to remove bcc 18:48:11 (but that never occurs) 18:48:40 .. no need to say what's stored 18:49:00 .. those are all non-normative changes 18:49:21 .. That's everything 18:49:49 q? 18:49:54 tantek: any comments/questions on changes? 18:50:01 ack eprodrom 18:50:53 eprodrom: the only change that's a bit challenging is the "Liked" property, which was a SHOULD in one spot and MAY in the more detailed spot, so we just resolved it to a MAY. It was an error in previous version. 18:51:08 tantek: good to clarify in change long, that you made it consistent 18:52:02 q? 18:53:47 sandro: column for number-of-yes's which turns green when it's 2 or more 18:53:52 cwebber2: sure 18:54:54 tantek: we had empty cells in websub report 18:55:02 +1 lets vote 18:55:07 +1 on the voting :) 18:55:22 tantek: any more comments? 18:55:35 +1 let's vote 18:56:13 [Christopher Allan Webber] ActivityPub 18:56:20 PROPOSED: AP to PR with the non-normative changes https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#changes-31-october-14-november 18:56:24 +1 18:56:26 +1 18:56:29 +1 18:56:37 +1 18:56:42 +1 18:56:52 +1 18:57:38 RRSAgent, pointer? 18:57:38 See https://www.w3.org/2017/11/21-social-irc#T18-57-38 18:57:53 RESOLVED: AP to PR with the non-normative changes https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#changes-31-october-14-november 18:58:18 🎉 18:58:28 😃 18:58:30 whoohoo! 18:58:32 wooo! ^_^ 18:58:34 Wow 18:58:37 BRAVO 18:58:41 cwebber2++ 18:58:41 cwebber2 has 103 karma 18:58:45 cwebber2++ 18:58:45 cwebber2 has 104 karma 18:58:46 cwebber2++ 18:58:46 cwebber2 has 105 karma 18:59:18 sandro: REC will be past Jan 1 18:59:41 alright, gotta go, sorry! thanks all, and woot! we did it 18:59:46 tantek: so, we'll want to closely track issues that might come up until then 19:00:00 topic: Back to WebSub 19:00:15 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/146 19:00:16 [aaronpk] #146 At risk: limiting the use of HTML to the HTML 19:00:29 aaronpk: We didnt have an issue to track At-Risk 19:01:22 tantek: Do any implementations parse it outside the head? 19:01:47 aaronpk: We don't know 19:02:39 sandro: shocked we let an At Risk feature get published in a PR 19:03:34 tantek: Any evidence of subscriber implementations? 19:03:46 aaronpk: check suibscriber librariesa 19:03:56 aaronpk: and check where it's published 19:04:11 tantek: what do webmention and micropub say about this? 19:04:17 .. and LDN 19:04:35 aaronpk: webmention has no limitation 19:05:56 sandro: We have to find either (1) a major publuisher putting it outside the head, OR (1) a major subscriber that doesn't look outside the head. 19:06:09 aaronpk: Homework for me? 19:06:51 tantek: Looking at one library I know, .... 19:07:14 tantek: Is there a test for this? 19:07:21 aaronpk: (don't remember) 19:07:37 aaronpk: There is one HTML tag discovery for subscribers, and it's in the head 19:07:47 .. there is NOT a separate test for it showing up in the body 19:09:04 aaronpk: webmention also lacks a test for link outside head 19:09:38 tantek: procedurally, I feel like because no one commented on this, it should be dropped. 19:10:12 sandro: agreed, but what if there is a major subscriber / library which doesn't look outside head 19:12:04 sandro: so it may be that everyone publishes in the head, so subscribers might just be looking in the head 19:12:38 aaronpk: This is HTML, but *most* implementations are for RSS and/or xml/atom, so this doesn't even come up 19:14:27 tantek: ask Ralph? 19:14:38 sandro: We should at least look / ask 19:15:01 aaronpk: Three reported looking in HTML. I'll ask them if they look only in head. 19:15:27 tantek: Any other proposals? Anyone want to keep the restriction-to-the-head ? 19:15:36 +0 19:16:23 PROPOSED: Resolve 146 as if the at-risk feature was dropped in CR to PR per no data on any known implementations of it. 19:16:25 +0 19:16:54 +1 contingent on the three respsonses aaronpk said he'd get. If they have a problem then we re-consider 19:16:59 +1 19:18:08 +1 19:18:18 eprodrom: I was surprised to see HTML allowed link elements in the body 19:18:25 oh shot.. i got disconectde 19:18:46 sandro: true, most publishers probably wont use the 19:19:05 RESOLVED: Resolve 146 as if the at-risk feature was dropped in CR to PR per no data on any known implementations of it, contingent on aaronpk asking for three responses regarding it. 19:19:30 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/143 19:19:30 [aaronpk] #143 hub vs subscriber in section 8 19:20:41 aaronpk: Kind of outside of scope of spec, because it's about publish-hub relationship. 19:21:35 sandro: SHOULD subscribers re-check? 19:21:54 aaronpk: they'll have to on expiry, and not until then 19:22:05 sandro: So, take this out? Since it's out-of-scope 19:22:38 aaronpk: I guess it's in there because the headers may be different than the subscriber originally found. 19:23:01 sandro: that sounds terrible 19:23:41 aaronpk: yeah, except the spec says the subscriber MUST NOT use the link headers to identify subscription (must use capability URLs) 19:23:58 aaronpk: Or at least distinct URL 19:24:25 sandro: let's take out the sentence, more confusing than helpful 19:25:43 aaronpk: remove sentence about hub/discover, and change to the topic-url-may-be-different 19:26:00 tantek: Is it a ref to something elsewhere in spec? 19:26:06 sandro: No, because that's out-of-scope 19:26:11 aaronpk: Right 19:26:36 aaronpk: Important part is to warn subscribers that topic may be different 19:26:46 sandro: Why send it? It seems bad 19:26:50 aaronpk: Agreed 19:27:22 sandro: May/Must/Should include it? 19:27:37 aaronpk: MUST 19:28:06 ajordan: The topic might still be useful, for dereferencing 19:28:56 sandro: Let's rephrase it as "topic url may be different", and see if commenter and julien are okay. this isn't normative, 19:29:12 aaronpk: right, this sentence is just providing a (confusing) example of WHY it might change 19:29:36 thanks! bye everyone! :) 19:29:50 https://w3c.github.io/websub/#changes-from-03-october-2017-pr-to-this-version 19:30:00 aaronpk: these were the tough ones, lots of easier ones 19:30:42 hmm we need a PROPOSED 19:31:48 PROPOSED: delete problematic sentence "A hub MAY use discovery from time to time to detect changes in a topic's canonical URL and Hub URLs." and instead explain topic URL might change 19:32:02 +1 19:32:08 +1 contingent on commenter and julien 19:32:11 +1 with making it a Note: 19:32:25 +0 19:32:51 aaronpk: green Note box seems too prominent 19:33:10 tantek: "for example" 19:33:15 +1 with preceding it with "For example, " 19:33:49 RESOLVED: delete problematic sentence "A hub MAY use discovery from time to time to detect changes in a topic's canonical URL and Hub URLs." and instead explain topic URL might change 19:33:58 whew 19:34:01 That was a long one 19:34:29 sandro++ for scribing 19:34:29 sandro has 51 karma in this channel (58 overall) 19:34:34 trackbot, end meeting 19:34:34 Zakim, list attendees 19:34:34 As of this point the attendees have been tantek, cwebber, npdoty, annbass, hadleybeeman, snarfed, torgo, rhiaro, ajordan, eprodrom, aaronpk, bengo, sandro, 19:34:37 ... get-webmention-url@1.0.0, +, tsyesika, csarven 19:34:42 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 19:34:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2017/11/21-social-minutes.html trackbot 19:34:43 RRSAgent, bye 19:34:43 I see no action items