14:58:16 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 14:58:16 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/10/24-hcls-irc 14:58:18 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:58:18 Zakim has joined #hcls 14:58:20 TallTed has joined #hcls 14:58:20 Meeting: Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Teleconference 14:58:20 Date: 24 October 2017 14:58:27 Chair: David Booth 15:00:53 Topic: Mini-ontologies for FHIR Vocabularies 15:06:09 Topic: Status of FHIR RDF 15:06:43 harold: Someone enquired about FHIR RDF being at risk. Grahame said no, but lack of uptake. 15:08:00 harold: Spoke to James Agnew about HAPI server, about getting RDF into it. Need to either convince HAPI folks that RDF folks that they should do it, or we have to do it ourselves. 15:08:23 ... Maybe we can get some guidance from them. 15:09:02 dbooth: Any funding available for doing it? 15:09:52 harold: Some possibility of Mayo funds -- shoe-horn under some of grant funding. 15:10:40 ... We have a grant proposal in. No idea how it will be received. Proposal is to clean up loose ends in FHIR and then use it in a clinical environment. 15:11:04 ... Got endorsement from timbl too. :) 15:12:10 ... Yosemite webinar that I did has sparked a lot of interest. 15:12:28 ... But still have more work to do for production demos. 15:12:41 Topic: I2B2 and FHIR RDF 15:13:09 harold: That has some real potential. Folks are starting to get that pretty fast. Spoke to Jim Cambell about loading big ontologies into I2B2. 15:13:24 ... We came up with a plan for pulling FHIR valuesets in a usable way. 15:14:17 dbooth: That I2B2 work sounds like it could be another really good webinar topic. 15:14:25 harold: Yes, we're getting close. 15:16:04 ... Loading a bundle of resources into I2B2 and perform some queries. (Now need to write papers on that work.) But what we haven't done: datatype is complex data type in I2B2, and I2B2 fact table kind of allows complex data type as a single row. 15:16:57 ... This is most useful to the FHIR community, for search and query. 15:17:19 Topic: fhir.schema.org 15:17:43 harold: This is also an interesting, promising direction. 15:18:35 ... The idea that I can mark up a foreign document, and the notion of using fhir.ttl as a catalog, has a lot of promise. 15:19:49 dbooth: Rafael Richards (from VA) met with schema.org folks at google in London last week. Might want to get his report. 15:20:30 harold: Spoke to Marc T, and since then we now have compelling case for both healthcare.schema.org and fhir.schema.org to co-exist. 15:21:12 ... healthcare.schema.org serves the same role as SNOMED CT. It gives vocab. 15:21:20 ... Both are needed. 15:22:13 ... And healthcare.schema.org has maps to SNOMED CT and other vocabs also. 15:23:03 ken: How do you see healthcare.schema.org and fhir.schema.org being linked? 15:23:38 harold: When grahame was on one of these calls, he said he had three goals. His third goal was defining the semantics of the healthcare record. 15:23:49 ... That was his goal for the near future. 15:24:18 ... If you look, SNOMED CT codes have been assigned to a lot of the FHIR components. 15:25:43 ... LOINC codes have been absorbed. At the SNOMED business mtg last week they indicated that they were going to re-open the decision that if you were using LOINC you had to use LOINC codes. You can use SNOMED codes instead. 15:26:25 ... But assigning the semantics to FHIR is a daunting task. The FHIR and SNOMED community have taken it on. It's also validating the semantics ,that's needed. 15:26:33 ... And need to show that it has value also. 15:26:45 ... And that brings us back to the FHIR RDF work. 15:27:14 ... RDF eliminates a daunting barrier, between models in one format. 15:27:51 ... E.g., the query shown in the Yosemite webinar last week. WE could validate that code met the semantics of the links that Grahame and Linda are putting in. 15:28:32 eric: It reduces the problem to the terminfo problem: two separate models and puts them into the same model. 15:29:43 ... Then I have an observation with a code with a laterality, and an observation.laterality. I should be able to infer one way or another between them. 15:30:11 harold: Right now there's s lot of tacit info used to make this work. 15:30:52 ... We as humans know these things, but they need to be explicit in the data, for machines to make the proper inferences. 15:31:33 ... I suspect that when we make those things explicit, we'll turn up all sorts of inconsistencies in the models, in SNOMED and elsewhere. 15:32:08 ... In I2B2 a daunting task has been to translate local codes into SNOMED CT. The fact that they're in FHIR right out of the box is very powerful. 15:33:13 dbooth: What other things still need to be done in FHIR RDF? 15:33:24 harold: See the end of my webinar (last week). 15:33:41 ... One of them: Protege still cannot retrieve a FHIR resource unless it knows its actual name. 15:34:25 ... I cannot ask for patient 12345, because the FHIR server takes text/turtle, but protege asks for application/RDF+XML. 15:35:00 ... If we're going to get the OWL rep of the FHIR code systems in there also, then we'll hit this problem in spades. 15:35:16 ... Because we'll have two reps: the RDF turtle rep of the code system resource, and the OWL rep. 15:35:45 ... We need a general conneg session with EricP on best practices, and document it to get the FHIR tools to do what they need. 15:36:41 dbooth: Sounds to me like protege should ask first for turtle, rather than RDF/XML. 15:39:32 ... And it isn't only protege. It is also classifiers. 15:41:35 harold: Should schedule a separate session to work this out. 15:42:13 ... Need to do a little prep work first, to see what other tools do also. 15:42:24 is this the Accept header? "application/rdf+xml, application/xml; q=0.5, text/xml; q=0.3, */*; q=0.2" 15:43:02 harold: IDK 15:44:18 ... Need to make a definitive statement about how one talks with a FHIR RDF server. 15:44:57 ... Also, at the moment the FHIR community uses "turtle" and "RDF" synonymously. Need to generalize, so that other formats can be used. 15:45:28 ... We also have the non-RDF OWL syntaxes. 15:46:32 ... SNOMED in OWL will be distributed using OWL syntax: using OWL refset, where each row in the table will be an OWL functional statement. 15:47:49 ... Let's plan for Nov 7 call to work this out. Need to know what other tools might used to point at FHIR servers. 15:47:50 https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi/blob/49b00d97887cae334c36ae2a33cc3e0509e02713/api/src/main/java/org/semanticweb/owlapi/io/DocumentSources.java#L57 15:48:11 ... Need to describe exactly how to request FHIR in RDF and specify preferences for syntaxes. 15:48:35 Topic: Definition of FHIR Paths 15:49:02 harold: FHIR paths will either be an extension or part of FHIR vocab. I used property chains to represent paths. 15:49:17 ... Also in I2B2 I have to record the path to the element as 1-2 URIs. 15:49:39 ... So if we construct URIs that are not in the FHIR spec, we should put them in the FHIR spec to be consistent. 15:50:07 ... I could put together a proposal on how to do that, using property chains. 15:50:22 ken: We've done work to create those paths also. 15:50:52 harold: Everybody needs those paths. If we can publish them in the FHIR spec, then everyone will use the same ones. 15:51:12 Topic: Version URIs in the ontology header 15:51:27 harold: We can fold this issue in to the conneg issue. 15:51:57 ... If I ask for patients 12345, if the server does a redirect, then it loses the format requested. 15:52:08 ... Eric can advise on what it should do. 15:52:44 ... That problem exists not only with the URI format, but also in the conneg section, I think. 15:53:01 eric: Browser should not lose the conneg stuff.. 15:53:28 harold: I think at the moment it redirects to more specific type. 15:54:10 Topic: fhir.ttl maps FHIR datatypes correctly, but 3 are not recognized by OWL 15:54:54 harold: They cause OWL reasoners to become ill. At the moment i have to edit xsd:date, xsd:time etc into xsd:datetime in FACT++ to make them work. 15:55:14 eric: Support for datatype reasoning sucks in OWL reasoners. 15:56:26 harold: I have a switch in the code to allow two versions to be generated if desired. 15:58:28 dbooth: I'll record these as issues on our list, to track them. 16:01:06 ADJOURNED 16:01:43 Present: David Booth, Ken Lord, EricP, Harold Solbrig 16:01:49 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:01:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/24-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:02:48 i/Topic: Status of FHIR RDF/harold: Need to sync with Rob Hausam about pushing this into the FHIR build. 16:02:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:02:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/24-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:51:35 i/What other things still need to be done in FHIR RDF/Topic: Conneg for FHIR RDF resources 16:51:39 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:51:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/24-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 17:21:41 dbooth has joined #hcls 17:22:58 i|Need to describe exactly how to request FHIR in RDF|Also https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi/blob/49b00d97887cae334c36ae2a33cc3e0509e02713/api/src/main/java/org/semanticweb/owlapi/io/DocumentSources.java#L52 17:23:04 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:23:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/24-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 18:03:05 Zakim has left #hcls