13:51:53 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-act 13:51:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/10/23-wcag-act-irc 13:51:55 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:51:58 Meeting: Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference 13:51:58 Date: 23 October 2017 13:52:00 agenda? 13:52:05 clear agenda 13:52:18 agenda+ Doodle poll for new meeting time https://doodle.com/poll/668bk8xeyqyxpg4t 13:52:35 agenda+ Consistency: Possible outcome values - suggestion to use EARL terminology https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/117 13:52:43 agenda+ Avoid hard statements about rules not being automated https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/120 13:52:50 agenda+ Relationship between ACT rule and an accessibility requirement - one to one only or is one to many allowed? https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/122 13:52:57 agenda+ Section 4 - Test Subject Types (input) - would like to see more than just HTML types https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/123 13:59:49 rdeltour has joined #wcag-act 14:00:13 maryjom has joined #wcag-act 14:02:29 anne_thyme has joined #wcag-act 14:03:51 cpandhi has joined #wcag-act 14:04:07 present+ 14:04:08 present+ 14:04:14 scribenick: rdeltour 14:04:14 present+ 14:04:16 present+ 14:04:17 scribe: Romain 14:04:17 present+ 14:04:23 zakim, takeup next 14:04:23 I don't understand 'takeup next', rdeltour 14:04:29 zakim, take up next 14:04:29 agendum 1. "Doodle poll for new meeting time https://doodle.com/poll/668bk8xeyqyxpg4t" taken up [from Wilco] 14:04:34 skotkjerra has joined #wcag-act 14:04:41 present+ 14:05:10 wilco: I think that this time isn't working for everyone. Please fill up the form 14:05:24 … looks like Thursday is currently the best option 14:06:03 zakim, take up next 14:06:03 agendum 2. "Consistency: Possible outcome values - suggestion to use EARL terminology https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/117" taken up [from Wilco] 14:06:38 wilco: right now, we've got this weird thing called "undetermined" in section 8.2 14:06:48 … it's not part of EARL, we made it up ourselves 14:07:05 ... first question is do we even need this concept? 14:07:28 … we answered that last week. next quesiton is should it be "undetermined" or "canttell" as is used in EARL? 14:07:43 Stein Erik: in my perspective, OK to use EARL's technology 14:07:50 wilco: sounds right to me 14:08:14 Stein Erik: we said we needed a dinstinction between "inapplicable" and "undetermined" 14:08:40 Charu: I think we add a discussion earlier, trying to remember why we didn't kept "canttell" 14:09:12 … we have "untested", and "not fully tested". isn't that the case when a fully automated tool isn't able to figure out the resulsts? 14:09:23 wilco: there's a bunch of terms, we just have to pick one 14:09:38 … another way we could use is to have an explicit mapping to EARL 14:10:02 ... "canttell" may read a bit weird, which is why I think we used "undetermined" 14:10:13 … but I do personally prefer sticking with EARL terminiology 14:10:27 Stein Erik: either way we need a definition 14:10:39 Manoj has joined #wcag-act 14:11:13 wilco: I think the reason the EARL group came up with "cannot tell" is that it's not technology specific 14:11:18 MoeKraft has joined #wcag-act 14:11:51 Charu: when we get the "undetermined" outcome it's that it's not fully tested. can we use "not fully tested"? we'd need to map that to "cannot tell" 14:12:10 wilco: are you OK sticking with "cannot tell" and put a definition in our document? 14:12:37 charu: EARL's definition is not very specific, so if we have our own definition it should be OK 14:13:24 wilco: ok, let's stick with "cannot tell", we'll work on a definition 14:13:34 anne: ??? [bad audio] 14:14:43 wilco: I think the reason we put it in there is that it's not a result from a rule. An aggregation can be "inapplicable" 14:15:32 … it's not described explicitly in 8.2, you can find it in appendix 14:15:57 anne: we can think of cases where we can have "inapplicable" for the rule itself. we have tests like that 14:16:01 wilco: example? 14:16:36 anne: one where we start out by searching a constant and test if it's included in landmark. if it's not there, the rule is inapplicable 14:17:09 … we do have tests where for us it would be necessary to have inapplicable as an outcome 14:17:27 Stein Erik: [clarifies the use case] 14:18:06 anne: we don't start out from a CSS selector 14:18:33 Stein Erik: what you need to test is a parent element instead of searching all children elements 14:18:53 … you pass a parent, but then figure it's not relevant when testing the children 14:19:43 wilco: are you saying one test could impact the result of another test? 14:20:01 Stein Erik: yes, which may already be possible. it depends on how you split tests into steps 14:20:15 wilco: maybe you can explore this further and come back to the group 14:20:35 … hopefully the time change will allow the developer to attend our calls as well 14:20:46 anne: this was one of the results from our internal testing 14:21:28 wilco: [musings about the format not requiring CSS selectors] 14:21:58 wilco: the conclusion stands, use "canttell" and add a definition for it, better than the one in EARL 14:22:02 zakim, take up next 14:22:02 agendum 3. "Avoid hard statements about rules not being automated https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/120" taken up [from Wilco] 14:22:58 wilco: we may not be too explicit about which rule may be automated and which may not, technology is evolving 14:23:05 … I kind of agree 14:23:24 ... I had several people asking that explicitly, to make it easier to undertsand one or the other might fall 14:23:37 … it's more "we think it's this one", not a necessity 14:23:46 stein erik: can you give an example? 14:24:59 wilco: this is mentioned in 5.2 14:25:09 stein erik: OK. I think it's a valid point 14:25:50 wilco: we could either remove it altogether, that doesn't mean that the test mode can't be part of the eventual result, it's left up to the implementor 14:25:55 … not even sure it's required by EARL 14:26:03 ... the other option is to have a suggested test mode 14:26:09 charu: I like that 14:26:15 +1 14:27:06 charu: in my thinking, if you have some tests that used to be manual but somebody found a way to automate that, the rule cam be revised 14:27:22 wilco: you don't much care how you implement it as long as you get to the same results 14:27:30 stein erik: makes sense 14:27:50 Decision: Update 5.2 to say "Suggested test mode" 14:28:13 stein erik: is it even necessary 14:28:46 I prefer recommended too 14:28:57 rdeltour: maybe "suggested" mean "recommended"? so "indicative" or "informative" is more appropriate? 14:29:44 moe: I just think "recommended" carries more weight. 14:29:53 wilco: what about "indicative" 14:30:35 moe: somewhat vague. indicated by whom? 14:30:45 rdeltour: [clarifies] 14:30:45 defined maybe 14:31:06 stein erik: maybe "this rule has been designed or tested using this mode" ? 14:31:17 … something like "known test mode" 14:31:35 wilco: what about "default test mode"? 14:31:55 stein erik: I like the idea of default. 14:32:05 moe: I was thinking "defined" 14:32:19 … you would need to define what the default is 14:32:36 ... in the rules format, we have a specified mode 14:32:50 charu: I was more leaning to "indicative" or "specified" 14:33:08 stein erik: isn't it very decided in a way? very firm? 14:33:21 5.2 states: Test case mode identifying whether test case steps are automated, semi-automated or require manual testing. 14:33:34 anne: to me "specified" suggests that you don't follow the spec if you don't do this. 14:34:05 stein erik: "proposed"? 14:34:12 wilco: +1 14:34:15 charu: +1 14:34:17 default: a preselected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer. 14:34:18 +1 14:34:23 +1 14:34:44 proposed: put forward (an idea or plan) for consideration or discussion by others. 14:34:45 zakim, take up next 14:34:45 agendum 4. "Relationship between ACT rule and an accessibility requirement - one to one only or is one to many allowed? https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/122" taken up [from 14:34:48 ... Wilco] 14:36:06 wilco: pretty easy one I think 14:36:27 … are Rules a 1 to 1 relationship to SC? 14:36:48 stein erik: isn't it explcit in the text that they can be 1-1 or 1-many? 14:36:56 charu: yes, we have rules like that 14:37:28 anne: yes, in section 3.3 Accessibility Requirements 14:38:57 https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/135 14:39:09 rdeltour: [describes his comment on #135] 14:40:19 moe: we were trying to replicate WCAG verbage 14:42:31 all: [debating an appropriate rewording] 14:43:31 wilco: what about "An ACT Rule MUST be …" 14:44:01 rdeltour: what about then "An ACT Rule is a complete or partial test…" 14:44:07 wilco: sounds ok to me 14:44:12 An ACT Rule MAY test only part of an accessibility requirement, or MAY cover more than one requirement. 14:44:53 moe: there are several places where we use MAY, should we replace all of them? 14:45:32 … ok, let's just focus on this occurrence for now 14:45:50 Conformance requirements are expressed with a combination of descriptive assertions and RFC 2119 terminology. The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in the normative parts of this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase letters in this spe[CUT] 14:46:16 zakim, take up next 14:46:16 I do not see any more non-closed or non-skipped agenda items, rdeltour 14:46:26 agenda? 14:47:14 https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/139 14:49:57 rdeltour: [rephrases what he put in #139] 14:50:13 wilco: kinda like the idea, helpful to get the full picture. Moe WDYT? 14:51:06 rdeltour: the idea is to have a section dedicated to describe the logic of evaluating a rule 14:51:24 … rather than have it conflated with the Rule description 14:52:02 ... like in the "Test cases" section, which starts with statements on thte rules description itself, but ends with describing the logic on how the rule is processed an resutls aggregated 14:52:27 moe: romain, you're self assigned, do yo want me to wokr with you? 14:53:05 romain: sure, happy to propose something, I can try before TPAC 14:53:09 wilco: sounds fine 14:53:49 https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/133 14:55:14 rdeltour: not even sure if we want each rule to be universally identified or not? 14:55:34 wilco: in auto-wcag we're using string IDs that we can put in URLs 14:57:11 rdeltour: for isntance, I'm developing a rule set, am I allowed to use "image-description" as a rule ID? 14:57:42 wilco: one solution is to mandate a URL 14:58:02 rdeltour: or just be permiissive and state that we allow anything 14:58:33 anne: in my experience, we'd have question on what is the fornat for this identifier 14:59:53 rdeltour: +1, we could have a clarification that defining the identifier is left to the implementor 14:59:57 wilco: we can add a note 15:00:03 rdeltour: +1 15:00:22 wilco: I think we're done! 15:08:26 trackbot, end meeting 15:08:26 Zakim, list attendees 15:08:26 As of this point the attendees have been anne_thyme, shadi, wilco, Mary_Jo_Mueller, tobias, rdeltour, cpandhi, MoeKraft, maryjom, skotkjerra 15:08:34 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:08:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/23-wcag-act-minutes.html trackbot 15:08:35 RRSAgent, bye 15:08:35 I see no action items