16:00:54 RRSAgent has joined #audio 16:00:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/10/19-audio-irc 16:00:56 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:00:56 Zakim has joined #audio 16:00:58 Meeting: Audio Working Group Teleconference 16:00:58 Date: 19 October 2017 16:02:58 rtoyg_m_ has joined #audio 16:03:18 present rtoy_g_m_ 16:05:21 jdsmith has joined #audio 16:05:22 scribenick: ChrisL 16:05:23 hoch has joined #audio 16:05:26 present+ jdsmith 16:05:32 present+ hoch 16:05:32 present+ 16:05:45 present+ rtoyg_m_ 16:05:50 joe has joined #audio 16:06:00 present+ padenot 16:06:09 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22Web+Audio+V1%22 16:06:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:06:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/19-audio-minutes.html Chris 16:06:27 joe: 3 v1 issues remain 16:06:50 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1424 16:06:52 This is a new one 16:07:20 padenot: kind can be auudio or video on media stream. should throw in factory method, omitted on constructor 16:07:29 joe: trivial, thanks for the fix 16:07:59 padenot: implementing in gecko. PR written 16:08:01 joe: lightning review? 16:08:14 padenot: oops conflict, will rebase 16:08:19 An additional blocker: https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1426 16:08:32 joe: wpt is that the generic need tests problem? 16:09:12 hoch: just filed it. one official issue to talk about it later, for tracking 16:09:37 rtoyg_m_: noticed a one-word fix 16:09:44 joe: ok, in a minute 16:10:03 rtoyg_m_: this is a v1 blocker as well 16:10:54 padenot: nav away from a doc, with webaudio api objects, we need to say we close all audio contexts but with no promise, just stop processing. messages no longer processed. 16:11:16 ... n audio output from the context. offline context is stopped, pending promises rejected 16:11:38 Chris: all seems perfectly reasonable 16:12:03 padenot: an release resources, unclaim audio hw. compat between chrome and firefox 16:12:30 ... gecko would drop promises on floor, now aligned to what blink does, rejects the promises 16:12:38 seems all good to me 16:12:52 joe; ok so agreement 16:13:03 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1426 16:13:27 rtoyg_m_: just an editorial change, chan count is mmax or explicit; explicit is correct 16:13:58 .. pr up for that 16:14:09 (looks for PR) 16:14:30 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/pulls 16:16:24 Chris_ has joined #audio 16:17:50 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/pull/1421 16:18:55 [web-audio-api] joeberkovitz closed pull request #1421: Fetch MathJax from cdnjs (gh-pages...gh-pages) https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/pull/1421 16:18:57 Chris: this is a w3c wide issue not related to web audio. suggest closing 16:19:03 I'll be akf for a sec 16:19:13 topic: tests 16:19:26 afk 16:19:33 back 16:20:36 rtoyg_m_: if these PRs land should I ask Tab to convert the spec to BikeShed? 16:21:18 Chris: provided it is in a branch, please go ahead 16:21:31 rtoyg_m_: ok after unloading lands 16:21:46 right 16:23:04 (spec refactoring discussion) 16:23:55 joe: ok so test status 16:24:20 padenot: can't hear you! 16:24:51 padenot: converted 5 tests, going upstream, when the auto push to WPT goes 16:25:05 .. and I wrote a converter tool for mojitests to wpt 16:25:33 rtoyg_m_: in a ff directory or to wpt? 16:25:44 padenot: the former, then the latter. 16:26:00 (upstreaming test discussion) 16:26:16 padenot: we could put them in a different directory, as we want 16:26:40 rtoyg_m_: nice to put in a separate directory, until we get it all merged together 16:27:04 padenot: will get an answer 16:27:14 ... makes sense 16:28:00 Chris_: upstream review can be assumed? 16:28:13 padenot: yes, significant upstream review 16:28:25 jerry: do they run automatically? 16:29:25 (explains linting checks, 10 runs to ensure consistency) 16:30:29 padenot: regex to asserts, add preamble and so on, then copy to right directory. 16:31:21 joe: where does this leave us in terms 16:32:01 rtoyg_m_: we converted all our tests, they are being upstreamed now, need a few changes though 16:32:09 Chris_: ok, sounds good 16:32:42 ... we are good to go for CR in terms of test strategy 16:33:03 joe: so we need to merge the v1 PRs. There are some things to move 16:33:13 matt: we moved all the v.next ones 16:33:36 ... what about 1427 though 16:33:44 ... all good apart from that 16:33:54 ... all v1 issues are complete 16:34:18 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1427 16:35:05 rtoyg_m_: better to allow channel count to be anything. splitters on evrything is a pain 16:35:23 joe: nice to have, backward compatible, move to v.next 16:35:29 (no objections) 16:35:52 topic: move to Candidate Recommendation 16:36:56 joe: next Thursday is the deadline for landing PR 16:38:04 joe: OK, so any objections to moving to Candidate Recommendation 16:38:30 (no objections) 16:39:54 chris: depends on publication timeframe after director approves transition 16:40:44 RESOLVED: move Web Audio 1.0 to Candidate Recommendation 16:40:50 rrsagent, here 16:40:50 See http://www.w3.org/2017/10/19-audio-irc#T16-40-50 16:41:46 I will update https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/blob/gh-pages/webaudio-CR-transition.md as needed 16:42:58 Chris_: should we focus on test reconcilliation? or v.next prioritization 16:43:27 joe: look at v.next at TPAC, concentrate on spec finalization 16:43:39 joe: ok so brief status meeting next week 16:43:46 (adjourned) 16:43:52 rrsagent, make minutes 16:43:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/19-audio-minutes.html Chris_ 16:48:33 [web-audio-api] rtoy closed pull request #1429: Fix #1426: ChannelMerger channelCountMode is "explicit" (gh-pages...1426-set-channel-merger-mode-correctly) https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/pull/1429 16:53:31 [web-audio-api] svgeesus pushed 1 new commit to gh-pages: https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/commit/3309f89797d836c804296c2ac2289d72e4225e9e 16:53:31 web-audio-api/gh-pages 3309f89 Chris Lilley: Finalise transition request for Candidate Recommendation of Web Audio API 1.0 16:53:53 rrsagent, make minutes 16:53:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/19-audio-minutes.html Chris_ 16:55:03 Chair: Joe 16:55:18 scribe: ChrisL 16:55:28 scribenick: Chris_ 16:55:33 rrsagent, make minutes 16:55:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/19-audio-minutes.html Chris_ 16:57:48 s/scribenick: ChrisL/scribenick: Chris 16:58:48 i/afk/ScribeNick: Chris_/ 16:58:51 rrsagent, make minutes 16:58:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/19-audio-minutes.html Chris_ 16:59:57 present+ matt, joe 17:00:01 rrsagent, make minutes 17:00:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/19-audio-minutes.html Chris_ 17:03:21 joe, padenot, can #1425 be merged or should we get review from domenic first 17:05:59 [web-audio-api] svgeesus pushed 1 new commit to gh-pages: https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/commit/cad267ac7b61970116bee5b7e09a420044133480 17:05:59 web-audio-api/gh-pages cad267a Chris Lilley: Update webaudio-CR-transition.md 17:10:21 [web-audio-api] rtoy closed pull request #1423: Ask for tests for normative changes in README.md (gh-pages...patch-1) https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/pull/1423 17:17:31 [web-audio-api] svgeesus pushed 1 new commit to gh-pages: https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/commit/25a72c2912b250adbba379f61e6f71d418cc6a42 17:17:31 web-audio-api/gh-pages 25a72c2 Chris Lilley: Add links to WebRTC and Worklets 17:31:22 transition request sent: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2017OctDec/0039.html 17:40:14 [web-audio-api] rtoy opened pull request #1432: Fix #1431: Restore AudioWorkletProcessor section (gh-pages...1431-restore-audio-worklet-processor) https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/pull/1432 17:43:08 [web-audio-api] rtoy closed pull request #1432: Fix #1431: Restore AudioWorkletProcessor section (gh-pages...1431-restore-audio-worklet-processor) https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/pull/1432 20:24:11 rtoyg_m has joined #audio