See also: IRC log
<JF> scribe: JF
JS: any news or tweaks to the agenda for today?
agneda is minimal today, as we've loaded up things iin the past.
JS: Any General news?
Gottfried: we should plan to present results of the MOOC partnership I was involved with
lots of good results, it was a valuable exercise
lots of open source resources emerged
<Gottfried> Running right now on FutureLearn:
example is an introductory course - not too technical but rather a basic Accessibility 101 focussing on users and their AT
There are other courses that do deeper dives on specific topics
JS: Asking if we could do this at TPAC?
Gottfried: Wont' be there. Proposesending out an email
JS: may also be relvant to EO
... one of our larger APA issues is understanding how all of
this fit in. What is the relationship with mobile? What is the
Architecture we're trying to build out?
... tracking these thoughts back to other action items (i.e.
Permissions spec. etc.)
... HOw do we structure and present that conversation? No
specific ideas, but we should be thinking about this
JS: Looking at a draft agenda. Some changes to come based upon availability and who will be attending TPAC
Review of current draft agenda(s)
Draft agenda to be posted soon - M. Cooper to advise group via email
JS: there seems to be 4 joint
meetings in the pipeline already
... still looking to coordinate meetings outside of the APA
timeslots - in particular the Web Payments folks
(Authentication API)
JD: We can work something out,
given that ARIA WG will attend the joint meeting with CSS
... Janina and Joanie should coordinate more
JS: Also want to find a time-slot to accomodate Western Australia remote attendee
<Gottfried> action-2151?
<trackbot> action-2151 -- Janina Sajka to Review permissions -- due 2017-10-18 -- OPEN
MC: so, leave open for now? Janina has more effort to apply
Gottfried: there is a new initiative under way that uses metadata for permissions
JS: that sounds interesting
Gottfried: this is not yet public, so will need to share privately for now
<trackbot> action-2131 -- Michael Cooper to Ask webappsec if csp is meant to block bookmarklets, and raise issue of a11y scripts that users explicitly request (not xss) -- due 2017-05-17 -- OPEN
MC: getting stale but should
remain open
... some items related to Shadow DOM on Shane... also getting
JS: anyone else able to take this
... leave for now.
<trackbot> action-2038 -- Michael Cooper to Raise [ credential management level 1] for re-review -- due 2017-09-22 -- OPEN
MC: this is a placeholder - to
revisit if we need to do more review
... checking notes
MC: Fred reviewed this about 18
months ago - recommended we come back to it at a later
... tossed to COGA TF (but suspect it didn't happen)
JS: we have two specs that COGA
should review - we should coordinate this with that group
... COGA should be more involved with APA's Spec Reviews
MC: have a collector page for specs that require COGA review
MC: we should point COGA to that page
<MichaelC> action-2038 due 4 months
<trackbot> Set action-2038 Raise [ credential management level 1] for re-review due date to 2018-02-18.
JS: bump this forward 4 months and revisit then
MC: two that we should look at
<MichaelC> TTML Profiles for Internet Media Subtitles and Captions 1.1
Gottfried: I can look at this, but will need some time (3 weeks)
<MichaelC> ACTION: gottfried to review TTML Profiles for Internet Media Subtitles and Captions 1.1 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2152 - Review ttml profiles for internet media subtitles and captions 1.1 [on Gottfried Zimmermann - due 2017-10-25].
<MichaelC> action-2152:
<trackbot> Notes added to action-2152 Review ttml profiles for internet media subtitles and captions 1.1
<MichaelC> action-2152 due 3 weeks
<trackbot> Set action-2152 Review ttml profiles for internet media subtitles and captions 1.1 due date to 2017-11-08.
<MichaelC> action-2152 due 4 weeks
<trackbot> Set action-2152 Review ttml profiles for internet media subtitles and captions 1.1 due date to 2017-11-15.
[Discussion around meetings this fall, working around TPAC, US Thanksgiving, etc.]
MC: we were tracking previous versions of the TTML spec. MC to update links (etc.)
<MichaelC> CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3
MC: currently at CR, but it
languished for almost 3 years, and then advanced to CR
recently. Last time they tried to advance this, APA blocked
advancement due to issues
... not clear now if those issues have been addressed
JS: This was a public review announcement
MC: looks like we didn't object to the 2014 CR, so perhaps we have nothing more to add (??)
JS: refer to CSS/a11y TF
MC: not sure how active this is, but we should at least double-check
<janina> scribe: janina
<JF> WCAG 2.1 Working Draft for SC 2.6.2 - Orientation (
jf: AGWG discussion of SC for
WCAG 2.1 on screen orientation
... Use case is mounted screen on a wheel chair
<JF> Screen Orientation API Working Draft (
jf: Nothing in the Orientation API on issues created by locking down orientation
js: Isn't lock concern handled by OS? A desire to keep a orientation can be locked down by OS setting
<JF> Last Editor's Draft was may 2017:
<JF> ACTION: JF to review and draft a warning note for Orienation API Spec, for APA review [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2153 - Review and draft a warning note for orienation api spec, for apa review [on John Foliot - due 2017-10-25].
<JF> scribe: JF
JS: with no other business, we can adjorne
trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152 of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Proposae /Propose/ Succeeded: s/thee/there/ Succeeded: s/JB:/JD:/g Default Present: janina, Joanmarie_Diggs, Roy, Gottfried Present: janina Joanmarie_Diggs Roy Gottfried Regrets: leonie Found Scribe: JF Inferring ScribeNick: JF Found Scribe: janina Inferring ScribeNick: janina Found Scribe: JF Inferring ScribeNick: JF Scribes: JF, janina ScribeNicks: JF, janina Found Date: 18 Oct 2017 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: gottfried jf WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]