16:59:40 RRSAgent has joined #webperf 16:59:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/10/09-webperf-irc 16:59:46 Zakim has joined #webperf 16:59:59 Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10dz_7QM5XCNsGeI63R864lF9gFqlqQD37B4q8Q46LMM/edit#heading=h.pc0zv03mzxj0 17:09:04 Preload status? 17:09:17 yoav: we resolved all issues 17:09:25 xiaoqian: we'll publish CR request tomorrow 17:09:52 Server-Timing 17:10:10 charlie: two updates need to be made 17:10:27 .. one is header format so that duration and name are explicit 17:10:46 .. second is TAO logic proposal: if TAO fails then we'll drop 17:21:43 PV2 17:21:58 log if page is visible case --> L3 17:22:57 we'll remove prerender; it was already marked as at risk 17:24:54 https://github.com/w3c/preload/issues/113 17:27:32 yoav: should not be a blocker for CR 17:27:46 ... it doesn't change implementation or interface 17:28:15 xiaoqian: ok, we won't block and publish CR 17:29:09 TPAC planning 17:29:50 shubhie: life cycle + page visibility relationship.. e.g. exposing historical events could be generalized, potentially 17:33:56 next call, on Oct 25? 17:34:26 yoav_ has joined #webperf 17:34:55 confirmed, 25th 17:36:01 xiaoqian has joined #webperf 17:36:07 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:36:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/09-webperf-minutes.html xiaoqian 17:36:15 RRSAgent, make log public 17:36:47 RRSAgent, bye 17:36:47 I see no action items