13:56:58 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-act 13:56:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/10/02-wcag-act-irc 13:57:00 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:57:00 Zakim has joined #wcag-act 13:57:02 Meeting: Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference 13:57:02 Date: 02 October 2017 13:57:36 agenda+ ACT TF at CSUN 2017 13:57:54 agenda+ Reviewing ACT Rules Format https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACT_Sep2017/ 13:58:06 agenda+ Test driving ACT-RF https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-core/blob/develop/doc/rule-proposal.md 13:58:18 agenda+ ACT Test case suite https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Testing_Resources 14:03:10 present+ 14:05:23 Kathy has joined #wcag-act 14:05:30 present+ Kathy 14:05:40 present+ 14:06:03 present+ 14:06:07 anne_thyme has joined #wcag-act 14:06:15 present+ 14:06:22 scribe:anne_thyme 14:06:47 zakim, take up item 1 14:06:47 agendum 1. "ACT TF at CSUN 2017" taken up [from Wilco] 14:07:19 agarrison has joined #wcag-act 14:07:35 maryjom has joined #wcag-act 14:07:53 Wilco: you guys wanted to talk about CSUN. From our side we are going to send in a proposal to CSUN about the deliverables we have been working on. Deadline is tomorrow 14:08:29 present+ MaryJoMueller 14:08:34 Stein Erik: we just wanted it on the agenda to make sure that we promote the work we are doing here. As long as there is something going on, that is great 14:08:49 Wilco: we will send out the proposal to the mailing list 14:09:21 Wilco: Mary Jo, can you send it out to the mailing list? With the changed title... 14:09:35 yes 14:09:36 Mary Jo: I will send it 14:09:41 cpandhi has joined #wcag-act 14:09:58 Wilco: Are everyone going to be at CSUN? 14:10:08 yes... 14:10:13 zakim, take up item 2 14:10:13 agendum 2. "Reviewing ACT Rules Format https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACT_Sep2017/" taken up [from Wilco] 14:10:44 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACT_Sep2017/results 14:11:00 Wilco: We put up a survey to get the conversation going on the Rules Format. Got a couple of responses so far 14:12:06 https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/109 14:12:07 Tobias responded. First comment is on an open issue regarding the input types 14:14:15 Wilco: Did you have a chance to talk about how to get the ACT Rules Format into work in your organizations? 14:15:33 Stein Erik: We are just emerging from a big release. We are starting up the work tomorrow on how to implement the ACT Rules into our own tool and starting up work on writing some of our own rules in ACT Format. So within the next couple of months 14:16:17 Charu: October is going to be hectic. My personal view is that we are going to be able to focus on this after mid-November at least 14:16:52 Charu: I'm working on getting our actual rule developers to participate in the rule creation group 14:17:24 Kathy: Had not had a chance to look at where we are in relation to test driving rules 14:17:37 Alistair: Had not had a chance to look at it either 14:17:59 Wilco: Are you still interested in doing this? And in which time frame do expect to see it done? 14:18:25 Alistair: Any large chance, and this would be a large chance, requires a business case first 14:18:32 q+ 14:18:32 q+ 14:18:48 Wilco: The purpose would be to see whether it is feasible and then use that as feedback 14:18:49 ask sk 14:20:21 ack sh 14:20:30 ack sk 14:20:36 Stein Erik: Are there any hurdles that are stopping us all? It seems that we are pretty much in the same situation. Are there any commen blockers that could be identified and removed? In the document or otherwise? 14:21:09 Shadi: I don't think so, the document has been worked on for a long time, we need to put it into to practice to refine it further 14:21:30 presant+ 14:21:38 Shadi: We need to find the real issues, so we are not wasting time 14:22:07 Shadi: We do not require any real change from the organisations, it's the assessment that we need at this point 14:22:51 Shadi: Wilco, you said you had a script for transforming the rules. Maybe this is something other should have a look at, just exporting the rules 14:24:57 Stein Erik: It might help to know what the minimum requirements are, and yes, sharing resources will also help 14:26:30 https://www.w3.org/TR/act-rules-format/ 14:26:38 Alistair: Is there a place where I can just see a test in this format? That would help me figure out how much is required 14:26:40 https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act-rules/rules/ACT-R1.html 14:26:55 https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act-rules/ 14:26:56 Wilco: yes, we created example rules to go with the Rules Format 14:27:15 Shadi: There are three sample rules 14:27:26 Wilco: Yes, as well as test cases that go with each 14:27:42 Shadi: Is it linked from the Wiki? 14:27:58 Shadi: I will link to it from the Wiki after the call 14:29:30 Alistair: What level of complexity can this thing do before it falls over? e.g. a function that loops through headings and put them into a function... 14:29:43 Wilco: This is like documentation 14:29:55 https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-core/blob/develop/doc/act-rules-format.md 14:30:09 Alistair: Shadi said you had some kind of parser to do it? 14:30:17 Wilco: No, I wrote out how to do it 14:31:28 Wilco: It's fairly straightforward, naming and replacing a few things. There are some things you can do in aXe rules that you can't do in ACT and vice versa, and I tried to write this out 14:32:06 Wilco: you don't actually have to describe how you got the foreground color and background color 14:33:03 q+ 14:33:12 Alistair: I want to try to make people come up with the fringe cases. We don't need these kind of descriptions, people can just look at the code 14:33:25 Wilco: If anyone has access to the code... 14:33:39 Alistair: At what point do you tell me how to write the code? 14:34:17 Wilco: They don't tell you how to write the code, they tell in fairly high level plain text how to perform the test 14:34:27 Alistair: Step 1 etc. that is fairly low level 14:34:38 Wilco: yes, we are trying to be unambigious 14:35:33 ack sh 14:35:35 Alistair: I'm worried about spending too much time writing step 1, step 2 processes. The important thing is the quick summary and the expected outcomes 14:36:52 Shadi: yes, and we have decided that each ACT rule will be accompanied by test cases, that will be showing the fringes of this test. Are these the things you are looking for, Alistair? 14:37:55 Alistair: Yes, my developers say: just give me a piece of code that should fail this test. We don't go back and explain how to write the code that is already written. It will be a major job to go back and align 14:38:55 https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act-rules/rule-tests/ACT-R2-tests.html 14:38:58 Shadi: We have decided that we want both audiences. Also manual testers or people who want to know what this test is doing without having access to your compiled code. But then also have the test cases for the situation you describe. Yes, it should all be test case driven 14:39:31 Wilco: We have test cases. There are test cases linked in the bottom from all rules. It's part of the Rules Format 14:39:59 https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-core/issues/531 14:40:01 Alistair: In my opinion we would be able to implement everything pretty fast, except rewriting test procedures 14:41:17 Wilco: I have started using them, this is a rule proposed to aXe core a few weeks ago. First describing on a high level what the rule is going to do, so we can find out if there are false positives etc. before we actually implement the rule 14:41:49 Wilco: and if people ask about what a rule does, giving them the code is rarely helpful, it's better to give them the description 14:42:34 Alistair: This is pretty simple however, what about a function that calculates if there is an accessible name? That could be quite a lengthy process 14:43:09 Wilco: In auto-WCAG we have referred to the accessible name calculation, which is publicly available. 14:43:35 Wilco: Does the rest of you have questions about the level of detail required here? 14:44:40 Stein Erik: From our side the point of the ACT rules as a whole is to be able to present documentation on our rules to help people to decide on the reliability of rules. Transparency and accuracy is key here 14:45:00 Alistair: Couldn't this not just be done by running my rules on my test suite? 14:45:47 Stein Erik: Yes, but if it's the same author of the rules and the test suite, it could go in one direction or the other 14:46:28 Shadi: You don't have to write out everything in steps unless you want to contribute rules 14:47:02 Shadi: Or you could just implement existing test rules 14:48:03 Alistair: There are a million ways to build a function, do I need to follow the steps to say that I confirm or is it enough to match the test cases? 14:48:06 Have to run. thanks, all! 14:48:33 Wilco: If you find a more performant way of implementing it, you are free to do it 14:49:07 Alistair: Should there be a "my stuff passes, but I did it in my own way" declaration? 14:49:47 Alistair: I'm saying, we don't need to write out the steps, as long as it passes 14:50:04 Wilco: I believe we need it, it's documentation, it's about transparency 14:50:55 Alistair: I value time, we need things to go quickly, we don't want to spend time on documentation, if we can just run it on a test suite. Especially when we have more than 400 rules 14:53:48 q+ 14:54:03 Shadi: Can we write somewhere in the format that the programming code in the tool might deviate from the description, but that the description is created to be human readable. But as long as the input and test cases matches, it follows the standard 14:54:12 Alistair: Excactly! 14:54:37 Shadi: I don't see why we shouldn't add this 14:54:48 Wilco: Yeah, I have no problem with that 14:55:22 Wilco: Does this alleviate your concern about the amount of documentation? 14:55:26 Alistair: Yes 14:55:48 Wilco: I think the most valuable thing people can contribute are test cases 14:56:19 Wilco: Then we can always find out who should describe it. Test cases are probably more important than the descriptions here 14:56:27 agenda? 14:56:28 Wilco: I will add an issue for this 14:57:08 Wilco: Where are we on the agenda... We sort of did test run and test case suite 14:57:33 Kathy: I agree with a lot f what Alistair said 14:58:13 Charu: I think it was good that we had this discussion, thank you Alistair for asking so many questions, it also answered questions that I had 14:59:22 Charu: was I was going to do was propose this format to my developer and ask how much extra work this was going to create for him 14:59:56 Charu: I personally feel that these steps might help us find fringe cases that we have missed 15:00:38 Charu: I think it's a good idea going forward to compare the steps and see how we differ and if there is fringe cases we might have missed 15:00:53 Wilco: Thank you for bringing this up, Alistair 15:03:15 trackbot, end meeting 15:03:15 Zakim, list attendees 15:03:15 As of this point the attendees have been Skotkjerra, Kathy, shadi, Wilco, anne_thyme, MaryJoMueller 15:03:23 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:03:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/02-wcag-act-minutes.html trackbot 15:03:24 RRSAgent, bye 15:03:24 I see no action items