13:50:31 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 13:50:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/10/02-dxwg-irc 13:50:42 rrsagent, make logs public 13:52:06 roba has joined #dxwg 13:53:10 newton has joined #dxwg 13:55:41 DanieleBailo has joined #dxwg 13:56:51 Makx has joined #dxwg 13:57:07 present+ Makx 13:59:11 LarsG has joined #dxwg 14:00:43 present+ 14:00:50 present+ 14:01:13 antoine has joined #dxwg 14:02:31 Ixchel has joined #dxwg 14:02:33 present+ 14:02:34 present + Ixchel 14:02:52 present+ antoine 14:03:16 Jaroslav_Pullmann has joined #dxwg 14:03:18 present+ 14:03:28 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwg 14:03:44 present+ Daniele Bailo 14:04:23 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwg 14:04:46 Stijn_Goedertier_AIV has joined #dxwg 14:04:48 PWinstanley has joined #dxwg 14:05:01 dsr_ has joined #dxwg 14:05:04 annette_g has joined #dxwg 14:05:07 present+ 14:05:19 Present+ annette_g 14:05:23 present+ Stijn_Goedertier_AIV 14:05:30 present+ 14:05:30 scribenick: Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:05:38 present+ riccardoAlbertoni 14:05:39 Thomas has joined #dxwg 14:05:46 present+ 14:06:11 RESOLVED: approve last week's minutes 14:06:24 present+ 14:06:55 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwg 14:07:09 q? 14:07:12 sounds good 14:07:22 present+ AndreaPerego 14:07:29 https://www.w3.org/2017/09/25-dxwg-minutes#ResolutionSummary 14:08:12 kcoyle: asking for approving the requirement "6.9 Version indicator" 14:08:38 https://w3c.github.io/dxwg/ucr/#RVer3 14:09:20 PROPOSAL: accept RVer3 with name changed to version indicator 14:09:27 +1 14:09:32 +1 14:09:35 +1 14:09:37 +1 14:09:38 +1 14:09:38 +1 14:09:39 +1 14:09:39 q+ 14:09:43 isn't that 6.7 Version identifier [RVer3]? 14:09:45 q+ 14:09:51 ack Ixchel 14:10:02 s/PROPOSAL/PROPOSED/ 14:10:26 6.9 is Version release date [RVer5] 14:10:27 Provide a means to indicate a version (URI-segment, property, etc.). Clarify relationship to indicator of the subject resource. 14:10:52 q- 14:11:39 Ixcchel: clarify the second sentence of requirement .. 14:11:45 Provide a means to indicate the type of version (URI-segment, property, etc.). Clarify relationship to indicator of the subject resource. 14:12:08 +1 14:12:08 +0 14:12:22 Isn't that to indicate the version itself? 14:12:23 Can I suggest we add an explicit pointer to https://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp/#VersioningInfo ? 14:13:03 I can't hear Makx ...? 14:13:07 s/6.9 Version indicator/6.7 Version indicator/ 14:13:11 o.k. 14:13:28 +1 14:13:42 +1 to Andrea 14:13:51 RESOLVED: accept RVer3 with name changed to version indicator 14:14:00 +1 14:14:35 Ixchel will update the UCR document 14:14:59 kcolye: please indicate presence in F2F 14:15:43 kcolye: register at time, this is needed to plan the room capacities 14:16:06 Clarification: Ixchel is updating the UCR working document on Google Drive 14:16:14 kcolye: we'll have a remote connection, difficult because of Californian time zone 14:17:06 kcoyle: a number of previously "closed" actions appear in tracker as "open" 14:17:24 dsr:_ will clarify why 14:17:45 q+ to talk about action-40 14:17:52 kcoyle: Ruben + Lars, please check conneg reqs. 14:18:02 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 14:18:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/02-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 14:18:02 ack LarsG 14:18:02 LarsG, you wanted to talk about action-40 14:18:16 LarsG: we lloked at it, created pulled requests, were accpeted today 14:18:52 kcoyle: will lcose corresponding actions once the tracker problem solved 14:19:16 s/licked/lloked/ 14:19:28 q+ 14:19:33 s/lloked/looked/ 14:19:58 q+ to ask if it's possible to have the github notifications sent to the dxwg list 14:20:21 kcoyle: the action 42 to be resolved next week, too short time note 14:20:27 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:20:29 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16JmtNCz_aCWtTCSntriDWLvyPY2x-Y9dZFhAHFl55r0/edit?usp=sharing 14:20:49 ack LarsG 14:20:49 LarsG, you wanted to ask if it's possible to have the github notifications sent to the dxwg list 14:20:49 kycoyle: we'll look at the proposed spreadsheet 14:21:18 LarsG: request to send the Guthub notifications to group 14:21:23 +1 to LarsG proposal 14:21:38 s/Guthub/Github/ 14:22:28 +1 14:22:54 dsr_: will look at the option to circulate GitHub pull request notification to DXWG mailing list 14:23:14 we've talked about this after Phil moved. And it was one of the motivations for everyong to move to github I think ;-) 14:23:15 q? 14:23:29 s/everyong/everyone accepting 14:23:31 ACTION: will look at the option to circulate GitHub pull request notification to DXWG mailing list 14:23:31 Error finding 'will'. You can review and register nicknames at . 14:23:46 ACTION: dsr_ will look at the option to circulate GitHub pull request notification to DXWG mailing list 14:23:46 Error finding 'dsr_'. You can review and register nicknames at . 14:24:16 action: dsr to look at the option to circulate GitHub pull request notification to DXWG mailing list 14:24:22 kcoyle: back to spreadsheet.. 14:24:24 Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail with details about what happened. 14:24:36 .. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16JmtNCz_aCWtTCSntriDWLvyPY2x-Y9dZFhAHFl55r0/edit?usp=sharing 14:24:52 kcoyle: explaining the structure 14:25:37 PROPOSED: UCR group to complete spread sheet and numbering for requirements discussion 14:25:52 q+ 14:26:11 +1 14:26:36 q+ 14:26:46 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:27:31 ack roba 14:28:14 Jaroslav_Pullmann: will we stick to a general req. title or have dedicated label for each? 14:28:40 +1 14:28:43 +1 14:28:49 +1 14:28:52 +1 14:28:52 q+ 14:28:53 +1 14:28:54 +1 14:28:55 +1 14:29:07 riccardoAlbertoni_ has joined #dxwg 14:29:15 +1 14:29:24 Will this replace the more intercative wiki? 14:29:58 +1 14:30:49 s/intercative/interactive/ 14:32:02 RESOLVED: UCR group to complete spread sheet and numbering for requirements discussion 14:32:32 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/pull/35/commits/a8ed32e797023d73a2509da0c4fdec5b8240dcfd 14:32:33 kcoyle: Peter had an action to update wording 14:33:14 .. of https://w3c.github.io/dxwg/ucr/#RVer1 14:33:37 q? 14:33:42 kcoyle: asks Peter co comment 14:33:50 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 14:33:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/02-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 14:33:54 s/co/to/ 14:34:18 q+ 14:34:43 PWinstanley: should we rely on DC isVersionOf or other mechanism 14:35:01 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:35:36 roba: affraid, that we are getting into a solution space 14:36:15 +1 to roba 14:36:32 +1 not to discuss about solutions at this stage 14:36:38 s/affraid/afraid/ 14:36:45 roba: we should word in more generally requesting group to finde right solution 14:36:55 q+ 14:37:39 but also agree that dct:isVersionOf may well play a role when we get to potential solutions 14:38:00 Jaroslav_Pullmann: as per alejandra we should define which resources need versioning 14:38:39 I expected this requirement be replaced by Alejandras proposal 14:39:54 Alejandras proposal was laid down in this action: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/44 14:40:15 q+ 14:40:43 ack riccardoAlbertoni_ 14:40:48 ack roba 14:41:08 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:41:35 q+ 14:42:08 kcoyle: we will discuss this later, when ther is a proposal from Alejandra 14:42:22 PROPOSED: table ver1 for now; wait for Alejandra's action 14:42:41 +1 14:43:18 +1 14:43:19 LarsG: will "profiles" be conisdered "subject to versioning" as well? 14:43:42 q+ 14:43:51 kcoyle: good point, should be considered 14:43:52 ack LarsG 14:43:56 ack roba 14:43:59 +1 to think about versioning profiles 14:44:28 roba: there are cross-references among deliverables 14:44:52 +1 it would be very important 14:45:10 roba: therefore the solutions should bear this in mind 14:45:23 s/conisdered/considered/ 14:46:22 roba: make sure the backlinks to UCR document (from other deliverables) will work 14:47:31 there will be a deliverable tag in the GDoc spreadsheet 14:48:04 talking about: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/43 14:48:21 q? 14:48:27 PWinstanley: definition of what is considered a version 14:48:46 q+ 14:48:59 q+ 14:49:09 ack antoine 14:49:55 antoine: as already said, I would not try to define the conditions of when to create a new version 14:50:11 q+ 14:50:26 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:50:36 antoine: thisshould be defined by communities/profiles 14:50:37 +1 to antoine 14:50:46 s/thisshould/this should/ 14:50:58 +1 to Antoine 14:51:04 ack roba 14:51:50 Q+ 14:52:04 roba: do we want to define a canonical version model or provide a canonical way (hook) to attach whatever model to resource description 14:52:26 ack annette_g 14:53:01 annette_g: allow people to use versioning at level of they needs 14:53:21 q+ 14:53:27 annette_g: I do not expect this to be that relevant with regard to search 14:53:31 ack roba 14:54:30 roba: there are situations, where temporal ordering of versions might become important 14:54:31 Q+ 14:54:48 s/thisshould/this should/ 14:54:51 q+ 14:54:55 roba: simple string might not be suffcient 14:55:00 ack annette_g 14:55:23 annette_g: how far should we go in defining a versioning model? 14:55:47 q+ 14:56:00 ack LarsG 14:56:13 annette_g: people are used to their versioning methods and their hardly use a prescribed system 14:56:23 LarsG: supports annette_g 14:56:43 q? 14:56:50 ack PWinstanley 14:56:50 LarsG: do we have requirements demanding a structured version model? 14:56:58 -1 to list of microformats , -1 to prescribing a specific model :-) 14:58:08 q+ 14:58:14 Q+ 14:58:16 PWinstanley: we should provide a conceptual definition of "version" and equelly the out-of-scope def: what is not a version 14:58:20 ack antoine 14:58:32 is there a discussion planned around telcon times - now 2am for me after change in times :-( 14:58:36 s/equelly/equally/ 14:59:13 antoine: summarizing Peter's proposal 14:59:32 I definitely don't want to prescribe a specific model but want to emphasise that if we think that something is important (e. g. finding out which is the latest version; finding out if version XY is a predecessor to YX) we should have requirements for that 15:00:02 PWinstanley: would we e.g. consider "deduplication" a rationale for version change? 15:00:03 q? 15:00:13 +1 to Peter to provide some guidance on what should and should not be considered to be a version. 15:00:53 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 15:00:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/02-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 15:00:57 kcoyle: still open, will be dicussed later on 15:01:14 s/dicussed/discussed/ 15:01:16 Thanks folks! 15:01:24 thanks! 15:01:25 bye thanks 15:01:25 Thanks, bye 15:01:27 ok thanks bye bye 15:01:27 thanks ... bye!! 15:01:31 bye! 15:01:33 Thanks, and bye! 15:01:34 thanks everybody. bye 15:01:41 present- 15:02:05 meeting: Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference 15:02:17 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2017.10.02 15:02:34 chair: Karen Coyle 15:03:17 regrets+ Simon, Ruben, Caroline, Dave Browning, Alejandra 15:03:20 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 15:03:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/10/02-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 16:14:19 dsr has joined #dxwg 17:02:17 Zakim has left #dxwg