13:26:28 RRSAgent has joined #coga 13:26:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/09/14-coga-irc 13:26:36 zakim, this will be WAI_CogTF 13:26:36 ok, lisa 13:27:06 regrets:E.A. Draffan, Jim Griesemer, 13:29:50 agenda+ updates: TPAC, Personalization TF, Disseminating wcag 2.1 13:29:52 agenda+ Time line of next items 13:29:53 agenda+ Techniques for WCAG 2.1 support https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YiknHDDDdKBdwVTEpxwUpyCaQL_tnpp9CfDlFjCq16E/edit?usp=sharing 13:29:55 agenda+ Implementations 13:29:57 agenda+ Full information and supplement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WcfVALVq8PS9CLXUuAfV9Op0wXvI2yJYedj5jO23GTk/edit?usp=sharing 13:29:58 agenda+ Next issue papers https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B1vCqlU1IF5UmqxhJAy8Khdi-kRQNPalVX8f3lCMr7w/edit?usp=sharing 13:49:29 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page 13:57:44 ok. janina was there so we could touch base. I added timelines to our wiki. u can take a look 13:58:03 someone has joined the webex called "tink" :( 14:04:23 Jan has joined #coga 14:05:43 AndyHeath has joined #coga 14:07:17 scribe: Jan 14:09:44 zakim, next item 14:09:44 agendum 1. "updates: TPAC, Personalization TF, Disseminating wcag 2.1" taken up [from lisa] 14:09:50 present+ 14:09:56 present+ 14:10:00 present+ 14:10:04 present+ JanMcSorley 14:11:06 https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/ 14:11:23 Lisa: WCAG 2.1 latest working draft is published, so we need to get people to comment 14:12:55 ... share the https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/ link with people and organizations who can distribute to people who can comment on it 14:13:01 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EVnmFO6l8nAdBs5UiasJnZz3Ri_diKcoz8peoPWTm4Q/edit 14:13:42 Lisa: this link will help people know how to comment - it's a bit out of date, but can help them get started 14:14:12 q? 14:14:28 NeilMilliken has joined #COGA 14:14:48 zakim, next item 14:14:48 agendum 2. "Time line of next items" taken up [from lisa] 14:14:49 Lisa: it's important to comment on WCAG 2.1 by October 10, 2017 to help us prove the importance of the COGA SCs and perhaps even get them a higher level of importance. 14:15:05 https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/ 14:15:09 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EVnmFO6l8nAdBs5UiasJnZz3Ri_diKcoz8peoPWTm4Q/edit 14:15:55 Lisa: We really need people to ask questions like, "Why is this at AAA instead of AA or A?" 14:16:30 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page#About_This_Page 14:17:13 Pietro has joined #coga 14:18:28 Lisa: Main tasks we need to focus on are (1) Supporting WCAG - help things stay in, build techniques, write supporting comments and address concerns 14:19:11 Present+ 14:20:00 ... (2) Roadmap - how to help people make content that is inclusive of people with cognitive disabilities - would like to have this done by February, but want to work on this in tandem with WCAG 14:20:18 ...(3) Issue papers - would also like this done by the end of February 14:20:37 ... (4) Research module on stress and anxiety to be completed around April 14:20:47 q? 14:22:13 Neil: I don't have a lot of bandwidth, but will introduct Mark Wilcock to Lisa via our W3C rep 14:22:28 ... Mark may have more bandwidth to help with these tasks 14:22:34 zakim, next item 14:22:34 agendum 3. "Techniques for WCAG 2.1 support https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YiknHDDDdKBdwVTEpxwUpyCaQL_tnpp9CfDlFjCq16E/edit?usp=sharing" taken up [from lisa] 14:24:04 Lisa: The techniques document is currently in a Google Doc and will eventually be moved into github - I have made a template for each one that I think we need to add 14:24:33 ... we have these as suggested techniques in the understandings document, but we need to fill them up. 14:25:29 ... for accessible authentification - we need 2 or 3 examples of different levels of security that demonstrate ease of implementation 14:25:41 ... purpose of controls - at least 2 14:25:49 ... interruptions - at least 1 14:25:55 ... time out at least 2 14:27:08 can every one do one? 14:28:30 Neil: We could help with purpose of controls 14:31:11 Lisa: Hoping John and Mike will take on accessible authentication 14:33:25 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YiknHDDDdKBdwVTEpxwUpyCaQL_tnpp9CfDlFjCq16E/edit#heading=h.t7d70b6ib80 14:35:09 Andy will work on timeout 14:37:37 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YiknHDDDdKBdwVTEpxwUpyCaQL_tnpp9CfDlFjCq16E/edit# 14:37:37 John Kirkwood will work on techniques for interruptions 14:37:53 Lisa: We need to try to get these techniques done soon 14:38:17 ... at the top of the techniques document is a link to the understanding document 14:38:50 action: lisa ask John r, and mike to take on an accessible authfication technque 14:38:51 Created ACTION-234 - Ask john r, and mike to take on an accessible authfication technque [on Lisa Seeman-Kestenbaum - due 2017-09-21]. 14:39:00 zakim, next item 14:39:00 agendum 4. "Implementations" taken up [from lisa] 14:40:04 Lisa: We are going to need real-world examples of where these things are implemented - good practice and bad practice would be ideal to show people that this can be done 14:40:24 present+ 14:40:43 zakim, next item 14:40:43 agendum 5. "Full information and supplement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WcfVALVq8PS9CLXUuAfV9Op0wXvI2yJYedj5jO23GTk/edit?usp=sharing" taken up [from lisa] 14:41:44 Lisa: Now we are going to discuss the Google Doc on Making Inclusive Content - link is listed above 14:42:15 q? 14:43:35 Jan: Shari Butler from Pearson can look at this document and start helping Lisa fill things in 14:45:10 ... EO representatives need to participate in a meeting soon to help us with this document 14:45:33 action: jan to ask shari abour ull information and supplement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WcfVALVq8PS9CLXUuAfV9Op0wXvI2yJYedj5jO23GTk/edit?usp=sharing 14:45:33 Created ACTION-235 - Ask shari abour ull information and supplement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wcfvalvq8ps9clxuuafv9op0wxvi2yjyedj5jo23gtk/edit?usp=sharing [on Jan McSorley - due 2017-09-21]. 14:45:50 action: jan and lisa to do a technique on monday 14:45:51 Created ACTION-236 - And lisa to do a technique on monday [on Jan McSorley - due 2017-09-21]. 14:46:01 Lisa: Jan and I need to work through a technique so that Jan knows how to write a technique and then for the next two weeks, we can discuss where people may be stuck on their techniques to help people get the ball rolling. 14:46:38 action : lisa to add some content to ull information and supplement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WcfVALVq8PS9CLXUuAfV9Op0wXvI2yJYedj5jO23GTk/edit?usp=sharing as examples 14:46:38 Created ACTION-237 - Add some content to ull information and supplement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wcfvalvq8ps9clxuuafv9op0wxvi2yjyedj5jo23gtk/edit?usp=sharing as examples [on Lisa Seeman-Kestenbaum - due 2017-09-21]. 14:47:08 zakim, next item 14:47:08 agendum 6. "Next issue papers https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B1vCqlU1IF5UmqxhJAy8Khdi-kRQNPalVX8f3lCMr7w/edit?usp=sharing" taken up [from lisa] 14:50:02 Lisa: This link is for the issue paper on Conversational interfaces and voice systems 14:51:33 ... things like Alexa 14:51:56 ... Google assist 14:52:04 ... Google assistant 14:53:16 ... Pietro - can you please fill out use cases for people who are autistic? 14:53:20 OK 14:53:27 but I need some help 14:54:23 JohnK: I can help Pietro with this 14:54:41 action: Pietro to work with John K. to fill out agendum 6. "Next issue papers https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B1vCqlU1IF5UmqxhJAy8Khdi-kRQNPalVX8f3lCMr7w/edit?usp=sharing for people who are autistic 14:54:41 Created ACTION-238 - Work with john k. to fill out agendum 6. "next issue papers https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b1vcqlu1if5umqxhjay8khdi-krqnpalvx8f3lcmr7w/edit?usp=sharing for people who are autistic [on Pietro Cirrincione - due 2017-09-21]. 14:56:27 Q+ 14:57:28 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAz_UvnUeuU 14:58:14 Neil: It's going to be more difficult for people to memorize commands more than the natural language recognition - the aim is that if you can be understood by a human, you should be able to be understood by conversational interfaces 15:01:19 Lisa: these use cases need to include, anxiety, stress, ill-health, etc. 15:02:22 action: Action Andy to build refrence to iso and sugestion into for translation to symbols or translation to good natrial langages : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B1vCqlU1IF5UmqxhJAy8Khdi-kRQNPalVX8f3lCMr7w/edit?usp=sharing for people who are autistic 15:02:22 Error finding 'Action'. You can review and register nicknames at . 15:05:33 type rrsagent, make logs public 15:05:35 type rrsagent, create minutes 15:05:36 then check it works (it takes a few tries) 15:05:38 once it works and we have minutes 15:05:39 type zakim, please part 15:05:41 then... type rrsagent, please part 15:05:42 send minutes to the list 15:08:27 laura has joined #coga 15:11:08 rrsagent, make logs public 15:11:17 rrsagent, create minutes 15:11:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/14-coga-minutes.html lisa 15:13:07 zakim, please part 15:13:07 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been janina, lisa, AndyHeath, JanMcSorley, Pietro, kirkwood 15:13:07 Zakim has left #coga 15:13:15 rssagent, please part 15:13:29 rrsagent, please part 15:13:29 I see 6 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2017/09/14-coga-actions.rdf : 15:13:29 ACTION: lisa ask John r, and mike to take on an accessible authfication technque [1] 15:13:29 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/09/14-coga-irc#T14-38-50 15:13:29 ACTION: jan to ask shari abour ull information and supplement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WcfVALVq8PS9CLXUuAfV9Op0wXvI2yJYedj5jO23GTk/edit?usp=sharing [2] 15:13:29 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/09/14-coga-irc#T14-45-33 15:13:29 ACTION: jan and lisa to do a technique on monday [3] 15:13:29 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/09/14-coga-irc#T14-45-50 15:13:29 ACTION: lisa to add some content to ull information and supplement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WcfVALVq8PS9CLXUuAfV9Op0wXvI2yJYedj5jO23GTk/edit?usp=sharing as examples [4] 15:13:29 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/09/14-coga-irc#T14-46-38 15:13:29 ACTION: Pietro to work with John K. to fill out agendum 6. "Next issue papers https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B1vCqlU1IF5UmqxhJAy8Khdi-kRQNPalVX8f3lCMr7w/edit?usp=sharing for people who are autistic [5] 15:13:29 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/09/14-coga-irc#T14-54-41 15:13:29 ACTION: Action Andy to build refrence to iso and sugestion into for translation to symbols or translation to good natrial langages : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B1vCqlU1IF5UmqxhJAy8Khdi-kRQNPalVX8f3lCMr7w/edit?usp=sharing for people who are autistic [6] 15:13:29 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/09/14-coga-irc#T15-02-22