18:36:29 RRSAgent has joined #waicc 18:36:29 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/09/13-waicc-irc 18:38:00 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 18:38:18 agenda? 18:38:30 zakim, clear agenda 18:38:30 agenda cleared 18:38:33 agenda+ Confirm scribe, agenda, next meeting date 18:38:33 agenda+ Update on ACT rules draft & format 18:38:33 agenda+ How is pre-planning for TPAC joint meetings going? 18:38:34 agenda+ Rechecking for interested parties in SVG accessibility 18:38:36 agenda+ Question on work estimate for use case development 18:38:38 agenda+ Key upcoming conferences, accessibility & not 18:38:41 agenda+ Any WAI meetings planned around CSUN 18:38:43 agenda+ Any cross-group document reviews owed? 18:38:45 agenda+ Milestones, publications, announcements check 18:38:47 agenda+ Topics & reviews for WAI IG? 18:38:49 agenda+ Other business? 18:38:54 zakim, take up next item 18:38:54 agendum 1. "Confirm scribe, agenda, next meeting date" taken up [from Judy] 18:39:01 NEXT MEETING SEPT 27 18:39:52 zakim, take up next item 18:39:52 agendum 1 was just opened, Judy 18:39:58 zakim, close item 1 18:39:58 agendum 1, Confirm scribe, agenda, next meeting date, closed 18:39:59 I see 9 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 18:39:59 2. Update on ACT rules draft & format [from Judy] 18:40:01 zakim, take up next item 18:40:01 agendum 2. "Update on ACT rules draft & format" taken up [from Judy] 18:40:18 Judy: there was an announcement yesterday 18:40:52 Michael: Published by the working group – everything is in the announcement 18:41:14 https://www.w3.org/TR/act-rules-format/ 18:42:21 lisa has joined #waicc 18:42:43 Judy: This is work that we been doing to try to make sure it's easy to test this stuff. Updated plan for the rules, format lays out what would be included in it. If you're interested in how accessibility gets assessed you may want to look at the draft rules format just to make sure that this looks like a target to which the organization or people you know of trying to improve accessibility... 18:42:45 ...and standardized onto – I encourage people to look at it even if you're not directly involved. May have improvement on how stuff gets assessed in the future 18:43:02 zakim, take up next item 18:43:02 agendum 3. "How is pre-planning for TPAC joint meetings going?" taken up [from Judy] 18:43:28 Judy: there were some groups that are meeting there but wanted to get some coordinated meetings in progress – anything to report on that 18:43:33 q+ 18:44:10 Janina: looking for a wider review before we get into that meeting in terms of whether we care about any AT beyond screen readers around input events 18:45:08 Lisa: the COGA task force will have five people. If anyone wants to coordinate or have participation it would be good. We don't actually have a room. Just be in touch – we just like to join in with other people's conversations and maybe will find a quiet corner to do a bit of work as well. 18:45:34 Judy: Is there any piggybacking that could work with other groups 18:45:44 Judy has joined #waicc 18:47:03 Judy: a few questions that have come up in one or two discussions recently on plans for 1.2 – how much of the discussion at TPAC will focus on 1.2 18:47:30 Joanmarie: there are different flavors – but if we just want to call it the broad umbrella of 1.2 that's pretty much both days 18:48:01 Judy: there had been some architectural, tag interest on that in a previous incarnation. I'm wondering if that's coming up again. 18:48:32 Joanmarie: AAM's is on the list 18:48:40 zakim, take up next item 18:48:40 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Judy 18:48:44 ack l 18:48:46 zakim, take up next item 18:48:46 agendum 4. "Rechecking for interested parties in SVG accessibility" taken up [from Judy] 18:49:16 Judy: there had been some concern for a while that the SVG group might not be continuing – it will be continuing. It will be resuming 18:49:45 AWK has joined #waicc 18:50:12 Judy: I wanted to check in to see who people know of who are interested in this area – people who are more active previously but maybe in new organizations – anyone in your groups who are aware of who may be interested in plugging into the SVG accessibility work again 18:50:42 Judy: Chris or Liam Quinn will be doing the outreach for getting this going again 18:50:57 +AWK 18:50:58 MichaelC_ has joined #waicc 18:51:15 zakim, take up next item 18:51:15 agendum 5. "Question on work estimate for use case development" taken up [from Judy] 18:53:06 Judy: A question that comes up from time to time in different accessibility groups. Background – when W3C is exploring a new technology or has launched standardization in a new technology there are very few people who already have both the expertise and that technology and standards background and interest. One of the best ways to prime the pump for getting some accessibility standardization 18:53:07 wo 18:53:09 rk going is to present use cases – this is how people would use the technology – a lot of engineers don't have a background in this. Sometimes it's hard to populate these use scenarios. So I've been getting some updated requests for use case development recently. 18:53:37 Judy: for those who've done them before or who wish to be doing them but lack resources I'm curious what as needed for resource development for these 18:54:06 Judy: any thoughts on how hard it is to pull together good use cases – sometimes it's not even a chartered item, extracurricular 18:54:42 Judy: in some cases my impression is some of the task force work – if we had use cases where scenarios would it have been easier for people to picture how some of these things might work 18:54:57 q+ 18:55:01 Judy: I'm looking for comments both on usefulness of use cases and also effort in doing those. I'm trying to get internal input for an internal discussion on whether we should do more to plan for resources for these 18:55:11 q+ 18:55:49 Tziya: not necessarily from the accessibility perspective but I've done a lot of use cases for publishing and it is a tremendous amount of work but now that we are working on the actual specifications we go back to it – if you don't actually document use – the use cases are invaluable, most people don't know how to write good use cases 18:56:00 Judy: standard format or did you do custom to the situation – what did you do 18:56:24 Tziya: we looked at the web annotation use cases because there easy to read 18:57:38 Lisa: I find use cases extremely useful. It's probably halfstep away from what our core mandate is to do – requirements. Having use cases is not mission-critical but it's useful. It might not be priority 1, but it might be priority 1.1. it's extremely useful if people don't understand what you're doing and why you're doing it. 18:58:45 Janina: some come very quickly, on the other hand we've had trouble with the Internet of things use cases 18:58:52 in the LVTF requirements doc we create scenarios to explain issues and how they impacted user need http://w3c.github.io/low-vision-a11y-tf/requirements.html. it helped the group firm up our concepts and explanations. haven't had much feed back from people who read the document. 18:58:57 Judy: my impression was getting ideas was easy getting them developed to a level of usefulness was hard 18:59:24 Janina: we are making progress but it has been hard 18:59:47 Judy: the web TV use cases – do you think they lead to teachers 19:00:08 s/teachers/features/ 19:00:21 Janina: fairly elaborate document, what we provided them is very definitely part of it 19:00:59 s/we are/on WoT use cases, we are/ 19:01:24 annotations use cases for reference https://www.w3.org/annotation/wiki/Use_Cases 19:01:27 Jeanne: I found them very helpful in UAAG – particularly for presentations, having them in mind particularly with the browser developers they were so handy to have. We are definitely going to be doing – writing these cases for silver. I would be very interested in seeing samples of what other people have done for use cases so that we can look at what's the best model – what is a... 19:01:29 ...good use... 19:01:30 ...case in the accessibility realm. So I would really appreciate if you could share those links – I would like to see them 19:01:52 agenda? 19:02:04 Judy: I've sent people to the UAAG use cases many times, but my impression is it was a lot of work 19:02:23 Jeann: it didn't take that long – it took a focused effort. We got a group of people sat down for a day and wrote them all 19:02:28 scribe: Judy 19:02:37 Kim: I want to echo Jeanne. 19:02:55 ...they are extremely useful, both in explaining what you need, as well as why it's important. 19:03:20 ...it makes the dryer language more accessible, because it makes the technical aspects come to life for people. 19:03:30 ...and we were able to knock these out in a day. 19:03:44 ...once we had them, others flowed, easier to bring along. 19:04:07 ...use case very helpful. A lot of developers have trouble picturing users. Requires a leap. 19:04:53 I think sitting down for a day to write use cases is a really good approach 19:05:19 Web & TV at: 19:05:20 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/track/actions/2135 19:05:40 Judy: any other comments on use case development. developers have trouble picturing users 19:05:58 scribe: Kim 19:06:20 Janina: URL – cloud browser elaborated on video description, others to elaborate in there if you want a recent pointer that's a good one 19:06:34 zakim, take up next item 19:06:34 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Judy 19:06:37 q? 19:06:40 ack t 19:06:42 ack l 19:06:45 zakim, take up next item 19:06:45 agendum 6. "Key upcoming conferences, accessibility & not" taken up [from Judy] 19:06:45 Judy: thanks – if there are others to put into the minutes that would be a useful collection 19:06:48 ack l 19:07:31 agenda? 19:08:09 Judy: around this time of year usually call for papers comes out from CSUN conference. Call for papers usually comes out the 14th, tomorrow. Heads-up and also give people an opportunity if they're looking for co-presenters. Also inviting people to mention other conferences The typical concern that comes up is that we're talking to the choir. 19:09:46 Andrew: there's Accessing Higher Ground, but that's coming up soon 19:09:47 zakim, take up next item 19:09:47 agendum 7. "Any WAI meetings planned around CSUN" taken up [from Judy] 19:10:19 Judy: are there plans for face-to-face meetings at CSUN – curious if any plans yet 19:10:48 Jeanne: the silver task force is planning our big prototyping workshop before CSUN. Not large number of people but large in importance for the project 19:11:03 Judy: how will you be promoting that – regular lists 19:11:40 Jeanne: will be coordinating – starting to move in that direction 19:13:02 Andrew: we have not talked about it in the accessibility guidelines group, but I have to imagine that it'll come up soon. Our scheduled deliverable is June so CSUN is in that window of time where we might need more time together, so answer is probably yes but not figured out yet. 19:13:27 Andrew: we will have published CR by then 19:14:25 Judy: the speed with which you get through CR is roughly proportionate to the clarity of materials – the more planning and structure the faster you will get through 19:14:37 agenda? 19:14:41 zakim, take up next item 19:14:41 agendum 9. "Milestones, publications, announcements check" taken up [from Judy] 19:16:34 zakim, take up next item 19:16:34 agendum 10. "Topics & reviews for WAI IG?" taken up [from Judy] 19:16:55 Judy: one publication yesterday – others? Republishing of ARIA next week, WCAG 2.1 yesterday, Core-AAM next week 19:16:58 zakim, take up next item 19:16:58 agendum 10 was just opened, Judy 19:17:09 zakim, close item 10 19:17:09 agendum 10, Topics & reviews for WAI IG?, closed 19:17:10 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 19:17:10 11. Other business? [from Judy] 19:17:46 Judy:we are next scheduled to meet on September 27, Rich will be joining us for that call 19:18:21 rrsagent, please make log public 19:18:36 rrsagent, make minutes 19:18:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/13-waicc-minutes.html Judy 19:19:30 present+ 20:20:27 title: WAI Coordination Call 20:23:49 present+ Joanmarie, Judy, Michael, Tzviya, Lisa, Janina, Andrew 20:23:58 chair: Judy 20:24:15 rrsagent, make minutes 20:24:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/13-waicc-minutes.html Judy 20:24:54 meeting: WAI Coordination Call 20:26:06 Regrets: George, Kathy, Katie, Joshua 20:26:42 Regrets: George, Kathy, Katie, Joshua 20:26:52 rrsagent, make minutes 20:26:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/13-waicc-minutes.html Judy 20:41:23 s/title: WAI Coordination Call// 20:41:26 rrsagent, make minutes 20:41:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/13-waicc-minutes.html Judy 20:41:50 MichaelC has joined #waicc 20:44:26 micro__ has joined #waicc 21:24:46 s/one publication yesterday/(for milestones, publications, above) one publication yesterday 21:25:21 s/we are scheduled to meet/(for other business) we are scheduled to meet/ 21:25:24 rrsagent, make minutes 21:25:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/13-waicc-minutes.html Judy