See also: IRC log
<alain> No
<pfennell> No
<ebruchez> we can hear you
<pfennell> Erik and I can hear each other so the problem is still with you Steven.
Steven: This is done
Steven: Also done
Steven: What should the value of error-type be?
Erik: I think we treat it as a
binding error in other places.
... see if I can find an example
... maybe I'm wrong
... A separate value would be preferable.
Steven: ID-error?
Erik: yes, or idref
Steven: OK
<scribe> ACTION: Steven to make errortype for bad IDs idref-error [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2137 - Make errortype for bad ids idref-error [on Steven Pemberton - due 2017-09-20].
Steven: Two different values?
Erik: We don't need to be that
sepcific I think
... let me see if there is a precedent
... let's make something up
Steven: setvalue-error?
Erik: There is a similar case
with submission
... replace="text"
... target-non-element in that case.
... so it is different, since setelement can set attributes as
... maybe reuse "target-xxx"
... target-children
... a bit specific.
... just make it up
<scribe> ACTION: Steven to assign anj error name to the settarget errors [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2138 - Assign anj error name to the settarget errors [on Steven Pemberton - due 2017-09-20].
Erik: I fully agree that the user
doesn't have to do work
... If the user types leading and trailing spaces, it should
not give an error
... whitespace MIP deals with this
... for most fields if not all, you want spacing to be
... and then you don't need spaces in the type.
Steven: if incremental="true"
then a trailing space would give a validation error, which will
go if you tab away.
... rather odd.
Erik: Yes there is a tension in
this case.
... it's a general problem.
... We would solve it for email, and not for the other
... It is seldom that you use incremental.
Steven: So in fact, you would paste the email, and tab away, whitespace MIP would come into effect, and so wouldn't show up as a validation error.
Erik: Yes
Steven: You have convinced me.
Erik: the other data types that we import don't include spaces, so this shouldn't either.
Steven: Do we think it's worth adding?
Erik: Clearly useful.
... we don't have such a type.
... We are investigating.
... we want to do more than syntax checking but also semantic
Steven: Comparable to how we do credit cards, one part that does the syntax, and a constraint function that checks the semantics.
Erik: So the question is whether a syntax check is enough.
Steven: The type does a basic
level of consistency checking
... even with emails, you don't know if it is a real email
address until you have sent an email and got a reply.
Erik: With dates, we have an
internal form and a localised external form. This might also be
the case for phone numbers.
... I'm not sure if you want brackets and dashes in the
Steven: If you are all OK with adding it.
Alain: I'm OK with it. There is
an issue with formatting.
... it's not that easy.
Philip: I'm OK too.
<scribe> ACTION: Steven to add telephone datatype. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2139 - Add telephone datatype. [on Steven Pemberton - due 2017-09-20].
[Awaiting an example]
Steven: Just a reminder
Steven: I'm giving a lecture at the Royal College of Art in two weeks time, so there will be a call next week, but not the week after.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152 of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/TH/Th/ Succeeded: s/nd/d/ Succeeded: s/abit/a bit/ Succeeded: s/agre/agree/ Present: Alain Erik Philip Steven No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: Steven Inferring Scribes: Steven Agenda: Found Date: 13 Sep 2017 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: steven[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]