16:40:20 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:40:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/09/07-aria-irc 16:40:20 chair: Joanmarie_Diggs 16:40:20 RRSAgent, make log public 16:40:20 agenda? 16:40:22 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:40:25 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 16:40:25 Date: 07 September 2017 16:40:32 Zakim, clear agenda 16:40:32 agenda cleared 16:41:27 agenda: this 16:41:27 agenda+ Advancing Core AAM to CR (finally) 16:41:27 agenda+ Creating an Authoring Practices task force 16:41:27 agenda+ Task force updates 16:41:28 agenda+ TPAC 16:41:29 agenda+ ARIA 1.1 "actions / status" check in 16:41:32 agenda: be done 16:41:38 agenda? 16:42:15 scribeOptions: -final 16:58:28 Rich has joined #aria 16:59:10 micro__ has joined #aria 16:59:56 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 17:00:39 present+ jkva 17:00:53 scribe jkva 17:02:04 Stefan has joined #aria 17:04:45 mck has joined #aria 17:04:47 zakim, next item 17:04:47 agendum 1. "Advancing Core AAM to CR (finally)" taken up [from joanie] 17:04:49 present+ 17:05:16 present+ 17:05:19 JM furiously doing sanity checks, cleanup, on CORE AM 17:05:25 jongund has joined #aria 17:05:35 JM: now in excellent shape, creating testable stmts 17:05:48 Having trouble gettting into webex 17:05:50 JM: so far, 172 different test files 17:06:11 JM: 2 different UA on Mac and Linux. Plans more as CfC announce 17:06:20 JM: we really{3} need to move on this 17:06:38 JM: needs to move in time for tpac. Dependency mess is holding ARIA1.1 back 17:06:48 JM: Must do: CfC *tomorrow* 17:07:09 present+ Matt_King 17:07:11 JM: will review and +1, go to CR 17:07:48 JM: what do you recommend for mandate? 17:07:58 MC: 5 days should be ok 17:08:08 JM: can I issue today? 17:08:12 MichaelC has joined #aria 17:08:38 JM: 5 business days from now? 17:08:54 MK: 48 hours, expire next wed 17:09:14 MC: think we should give WG enough time to transition, be ready by next thurs 17:09:23 MC: give until wed, 4 BD 17:09:39 MC: we should give people time to object 17:09:58 JM: will output today, after this meeting 🎉 17:10:01 JM: any questions? 17:10:15 zakim, next item 17:10:15 agendum 2. "Creating an Authoring Practices task force" taken up [from joanie] 17:10:30 JM: 302 to MC 17:10:57 s/JM:/JD:/g 17:11:10 MC: APTF, this is really a formalisation 17:11:23 MC: there's some infra behind a TF, and more formal tracking 17:11:30 MC: Matt agreed, and so why not make TF 17:11:40 MC: enable it to do what it's doing already 17:12:04 MC: Jason said "does this mean I can still do stuff without joining TF", yes 17:12:22 MC: if member of public, then yes. Github contributors too 17:12:58 [??]: main reason is to see more contributions from members from the public, have a community group 17:13:19 MC: work statement is boring, "work on Authoring PRactices" mostly copied from spec abstract 17:13:22 s/??/MK/ 17:13:58 JG: what would be the purpose of the community group, who would run it? 17:14:41 MK: We would not need separate meeting for CG. Main reason is to have people help contribute as community group 17:15:08 MC: All contributors'd need is W3C account 17:15:57 MC: not put patented material in this, that's our catch all. There's some automation for that 17:16:33 MichaelC_ has joined #aria 17:16:35 MK: Only thing is a formal change from CG to TF 17:16:50 JG: Is this still part of ARIA WG? 17:17:07 MC: subgroup, as it was before 17:17:51 MC: no real difference, we could potentially set up some things that you can join, tracker, wiki... tooling. But not mandatory 17:17:58 MC: aside from that, just increase of formal tracking 17:18:11 MK: Do we need a CfC? 17:18:33 MC: Yeah, if it's to be approved. Joanie put it on agenda to force me to write work statement 17:18:52 MK: If no objections, move fwd 17:19:00 JD: will put that out today as well 17:19:44 zakim, next item 17:19:44 agendum 3. "Task force updates" taken up [from joanie] 17:20:25 JD: this is to mull over 17:20:38 JD: related to fact that we have proposal for new TF, and personalisation 17:20:47 JD: most ppl do their own thing, & that's good 17:21:00 JD: and we might need a bit more formal reporting 17:21:11 JD: and have updates at the Thurs WG meeting 17:21:33 JD: how to TF's feel about it? 17:21:43 MK: having predictable agenda is good 17:21:58 MK: soliciting feedback is good 17:22:05 MK: could be useful. 17:22:19 JD: will e-mail others to see how they feel 17:22:36 JD: AAPI might come back to life 17:23:26 MK: would find it helpful to have CSS, and API & personalisation milestone info. Touch base, see what other groups are doing 17:23:34 JD: agrees 17:23:57 zakim, next item 17:23:57 agendum 5. "ARIA 1.1 "actions / status" check in" taken up [from joanie] 17:24:08 agenda? 17:24:24 zakim, take up item 4 17:24:24 agendum 4. "TPAC" taken up [from joanie] 17:24:42 https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2017 17:25:33 JD: working on wiki. HAve agenda points coming up 17:25:37 JD: hopes lots of people show up 17:25:43 JD: has lots of sad hacks 17:26:10 JD: we can automate so much, and a lot of stuff that's been keeping us really busy 17:26:14 JD: I have solutions for that 17:26:20 JD: in time for TPAC 17:26:34 JD: stuff will become more streamlined 17:26:51 JD: lisa e-mailed me to say that she wonders if she can get some meeting space and time 17:27:10 JD: and the CSS a11y TF, and new authoring TF, I dunno what ppl need so I added TF needs wiki 17:27:22 JD: if you need stuff, let us know 17:27:30 JD: put it in le wiki 17:27:42 JD: need something on the agenda? put it in the wiki 17:27:50 JD: need a meeting space? put it in the wiki 17:28:08 JD: on the 1.2 stuff, we're gonna meet with [?] folks and Web Platform folks 17:28:39 MK: One question for RS, you were talking about deeper involvement on the part of AT Vendors 17:28:51 MK they were starting to commit and be interested in contributing 17:29:15 MK: do we have anybody planning to participate with TPAC on that? 17:29:26 MK: would be good to discuss things F2F with AT devs 17:29:42 RS: some devs left (James Teh left NVDA) 17:29:43 JG: I will not be at TPAC, but could attend remotely for some session if important 17:29:55 RS: possibility that he would go 17:30:03 RS: I can reach out to Glenn Gordon, see if some CFO comes 17:30:29 RS: happy to reach out to [?] 17:30:52 s/[?]/James Teh/ 17:31:11 MK: there are issues on GH, whiteboard time, confusion between combobox and select 17:31:36 MK: readonly comboboxes, selects, how SR may or may not handle autocomplete values 17:31:45 MK: and with the new combobox patterns we have thorny things 17:31:56 MK: we could save a lot of time by getting the right folks together 17:32:02 MK: would love that 17:32:14 RS: Also have Joanie who works on Orca 17:32:24 RS: What about MS? Larry White? 17:33:22 RS: Unlikely to get Apple folks 17:33:33 MK: will give James a ping 17:33:43 MK: might be a good time 17:33:48 JD: will happily delegate 17:34:00 JD: added on Wiki, agenda point relevant about AT vendor interaction 17:36:26 JG: would be easier to get to Toronto than TPAC. Early 2018 would be easier to attend 17:36:34 JD: Are you coming to TPAC JG? 17:36:41 JG: Unfortunately not 17:39:06 zakim, next item 17:39:06 agendum 5. "ARIA 1.1 "actions / status" check in" taken up [from joanie] 17:39:20 JD: shoutout to JG 17:39:33 JD: tomorrow JG, I can send you link to CORE-AAM testable statements 17:39:44 JD: next week,can you generate reports? 17:39:49 JG: public test server reports? 17:39:52 JD: yeah 17:40:05 JG: they broke it somewhere 17:40:22 JG: haven't been able to fix the prob 17:40:33 RS: have2go 17:41:05 JG: will hopefully soon get stuff for [events?] working 17:41:12 JD: will help if you can e-mail me error 17:41:29 JG: pretty booked up today, booked on projects rn 17:41:39 JG: will use public test server 17:41:52 JD: still checking things 17:43:00 JG: will be good to discuss separation between MSAA and IA2 17:43:13 JG: only diff for testing is that I look at whether it gets the role from MSAA or IA2 17:43:32 JG: otherwise, querying no diff. Properties API queries both 17:43:48 JG: seems like things couldbe simplified 17:44:03 JG: Not for now tho 17:44:22 zakim, agenda? 17:44:22 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 17:44:23 5. ARIA 1.1 "actions / status" check in [from joanie] 17:45:08 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:45:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/07-aria-minutes.html jkva 19:06:37 MichaelC_ has joined #aria