17:11:04 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 17:11:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/31-aria-apg-irc 17:11:36 Zakim has joined #aria-apg 17:12:05 METTING: ARIA APG Task Force July 31, 2017 17:12:31 MEETING: ARIA APG Task Force July 31, 2017 17:12:43 CHAIR: Matt King 17:12:56 zakimg, make log public 17:13:17 zakim, make log public 17:13:17 I don't understand 'make log public', mck 17:13:25 zakim, make log world 17:13:25 I don't understand 'make log world', mck 17:13:52 rrsagent, make log world 17:14:08 rrsagent, make minutes 17:14:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/31-aria-apg-minutes.html mck 17:16:40 present+ AnnAbbott 17:16:45 present+ matt_king 17:16:59 present+ ShirishaBalusani 17:17:16 present+ JonGunderson 17:17:52 agenda: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/July-31%2C-2017-Meeting 17:21:21 TOPIC: Menu and Menubar Project 17:21:46 scibe: jongund 17:21:52 scribe: jongund 17:22:07 Projec page https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/projects/5 17:22:41 AA: On the last call JN was going to assign some reviews, but I did not get an assignment 17:22:54 MK: I didn't see anything in the notes about assignments 17:23:27 MK: I did not seen anything in the last meeting about the project pages for each widget 17:23:41 MK: Not all the features of the project pages are accessible 17:24:03 MK: There a opportunities for working group members to help withproject related tasks 17:24:10 everything for this project shown as Zero 17:24:46 MK: I want this to be a place for people to see what we discussed about a widget without having to search the discussion 17:24:59 MK: There are about 43 issues in this space, but ost are closed 17:25:33 MK: I need help, since drag and drop is the way this page works 17:26:09 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/projects/5 17:27:17 mck has joined #aria-apg 17:30:10 ... discussion of github project features ... 17:30:43 ... discussion of being to update and edit project information ... 17:31:39 MK: I will discuss with MC and JN the ability for people to edit project information 17:32:01 MK: I cannot edit the projects until Github fixes the keyboard access issue 17:32:41 zakim, next item 17:32:41 I see nothing on the agenda 17:34:08 TOPIC: Menubar pull request 17:34:16 MK: What did you mean? 17:34:25 MK: The pull message was not clear 17:34:51 MK: It looks like the changes, removing JS that does not do anything 17:35:55 JG: There was a couple issue, including looking at the wrong place for the labels 17:36:19 MK: For the purpose of teaching 17:37:29 example page: http://w3c.github.io/aria-practices/examples/menubar/menubar-1/menubar-1.html 17:37:37 AA: This is a pull request, what is the issue 17:37:45 JG: There was a bug in the code 17:38:10 MK: I don't want the javascript to not create the label 17:39:48 MK: I am concerned the second example is more complicated and may confuse people 17:40:36 MK: If you compare the the source code of the two examples you see the roles in the right places 17:42:45 MK: Take out example 2 and simplify the JS code to not put the ARIA in 17:43:02 MK: It also sets up one example per page ideal 17:43:25 JG: We need labels on the MENUs? 17:43:57 MK: Currently only touch based screen readers take advantage of the labels 17:44:20 MC: On desktops like JAWS and NVDA do not use the labels on the menu 17:44:53 MK: I will raise this issue with screen reader companies 17:45:08 MK: From a best practices we should include them 17:51:14 MK: Are there any objects to simplifying this example page 17:51:20 AA: Fine with me 17:51:29 Siri: Fine with me 17:51:42 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/410#issuecomment-313885943 17:52:13 TOPIC: ARIA-EXPANDED in MENUBAR 17:52:55 MK: The ARIA spec does not allow aria-expanded on menuitem 17:53:19 MK: In the desktop world this problem did not exist 17:54:05 Siri: When you use aria-controls ...., it won't see the parent role 17:54:28 MK: in native operating systems they don't see the parent 17:55:22 MK: The validator chock on this practice, we raised issue 454 against aria 17:56:11 MK: We have a couple choices 17:56:56 MK: Change the examples to remove aria-expanded, this has a big down side, and we might add it in later 17:57:49 MK: Another approach is to put notes in the document about this issue and to ignore this validation error 17:58:25 MK: I don't think the validator will change before the spec changes, but we hope to get a commitment on the change 17:58:41 Siri: Agree with MC on the later 18:00:15 MK: I am going to add issues to the ARIA spec and discuss resolution with chairs 18:01:23 TOPIC: VNU checking 18:02:08 MK: The HTML validator for HTML5 18:02:37 MK: It allows us a process to check our code against the W3C validator 18:03:34 AA: Is this why we got the all checks failed? 18:04:20 MK: The reason is the respec javascript and it changes the shortcut code into fully resolved URL 18:04:45 MK: in our build we are getting a timeout on our curl script 18:05:29 rrsagent, darft minutes 18:05:29 I'm logging. I don't understand 'darft minutes', jongund. Try /msg RRSAgent help 18:05:40 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:05:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/31-aria-apg-minutes.html jongund 20:35:27 jongund has joined #aria-apg 21:01:12 Zakim has left #aria-apg