17:01:02 RRSAgent has joined #eo 17:01:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/26-eo-irc 17:01:04 RRSAgent, make logs world 17:01:04 Zakim has joined #eo 17:01:06 Zakim, this will be 3694 17:01:06 ok, trackbot 17:01:07 Meeting: Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference 17:01:07 Date: 26 July 2017 17:01:40 Sharron has joined #eo 17:02:07 present+ Brent 17:02:13 present+ Laura, Shawn 17:02:22 Scribe: Brent 17:02:37 present+ Sharron 17:02:45 presen+ Eric 17:04:49 present+ Shawn, Alicia 17:06:33 laura has joined #eo 17:07:01 present+ Laura 17:07:26 James: Any notes to catch me up as I have been out? 17:07:54 Eric: Making good progress on code with Caleb. IA coming along. 17:08:23 James: Where are we on IA with locking down the current version and be able to hand off to Eric? 17:09:11 Shawn: We have made comments and sent them back to list. Do not know what has been updated based on this feedback. 17:10:00 Sharron: I have comment on the mock-up that Eric provided. We decided not to have "Accessibility" in all of the primary navigations 17:10:02 https://w3c.github.io/wai-website-components/components/preview/example-text.html 17:10:35 S/navigations/navigation./ 17:11:13 Sharron: Note, I am fine with "I'm New to Accessibility" being the only place that includes the word. 17:11:28 Eric: I am updating the mockup now. 17:12:07 James: If we are still testing some of the options for the primary nav, then it makes sense to hold of them. 17:12:37 ... I will look over the recommendations that were sent in and respond to them. So Eric, there may be some minor changes when I respond. 17:12:43 Topic: Search 17:13:29 James: Need to know where we are on search (scrounge - code name). Are we going to be including the search with the roll-out? 17:14:20 Eric: Yes, we want to include the search with the roll-out. The resources working on that have gone down a different path [search not including the entire site]. 17:14:46 [ Eric has removed Accessibility from top level menu items: https://w3c.github.io/wai-website-components/components/preview/example-text.html ] 17:15:01 Shawn: Yes, confirm that. The status is that we are not going to have a smart search unless we can pull in other resources to assist. 17:15:29 James: Okay. 17:15:43 Topic: Update for Visual Design 17:16:46 Alica: Have not implemented anything since the last meeting. I am a little more busy now than when we started. I will work to fit in the updates when they are sent to me. 17:16:54 Topic: Style Guide 17:17:32 James: I want to make sure that everyone is on the same page with the Style Guide. 17:18:03 ... Does anyone have any thoughts on the email that I sent last night? I want to be sure that all Editors have the same understanding. 17:19:16 Sharron: We have updated the Guide to Editors and Review Team with the additions that James suggested as updated by Shawn. 17:19:48 Shawn: We added the reading level back into the Style Guide as well. 17:20:11 James: This looks good, I am glad it is in there. 17:21:14 Sharron: We have also added it to the EOWG agenda for Friday as well. We will cover it and be sure all Editors are clear on expectations. We will point to this. 17:21:44 James: Thank you for acting on the feedback and including it in the Style Guide and Editors Guide. 17:23:28 Sharron: One thing Shawn pointed out, is that the work "accessibility" will already throw off the readability results because of that one word. 17:24:11 James: Yes, We may never get down to 9th grade readability, but if we are lowing the grade level readability then we are at least meeting the goal. 17:25:07 Shawn: It would be helpful to know "how much" the word accessibility actually drives up the readability of the content. So we can understand how we are doing with or without the word accessibility. 17:26:18 James: Understand. Feel the formulas are still valuable. They are not perfect and reliable. 17:29:53 q+ to ask about tutorials 17:30:03 q- 17:34:06 James: We will create an appendix of examples of tersification and Bulliting lengthier passages. This will be added to the Style Guide at the bottom. 17:34:36 Shawn: What about Style Guide Voice. Active and Passive. 17:34:47 James: I agree that Voice is part of Tone. 17:34:55 Shawn: Okay to put them together? 17:35:15 Task Force is okay with putting them together. 17:35:39 James: Any other topics 17:35:51 ... Okay, meeting adjourned. 17:36:26 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:36:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/26-eo-minutes.html yatil 17:36:32 rrsagent, make logs world 17:37:22 s/presen+ Eric/present+ Eric 17:37:28 chair: James 17:37:32 regrets: Caleb 17:37:52 present+ James 17:37:58 rrsagent, make logs world 17:38:00 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:38:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/26-eo-minutes.html yatil 17:38:31 s|S/navigations/navigation./| 17:38:37 s/navigations/navigation./ 17:38:39 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:38:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/26-eo-minutes.html yatil 17:39:29 scribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics 17:39:29 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:39:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/26-eo-minutes.html yatil 17:39:50 trackbot, end meeting 17:39:50 Zakim, list attendees 17:39:50 As of this point the attendees have been Brent, Laura, Shawn, Sharron, Alicia, James 17:39:58 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:39:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/26-eo-minutes.html trackbot 17:39:59 RRSAgent, bye 17:39:59 I see no action items