15:10:02 RRSAgent has joined #exi 15:10:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/24-exi-irc 15:10:04 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:10:04 Zakim has joined #exi 15:10:06 Zakim, this will be EXIWG 15:10:06 ok, trackbot 15:10:07 Meeting: Efficient Extensible Interchange Working Group Teleconference 15:10:07 Date: 24 July 2017 15:11:10 TOPIC: TPAC2017 for EXI 15:17:22 https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2017/ad-hoc-meetings 15:18:11 DP: We should discuss Canonical EXI issues, and EXI4JSON topic. 15:19:05 CB: Breakouts are on Wednesday. 15:20:54 https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2017/SessionIdeas 15:26:22 DP: WoT meetings are on Monday and Tuesday. 15:26:43 DP: Thursday afternoon is better. 15:37:54 TOPIC: XML Schema 1.1 15:38:42 DP: I might be able to provide some experiment results during TPAC. 15:40:04 TOPIC: Canonical EXI 15:40:22 TK: We announced the availability of the test suite. 15:41:47 DP: I did re-run the tests. Found differences in string datatype test. 15:42:23 DP: I found issues in collapse, replace, etc. 15:43:27 DP: I will send the issue to TK first. 15:46:06 DP: I will try to collect issues wrt WoT support. 15:46:14 DP: Shared string table, etc. 15:46:54 DP: I will send them out after writing up. 15:50:01 rrsagent, create minutes 15:50:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/24-exi-minutes.html taki 16:13:48 taki1 has joined #exi 17:30:41 Zakim has left #exi 18:36:09 liam has joined #exi