07:53:34 RRSAgent has joined #html 07:53:34 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/11-html-irc 07:53:42 Meeting: HTML meeting 07:53:57 agenda+ HTML5.1 PR 07:54:05 agenda+ HTML5.2 CR 07:54:18 agenda+ HTML5.2 features at risk 07:54:30 agenda+ HTML5.2 implementation report 07:54:41 agenda+ HTML5.3 + Custom Elements 07:54:49 agenda+ HTML5.3 timeline 08:02:26 present+ Alex 08:02:34 present+ Léonie 08:02:40 AlexD has joined #html 08:03:10 zakim, take up item 1 08:03:10 agendum 1. "HTML5.1 PR" taken up [from tink] 08:03:16 rrsagent, make minutes 08:03:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/11-html-minutes.html tink 08:03:25 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 08:03:40 present+ xiaoqian 08:04:14 present+ Xiaoqian 08:04:37 present+ Steve 08:05:48 LW: We finish CR on 18th Jul I think? 08:06:43 XW: Confirmed 08:07:02 LW: Ok, I'll open the CFC once CR has closed. 08:07:14 chaals-o has joined #html 08:08:04 XW: All editorial issues need to be fixed before 18th. 08:08:31 zakim, close item 1 08:08:31 agendum 1, HTML5.1 PR, closed 08:08:32 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 08:08:32 2. HTML5.2 CR [from tink] 08:08:39 zakim, take up item 2 08:08:39 agendum 2. "HTML5.2 CR" taken up [from tink] 08:09:12 https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=mf1b47cefc6678721dd7470f204932519 08:09:54 present+ 08:10:03 AD: IndexedDB is somewhere between 2/3 and 3/4 the way through. 08:10:19 ... One more solid day of editing should do it, but there will still be links that need patching. 08:10:27 ... Think the links are editorial though? 08:10:38 LW: Yes, links are editorial. 08:10:39 q+ for the wide reviews 08:10:52 ack xiaoqian 08:10:52 xiaoqian, you wanted to discuss the wide reviews 08:10:57 chaals has joined #html 08:11:14 XW: Are we tracking wide review? 08:11:23 LW: Yes and don't think we have substantive issues outstanding. 08:11:28 ... Will check. 08:11:40 AD: Need to get the Indexed issue done this week because I'm travelling next week. 08:11:45 ... It'll need reviewing. 08:12:21 LW: I'll ask Arron and Travis to find time to review on Wed/Thu. 08:12:30 AD: That'll give me time to make changes on Friday. 08:13:13 LW: Which with luck means we'll get the CFC open next week. 08:13:27 zakim, close item 2 08:13:27 agendum 2, HTML5.2 CR, closed 08:13:28 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 08:13:28 3. HTML5.2 features at risk [from tink] 08:13:33 zakim, take up item 3 08:13:33 agendum 3. "HTML5.2 features at risk" taken up [from tink] 08:14:30 -> https://github.com/w3c/html/issues/893 at risk for 5.2 08:14:43 LW: We need to make sure the list is complete before CR. 08:14:50 ... Then check whether it can stay in 5.2 or not. 08:14:56 CMN: Think we have everything. 08:15:24 LW: Ok, so during CR we need to check interop for those features and remove them as needed. 08:15:36 zakim, close item 3 08:15:36 agendum 3, HTML5.2 features at risk, closed 08:15:37 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 08:15:37 4. HTML5.2 implementation report [from tink] 08:15:43 zakim, take up item 4 08:15:43 agendum 4. "HTML5.2 implementation report" taken up [from tink] 08:16:41 http://w3c.github.com/test-results/html52/implementation-report.html 08:17:09 LW: It has all the changes up to the last WD. 08:17:31 ... So we need to complete the data in the table. 08:17:44 ... Ideas on the best approach? 08:17:50 .... Travis offered to help. 08:18:09 CMN: Where there are web platform tests, which is the case for some things, we should point to them. 08:18:43 LW: Assign an issue to Travis? 08:18:50 CMN: Yes, will do. 08:19:03 zakim, close item 4 08:19:03 agendum 4, HTML5.2 implementation report, closed 08:19:04 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 08:19:04 5. HTML5.3 + Custom Elements [from tink] 08:19:11 zakim, take up item 5 08:19:11 agendum 5. "HTML5.3 + Custom Elements" taken up [from tink] 08:20:13 LW: Conversation has been open for a couple of weeks. 08:20:24 ... Mostly positive support, but reservation about who would edit. 08:21:14 AD: Yes, that's a fair summary. 08:21:25 SF: Didn't someone volunteer? 08:21:54 CMN: Yes, possibly. Not sure. 08:22:02 AD: We should reach out to ping him? 08:22:14 LW: I can do that. 08:22:38 zakim, close item 5 08:22:38 agendum 5, HTML5.3 + Custom Elements, closed 08:22:39 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 08:22:39 6. HTML5.3 timeline [from tink] 08:22:45 zakim, take up item 6 08:22:45 agendum 6. "HTML5.3 timeline" taken up [from tink] 08:23:03 CMN: Depends on whether we intend to pull Custom Elements in before FPWD. 08:23:11 ... Don't think there is any particular need to do that. 08:23:31 LW: When did we branch for 5.2? 08:23:35 CMN: At CR. 08:23:41 LW: Do we want to do the same? 08:23:51 CMN: Yes, think so. 08:24:37 LW: Ok, so we'll branch off 5.2 when we hit CR. 08:25:03 TOPIC: F2F meeting 08:25:17 AD: Early next year? 08:25:43 CMN: We'll be at TPAC in November. 08:25:50 ... But yes, then early next year. 08:26:04 LW: We get work done when we meet, so useful I think. 08:27:21 CMN: Possible Seattle early next year. 08:27:32 LW: We have time to plan. 08:28:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 08:28:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/11-html-minutes.html chaals 08:30:03 fyi, TR/html51 wont be updated until html5.1 2nd edition move to REC... 08:31:11 chair: Léonie 08:31:15 scribe: Léonie 08:31:19 rrsagent, make minutes 08:31:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/11-html-minutes.html tink 08:31:45 s/fyi, TR/html51 wont be updated until html5.1 2nd edition move to REC…// 08:31:51 rrsagent, draft minutes 08:31:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/11-html-minutes.html chaals 08:33:05 rrsagent, bye 08:33:05 I see no action items