17:34:10 RRSAgent has joined #exi 17:34:10 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/04-exi-irc 17:34:12 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:34:12 Zakim has joined #exi 17:34:14 Zakim, this will be EXIWG 17:34:14 ok, trackbot 17:34:15 Meeting: Efficient Extensible Interchange Working Group Teleconference 17:34:15 Date: 04 July 2017 17:35:06 dape has joined #exi 17:35:27 TOPIC: EXI telecon time poll 17:36:55 TK: CB says Monday and Thursday work. 17:37:07 DP: Both work for me as well. 17:41:52 TK: Next week, we don't have EXI telecon. 17:42:29 TOPIC: Canonical EXI 17:43:36 DP: The test cases, in general are complete. 17:44:19 TK: We can start running test cases. 17:44:28 DP: I already noticed differences. 17:44:43 DP: Time canonicalization, and one issue in float encoding. 17:44:58 DP: I will run the entire test cases again. 17:46:47 CB: The charter ends at the end of August. 17:47:06 CB: We have to show progress before that. 17:50:03 TK: Should we notify the public about complete test cases? 17:50:32 CB: If we can get third implementation, it will be better. 17:51:06 CB: We can claim now test cases are ready. 17:52:53 ACTION: DP to Notify public that the Canonical EXI test cases are ready for use. 17:52:54 Created ACTION-746 - Notify public that the canonical exi test cases are ready for use. [on Daniel Peintner - due 2017-07-11]. 17:53:58 TOPIC: EXI4JSON 17:54:32 TOPIC: JSON schema mapping best practices 17:55:05 DP: XSD all capability is limited. 17:55:23 DP: Therefore, TK suggested to use "choice". 17:56:02 DP: It causes again UPA issue. 17:56:21 DP: Can we use XSD 1.1 feature? 17:56:34 DP: Xerces does not complain, either. 17:59:00 DP: One solution is to properly add "any" for each object if it allows for additional properties. 17:59:38 DP: We can soften the requirement about strict being "true". 18:05:11 DP: From EXI's point of view, it does not cause issue. 18:09:44 TK: I am also in favor of option 1. 18:12:12 DP: Do we also mention that XML Schema 1.0 processor may report an error, but for the purposes of generating EXI grammar, it is OK. And also XML schema 1.1 fixed this issue. 18:13:31 CB: XSD 1.1 is implemented in products. Xerces and Saxon, for example. 18:13:55 CB: Existing schemas are still using XSD 1.0. 18:14:14 http://xerces.apache.org/mirrors.cgi 18:20:52 DP: We can say, unknown datatypes are mapped to string codec. 18:21:23 CB: If you want to use XSD 1.1 with EXI 1.0, you can say that. 18:24:02 CB: It would be easier to provide FAQ about this. 18:25:41 https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-2/#built-in-datatypes 18:32:05 https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-xml11pt1/ 18:32:45 https://www.w3.org/TR/xsd-precisionDecimal/ 18:35:44 ACTION: TK to experiment with the use of XSD 1.1 new datatypes. 18:35:45 Created ACTION-747 - Experiment with the use of xsd 1.1 new datatypes. [on Takuki Kamiya - due 2017-07-11]. 18:36:57 TOPIC: Schema-informed JSON support experiment 18:37:14 DP: It relates to the mapping for JSON schema. 18:38:04 DP: JSON schema is not deterministic in the sense that it first needs to explore further. 18:39:44 DP: I was trying to write JSON-schema to XML schema converter. 18:45:26 rrsagent, create minutes 18:45:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/04-exi-minutes.html taki