14:04:12 RRSAgent has joined #lvtf 14:04:12 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/06/01-lvtf-irc 14:04:14 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:04:17 Zakim, this will be 14:04:17 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:04:17 Meeting: Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 14:04:17 Date: 01 June 2017 14:04:22 zakim clear agenda 14:04:30 zakim, clear agenda 14:04:30 agenda cleared 14:37:11 present: 14:37:20 zakim, who is here 14:37:20 allanj, you need to end that query with '?' 14:37:25 zakim, who is here? 14:37:25 Present: (no one) 14:37:27 On IRC I see RRSAgent, allanj, shawn, Zakim, trackbot 14:37:34 present+ 14:37:42 regrets+ Wayne 14:37:43 Agenda+ Understanding Docs. https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/tree/master/understanding/21 14:37:45 Agenda+ Issue 77 Resize Content 14:37:46 Agenda+ Issue 10 Interface control Contrast (coming up next week on AG) 14:52:54 laura has joined #lvtf 14:56:52 ScottM has joined #lvtf 15:00:49 erich has joined #lvtf 15:01:07 scribe: erich 15:01:33 present+ erich 15:01:41 present: Jim, Erich, Shawn, ScottM, SteveR 15:01:57 regrets+ Marla 15:02:29 steverep has joined #lvtf 15:02:36 present+steverep 15:03:57 present+ Laura 15:03:59 present+ Laura, Glenda 15:04:10 present- SteveR 15:04:19 present+ Wayne 15:04:21 regrets- wayne 15:04:29 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:04:29 Present: Jim, Erich, Shawn, ScottM, steverep, Laura, Glenda, Wayne 15:04:36 Glenda has joined #lvtf 15:06:38 Wayne has joined #lvtf 15:06:43 ScottWeb has joined #lvtf 15:06:55 Weeeeeee 15:07:14 present+ wayne 15:07:18 zakim, open item 1 15:07:18 agendum 1. "Understanding Docs. https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/tree/master/understanding/21" taken up [from allanj] 15:07:42 JA: They've created a shell for all the understanding docs 15:08:27 JA: Chairs decided SC Managers would need to fill out the needed information 15:08:48 JA: SC Managers need to start working on them 15:09:15 JA: We can morph the wiki to look more like the understanding docs 15:10:17 LC: Have started mine, but can put in to the wiki 15:11:30 WD: Linearization is becoming narrower and narrower 15:11:58 LC: they seem to need to be narrowed to get consensus 15:13:10 GS: agree, but doesn't mean to just let it get too narrow, need to continue to push 15:14:43 Some of these issues affect COGA as well, how are they addressing these issues? 15:15:38 WD: Some things marked essential are not actually essential 15:15:58 q+ 15:16:18 ack st 15:17:45 SR: lots of discussion on Zoom Content, Alastair does great at separating minor differences, wondering if they can be covered under 1 SC 15:18:35 JA: have a query in about getting CFC on Zoom Content 15:21:18 WD: letting go of linearization, and limiting the characters, could prompt the realization 15:22:05 JA: I have edited all wiki and issue pages with links to understanding docs 15:23:54 Understanding Adapting text in Github: https://rawgit.com/w3c/wcag21/adapting-text_ISSUE-74-78-79/understanding/21/adapting-text.html 15:23:57 In the Wiki: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Understanding_Adapting_Text 15:24:14 zakim, close item 1 15:24:14 agendum 1, Understanding Docs. https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/tree/master/understanding/21, closed 15:24:17 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:24:17 2. Issue 77 Resize Content [from allanj] 15:24:26 zakim, open item 3 15:24:26 agendum 3. "Issue 10 Interface control Contrast (coming up next week on AG)" taken up [from allanj] 15:25:01 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/10 15:26:57 gs: does lvtf make authors responsible for color contrast when the browsers don't do it right in the first place 15:26:57 GS: question is are we going to hold developers responsible for things browser doesn't provide (should browser vendors fix)? 15:27:39 Can you catch us up on what fails? 4.5 or 3? 15:28:53 http://w3c.github.io/low-vision-SC/luminosity-form-controls.html 15:29:47 SR: language about if author has or hasn't modified was added at the end, needs to be cleared up 15:30:47 WD: have a million developers who would need to make this change, 200 million people impacted by it 15:31:01 Should we be filing bugs? 15:31:08 bugs have been filed on Video elements 15:31:22 GS: am saying that we should go to the browser vendors to make the change 15:34:03 Jim will file bugs on contrast of form controls 15:34:58 User agent control: the appearance of the target is determined by the user agent and is not modified by the author. 15:35:03 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/60 15:35:42 GS: language I was proposing would parallel Target Size 15:36:17 +1 to adding UA exception 15:36:53 q+ 15:37:10 ack st 15:37:30 SR: wording doesn't specify what consitutes a modification 15:37:48 GS: should we say the colors are not modified 15:37:54 SR: think that would clear it up 15:38:16 User agent control: the colors of the UIC are determined by the user agent and are not modified by the author. 15:39:07 LC: should it be contrast? 15:39:35 GS: we can't provide the contrast, only color 15:40:11 User agent control: the color contrast of the UIC the user agent default and is not modified by the author. 15:40:44 User agent control: the color contrast of the UIC is the user agent default and is not modified by the author. 15:41:50 Proposal 2: User agent control: the color(s) and surrounding color(s) of the UIC are the user agent default and are not modified by the author. 15:42:29 q+ 15:42:53 ack w 15:43:09 testing: if anything in the the stylesheet changes the color of the component or the background color surrounding the component, then the color contrast must meet wcag 15:43:51 JA: unless author has plain white page, and doesn't touch colors of form controls, then they have to touch it 15:44:14 WD: what if author changes background color in a way that meets it? 15:44:23 JA: then they are done, and didn't break anything 15:45:47 User agent control: the color(s) and adjacent color(s) of the UIC are determined by the user agent and are not modified by the author. 15:45:58 User agent control: The color(s) of the user interface component and any adjacent color(s) are determined by the user agent and are not modified by the author. 15:46:06 +1 15:46:16 +1 15:46:19 +1 15:46:21 +1 15:46:21 +1 15:46:32 +1,000,000,000,000 15:50:31 JA: we had mentioned doing research and sending out examples, is that still useful? 15:50:45 GS: I think useful, but may not have the resources 15:52:40 JA: may have some time and will see what we can do 15:52:53 JA: Anything else needed on this? 15:53:33 GS: Don't think so 15:54:10 q+ not without public problem 15:54:14 JA: Graphics Contrast is in the current document without any problem 15:54:53 JA: The next time they publish another working draft, they will include links to the understanding documents 15:56:50 ack st 15:58:33 topic: Font width 15:58:37 WD: have an issue with Font Family 15:59:42 WD: Not sure where to go with the response about including Chinese, Arabic, and about 95 total according to Unicode 15:59:57 SH: You might send a note to the nationalization folks 16:00:00 CJK fonts are square 16:00:51 WD: please send the nationalization contact info 16:00:56 SH: ok 16:01:07 q+ So do we not want to add a buffer to character spacing? I'd be more comfortable if we do. 16:01:27 q+ 16:01:44 May want ot check with Makoto. 16:03:03 for wayne -- internationalization interest group: https://w3c.github.io/i18n-activity/i18n-ig/ Under "How to Join", you have to subscribe to the list before you can send a message... 16:03:09 ack ste 16:05:23 steve: So do we not want to add a buffer to character spacing? I'd be more comfortable if we do.we already have *letter spacing (tracking) to at least 0.12 em in https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/78 16:07:52 sr: if user changes letter spacing and font size, will they still pass the SC 16:09:07 GS: have a question about updating the understanding document 16:09:39 GS: went in to make the change, and link says you can't commit to the master because it's a protected branch 16:10:09 JA: I put the wrong link in, and will fix it 16:10:16 wd: letter spacing and font changes are about 20% container width 16:12:10 ack glenda 16:12:38 Understanding Adapting text: https://rawgit.com/w3c/wcag21/adapting-text_ISSUE-74-78-79/understanding/21/adapting-text.html 16:14:02 WD: what if we put limits on the font length and authors could be allowed to change fonts within that range 16:15:32 wd: verdana is about the widest "normal" font 16:16:35 wd: font can't vary more than 1% from Norm. if user chooses a wider font .... it is on them 16:17:40 WD: Would say maximum range we would allow would probably be less variance than changes in resolution developers already need to deal with 16:18:34 WD: my proposal would be to set a limit, and I can do the due diligence 16:19:57 JA: How are we doing on Icon Fonts? 16:20:05 Add technique for identifying CSS generated content-images #297 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/297 16:20:14 SR: I don't think that adding role=img is the best fallback 16:20:22 laura and Wayne will work on fonts for Adapting Text #78 16:20:29 topic: icon fonts 16:20:31 Providing a Semantically Identified Icon Font with role=img 16:20:32 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Providing_a_Semantically_Identified_Icon_Font_with_role%3Dimg 16:20:33 SR: realy think it should be tied to 1.3.1 16:20:54 SR: trying to make it a technique for 1.3.1 16:24:26 sr: many problems with accessibility support. things that work from screen reader work differently with zoomtext. 16:24:48 .... also with aria-hidden, 16:25:22 SR: need to push role=img on icons 16:25:41 wd: what about abbr? 16:26:23 SR: then identifying as text, issues with emoticon and others 16:26:44 ... if its a graphic should be marked as a graphic. 16:26:55 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Providing_a_Semantically_Identified_Icon_Font_with_role%3Dimg 16:30:14 ja: there is overlapping conflicts with accessibility for one group interfering with accessibility for a different group 16:30:25 WD: from this discussion, we need more refined semantics 16:31:08 ... aria- stuff is hidden, overrides visual labels for speech input folks. 16:33:10 ... mouse over behaviour is different from screen reader behavior 16:33:32 laura has left #lvtf 16:33:37 rrsagent, make minutes 16:33:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/01-lvtf-minutes.html erich 17:27:56 laura has joined #lvtf