17:03:36 RRSAgent has joined #webperf 17:03:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/05/31-webperf-irc 17:03:43 Zakim has joined #webperf 17:07:02 f2f: June 20 LGTM from everyone 17:07:12 we have attendance from Mozilla, Chrome, Apple, Edge. 17:07:30 we have a room booked for 16 people 17:07:52 AI: Yoav to add link with directions 17:08:33 9-4AM on 20th 17:10:41 Agenda: let's allocate an hour or two for key issues, and then focus for the forward looking work. 17:11:09 Yoav: it'll be good to have repo owners triage issues ahead of time. 17:12:20 let's work on the agenda and review on the 14th 17:12:42 AI: call on the 14th 17:14:46 next up: enhanced Element proposal 17:14:55 cathiechen: https://discourse.wicg.io/t/proposal-enhance-heroelement/2163 17:17:27 ... element priority could be a hint to the browser to optimize rendering 17:20:34 Shubhie: we should probably treat hero, priority, and callbacks as different requirements 17:20:48 ... a page should probably have just a few hero elements 17:21:02 ... the prioritization system feels like a separate thing 17:21:12 ... the browser should try to prioritize hero elements 17:21:41 Yoav: agree, prioritization is something we need to tackle and it should probably be a separate concern 17:22:29 Yoav: there is rendering vs resource priorities 17:23:57 n8s: not sure if we want hero element to be treated differently 17:24:23 ... prioritization is separate; we mostly want metrics for those elements 17:24:39 nic: for RUM it's a great way to identify which elements should be measured 17:25:24 smaug has joined #webperf 17:26:14 todd: callbacks is another issue, we're hesitant to expose more of these 17:26:28 Shubhie: what's the value of callbacks? 17:27:16 ... other than measurement, which we already tackle 17:29:41 Cathie: we use callbacks to know when element is paitned, so we can switch (web)views 17:29:51 todd: we've had requests like this for Edge 17:30:20 ... implementing callbacks like this is probably not the best place in Hero Element 17:30:38 ... there is a use case here, but its unclear if callbacks on elements is the correct solution 17:31:24 ... the hard part about elements, is that if browser is well optimized, because we may never even layout something out of view.. let alone paint 17:31:48 ... the entire idea of the use case doesn't match the processing model -- it does match how some browsers operate 17:32:29 AI's: cathie to followup on WICG 17:32:44 ... on how to identify hero elements 17:34:37 next up: Long Tasks 17:34:55 nic: we have beta plugin of boomerang collecting LT data 17:35:10 ... using for attribution and signal as time to interactive 17:35:41 ... using alongside raF powered frame-rate (not ideal but still useful) 17:36:05 ... really impressed with how well it's giving us attribution into delays of page load process 17:36:41 ... e.g. container-id is a pretty good signal that allows you to bucket for identifying culprits -- e.g. social widgets, ads, other scripts 17:37:20 ... there are a lot of cases where large chunks we can't identify, maybe there's some opportunities for improvement there 17:37:42 ... overall, very actionable data and we're very enthusiastic about it 17:38:01 ... attribution is key 17:38:17 shubhie: also, Nic has a polyfill for time-to-interactive 17:38:50 nic: our customers are very enthusiastic about moving away from onload and more towards "when is page interactive" metrics 17:39:25 ... we're currently doing something similar to LH and WPT for measuring time to interactive; long tasks looks to be a pretty good signal. 17:41:26 ... heuristic: combination of load time of hero images, followed by monitoring long-tasks, rAf powered frame rate, and polling for setTimeout (to detect stalls).. checking that it doesn't happen for 1s 17:42:11 todd: large chunks of idle time are not necessarily.. necessary for a good experience; current heuristics don't capture that 17:42:39 .. the core problem is when browser is ready to process input 17:42:55 shubhie: but input can trigger your rendering pipeline, etc. 17:43:29 todd: long task can block input, but 3 back-to-back LT's can allow for input to be interleaved 17:44:22 shubhie: right, we have different metrics.. e.g. time-to-consistently-interactive vs more optimistic interactive window 17:44:54 todd: how do we measure interactivity? there is probably an opportunity to have some standardization here 17:45:10 igrigorik: let's move this to F2F. 17:45:40 shubhie: we're starting to think about long-tasks v2.. input welcome. 17:46:06 next up Preload 17:46:34 yoav: there is a bunch of HTML and Fetch integrations in progress 17:46:53 ... landed big update in Fetch to use "potential destination" 17:47:50 ... Domenic is working on adding a hook for adding processing model into HTML spec 17:48:05 ... the processing logic will live in HTML spec 17:48:27 ... similar to this, working on moving 'as' attribute into HTML spec 17:48:58 ... last but not least, need to define "preload cache" 17:49:17 ... FF is implementing preload and WPT tests are failing because they have a different model for caching 17:50:13 ... we're starting to hit observable differences when it comes to preload implementation 17:50:44 ... we need to define that under a single processing model in Fetch 17:51:51 Blink update: pending i2s for empty-as as an error 17:52:02 ... 1LGTM, waiting for more feedback 17:52:12 ... also planning to implement in webkit 17:53:09 https://github.com/w3c/performance-timeline/issues/77 17:53:55 Shubhie: this came up when we told folks to try PaintTiming 17:54:10 Charles: could you provide "*" for I want everything? 17:54:23 ... that doesn't tell you if something is not supported 17:54:41 Yoav: we have feature detection covered 17:56:19 ~polyfill: https://github.com/w3c/performance-timeline/issues/77#issuecomment-305068588 17:56:28 todd: what if the types are constructable? 17:57:27 ... it feels like .getSupportedTypes might be a good convenience feature 17:58:20 yoav: what's the difference from 'as'? 18:01:00 igrigorik: let's take this to the list to discuss 18:01:07 next call June 14 @ 10am -- our usual slot. 18:02:10 present+ igrigorik, n8s, nolanlawson, shubie, yoav, todd, charles, nic, cathiechen 18:02:16 present+ xiaoqian 18:02:22 chair: igrigorik 18:02:26 scribe: igrigorik 18:02:30 RRSAgent, make minutes 18:02:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/31-webperf-minutes.html xiaoqian 18:02:34 RRSAgent, make log public 18:03:29 meeting: WebPerf Weekly Call 18:03:34 RRSAgent, make minutes 18:03:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/31-webperf-minutes.html xiaoqian 18:27:54 yoav_ has joined #webperf 20:23:06 n8s has joined #webperf 20:24:13 Zakim has left #webperf 20:48:16 n8s has joined #webperf