17:34:51 RRSAgent has joined #exi 17:34:51 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/05/30-exi-irc 17:34:53 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:34:53 Zakim has joined #exi 17:34:55 Zakim, this will be EXIWG 17:34:55 ok, trackbot 17:34:56 Meeting: Efficient Extensible Interchange Working Group Teleconference 17:34:56 Date: 30 May 2017 17:40:46 DP: Two topics. 17:41:26 DP: Vacation plan. I won't be available second part of June. June 19 till the end of June. 17:42:34 TK: I plan to take a couple of days in August. 17:43:16 DB: I will be in Australia. After that, I plan to take some, but will likely be able to dial-in. 17:43:40 DP: What's geek week, Carine? 17:44:37 CB: There will be limited availability, since team contacts will be working on internal geek projects. 17:44:56 CB: Maybe it will not overlap with EXI telecon. 17:45:39 DB: TPAC will be in November this year. 17:45:52 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2017AprJun/0084.html 17:45:52 DP: I will try to be there. 17:46:37 CB: We might be able to work on community group. 17:46:57 CB: But not sure if we can use rooms at TPAC. 17:48:55 CB: Community group needs five supporters. 17:49:04 CB: By individuals. 17:49:50 brutzman has joined #exi 17:50:07 CB: I am not sure if we can use member-only list, repositories, so on. 17:50:28 CB: Github, yes. 17:51:13 CB: The charter goes till end of August. We can extend it to finish canonical EXI. 17:51:29 CB: I am not sure if we can re-charter as a WG. 17:51:55 CB: Canonical EXI is the only thing that we have as REC track item. 17:53:16 DB: We still have EXI2, interoperability with XML security, EXI4JSON, etc. 17:53:25 DB: We need to describe how we can proceed. 17:53:59 CB: XML security side, there is no longer a WG for that by now. 17:54:20 CB: WoT people are good candidates to interact with. 17:54:56 DP: There is some interest in EXI4JSON. We need to stabilize it as soon as possible. 17:55:22 DP: I am not sure it is ok to keep working on it in community group. 17:56:23 DP: JSON-LD is now community group, and is publishing a document for version 1.1. 17:58:36 CB: Trying to move into WoT is another idea eventually. 18:00:15 CB: Community groups can stay small. I don't think it harms discussion. Only drawback is that we cannot work on Recommendation Track. 18:01:15 DB: We need to think about our goals first. 18:01:52 CB: We might find other ideas in the meantime while we work on Canonical EXI. 18:02:31 Many goals might well be suitable for Recommendation track. Additionally we do need more people to execute effectively. So thinking it through will be good. 18:02:46 DP: We need to sketch different possibilities among options. 18:03:45 DP: WoT people are interested in us, but the impression is they are not eager to work on new stuff on this. 18:04:51 DP: How can a community group publish JSON-LD 1.1? 18:05:42 https://json-ld.org/spec/latest/json-ld/ 18:07:06 CB: It is not yet published as W3C. 18:10:50 DP: WoT WG requires specifications to be RECOMMENDATION to make normative references. 18:11:18 DP: It is also relevant to our specs when WoT makes references to us. 18:13:23 DP: In the case of Canonical EXI, we were already references by vehicle industry people (ISO specs). 18:15:50 TOPIC: Canonical EXI 18:16:26 TK: DP accounced the availability of TTFMS on Github. 18:17:35 TK: I checked out Github repository. I plan to make sure if it runs ok or not. 18:18:11 TK: I will work on test cases after that. 18:18:35 DP: We need to show interoperability before PR? 18:18:55 CB: Yes. Before the end of August, so that we can get extension. 18:19:05 DP: It should be do-able. 18:19:28 DP: If found necessary, we can still add some missing test cases. 18:20:28 DP: We also need to resolve those test cases where we found differences between implementations already. 18:22:20 DP: I will wait for some weeks. I will try to ping people then. 18:23:15 DB: It may also be good to ask people which mode the group should be work on. 18:23:23 s/work on/work in/ 18:23:46 DB: We can also reach out our old alumni as well. 18:24:07 DB: We may get support from there. 18:24:57 DP: Our former member (David Lee) is on the Balisage page. 18:26:27 DB: How we can tell our story to external group, such as HTML, IoT, etc? 18:26:42 DP: We created a blog page a couple of months ago. 18:28:10 TOPIC: EXI4JSON 18:29:29 DP: We found that it would be good to priotize integer representation and make it parallel to "number". 18:30:25 DP: It is also the case that for some people it may be a trouble. 18:45:41 DP: When people use json-ld, there will be no difference since they can define their own schema. 18:48:28 TK: So today people seem to prefer to stay with the current structure. 18:57:22 rrsagent, create minutes 18:57:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/30-exi-minutes.html taki 19:54:48 taki has left #exi 19:55:48 Zakim has left #exi