14:00:26 RRSAgent has joined #lvtf 14:00:26 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/05/25-lvtf-irc 14:00:28 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:00:31 Zakim, this will be 14:00:31 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:00:31 Meeting: Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 14:00:31 Date: 25 May 2017 14:50:03 JohnRochford has joined #lvtf 14:52:23 ScottM has joined #lvtf 14:56:14 chair: Jim 14:56:19 regrets+ Wayne 14:56:21 Agenda+ Resize Text. 14:56:44 Jim, I don't hear you on the call, but I do hear an odd noise. 14:57:53 I am not on the phone yet, have another call I am dealing with first 14:59:13 I do not hear that odd noise now. 14:59:50 laura has joined #lvtf 15:01:17 alastairc has joined #lvtf 15:01:37 steverep has joined #lvtf 15:01:48 present+steverep 15:01:59 erich has joined #lvtf 15:02:23 Marla has joined #lvtf 15:02:24 present+ 15:02:33 present+ 15:03:19 present+ Laura 15:03:46 present+ erich 15:06:14 scribe: allanj 15:06:15 Scribe: Laura 15:06:24 zakim, open item 1 15:06:24 agendum 1. "SC management (surveys, issue status)" taken up [from allanj] 15:06:25 Scribe: erich 15:06:41 zakim, clear agenda 15:06:41 agenda cleared 15:06:56 Agenda+ Resize Text. 15:07:13 zakim, open item 1 15:07:13 agendum 1. "Resize Text." taken up [from allanj] 15:07:18 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/77 15:08:26 Alastair’s message: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2017AprJun/0852.html 15:08:34 JA: Alastair changed issue 77 Resize Content to Zoom Content, also changed to AA among other changes 15:08:39 The remaining issues I see are: 15:08:41 - What if the text is already huge? 15:09:30 everything should scale 15:10:15 erich: user should be able to scale as needed 15:10:26 JR: What about setting an absolute value, like 1.5" 15:10:47 JA: Eventually you get to a point where it becomes non-functional 15:10:59 Glenda has joined #lvtf 15:11:03 q+ 15:11:05 LC: Inches would not be the measurement, it would be pixels 15:11:47 q+ all text would need to be huge 15:11:53 ack scott 15:13:07 SM: we need to have the ability for fonts to scale up as much as someone might need them to 15:13:19 present+ glenda 15:14:35 SM: it's possible to reach a point where it may not fit on the screen, but difficult to capture 15:14:52 JA: could this be a non-issue? 15:15:19 MR: you could consider a scaling issue a loss of functionality, so I do feel like we are addressing the scaling issue in this SC 15:15:54 MR: regarding text that is already large, we really need to cover content beyond just text that may need to be enlarged 15:17:10 MR: if I had an insight as to what are the failures, it may be helpful 15:17:37 JA: like if a heading broke, but it still wrapped, that would be ok 15:18:19 MR: almost every non-responsive site is going to fail, because they will all require horizontal scrolling 15:18:59 regrets- wayne 15:19:13 WD: if you do this with zoom, you will have things like headings become awkward 15:19:27 The original idea for the web was it should be responsive to resolution and display size but that was lost at some point 15:20:10 WD: in Alastair's example, you can pick a font size that will work for you, which is really a solution 15:20:22 JA: to be added to the set of techniques 15:20:42 MR: what if we haven't specified a zoom window, that is the other variable, is that covered somewhere? 15:21:17 JA: Yes, one other item that Alastair was talking about was having the 1080 pixel in the testability 15:21:31 1280px 15:22:20 AC: are there examples of sites that start with huge text? 15:22:44 JA: none reported 15:24:55 AC: perhaps we discount that, if it's never come up. Can report back to original inquiree, as we have no examples of it. 15:27:34 JA: this issue may be somewhat resolved, but intrigued by native text inputs 15:27:40 - What about native text inputs which are only one line, as filling it in will require scrolling. 15:27:42 From testing, a native input with 300px width and 16px text will fit over 25 characters. Not sure that helps. 15:28:41 JA: there's no way to wrap in one of those 15:28:57 JA: will need to test 15:29:38 GS: even if it's something we don't love, still may pass 15:29:45 It is 29 minutes past the hour. 15:29:58 JA: maybe we need an exception for text input 15:33:10 rrsagent, make minutes 15:33:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/25-lvtf-minutes.html erich 17:35:03 laura has joined #lvtf 18:59:10 Glenda has joined #lvtf