Genivi / W3C Coordination call

23 May 2017

See also: IRC log


Ted, PhilippeR, Mike, Rudi


PhilippeR: Ted can you provide a summary on W3C WG F2F

Ted: summary recap of F2F meeting topics, next steps and the related W3C sessions and demo at Genivi AMM



Rudi: the panel on the different signal APIs went well
... payments are definitely of interest and we are continuing to monitor what is going on
... question for me is M2M for payments more than HMI
... vehicle security for payment storage is of interest
... we learned Visteon has implemented W3C's signals spec on their own without interaction with the group, demoed at JLR heritage museum
... I understand they intend to join W3C
... we were looking at mapping CAN interface to W3C framework, need to make CAN more generic and do dynamic tranformation to VSS
... there was also interest in vehicle signal manager that follows various signals and if criteria is met it will issue another signal
... example is sending eg turn on backup lights and rear camera when car is put in reverse
... programming would be much easier. we received pretty good feedback and will have a comprehensive solution for signal handling
... in all the W3C/Genivi relationship is going well

Ted: I agree this relationship is strong. Now that we have more substance we need to be better about promoting it so there is wider adoption and reduce market fragmentation so 3rd party app (content providers) can code to this framework

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/05/23 16:01:53 $