23:50:52 RRSAgent has joined #auto 23:50:52 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/05/02-auto-irc 23:50:54 RRSAgent, make logs public 23:50:54 Zakim has joined #auto 23:50:56 Zakim, this will be 23:50:56 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 23:50:57 Meeting: Automotive Working Group Teleconference 23:50:57 Date: 02 May 2017 23:57:44 agenda+ VISS status 23:57:50 agenda+ VIAS status 23:57:54 agenda+ F2F 23:58:15 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/mid/FD407F1F-FD39-456C-87C0-638C61680C4D@inrix.com 23:58:19 scribenick: ted 23:58:24 Present+ Ted 23:59:21 Present+ Junichi 00:00:59 Present+ Mike 00:01:19 Present+ Hira 00:02:33 hira has joined #auto 00:04:19 Junichihashimoto has joined #auto 00:04:45 agenda? 00:05:46 Ted reviews agenda asks if there are other topics 00:06:15 Mike: I would be interested in voice interaction within automotive context as that is my current focus 00:10:15 Ted @@@on voice history in w3c auto 00:10:50 Mike: what we are working on is voice interactions with humans, could be from a phone, laptop etc and used as a chat interface 00:10:59 … using natural language understandings 00:11:12 … I have used Nuance's engine before 00:11:26 … we have intent entities and dialogs 00:12:01 … if a user sends a text compute it comes back as voice and in reverse voice to textual intent 00:12:40 … entities could be an object like a day of the week, location, etc that gets extracted and iterpretted 00:12:52 Junichi-hashimoto has joined #auto 00:13:25 … this is based on the Watson conversation service and there are similar from FB and Google 00:13:50 Hira: we need to clarify use cases for automotive and other uses 00:14:05 … this is partially covered by MML WG 00:15:44 Ted: I thought MML more focused on playback, combining subtitles and closed captioning with voice than it is about speech interpretation? 00:16:15 Paul: OEM like the idea of voice command based control 00:17:04 https://www.w3.org/2002/mmi/ 00:17:12 Ted: it does include input/speech 00:17:21 s/MML/MMI/g 00:18:48 … Mike, do you know how much your group had followed MMI? 00:19:06 Mike: not sure, we are looking to apply this within IoT space 00:19:24 … starting to adopt this Watson voice platform 00:19:37 … also visual recognition 00:20:31 … not sure if those groups in IBM are part of W3C 00:20:32 Ted: visual recognition is of great interest as well for recognizing [parts of] signs, pedestrians 00:20:38 … MMI is a closed WG 00:22:17 @@@on Renasas 00:22:46 … stronger more immediate need for voice imho 00:27:14 Paul: we had Dominec from @@ talking with various people from Google's CG effort 00:27:19 Ted @@@on followup 00:27:23 zakim, next agendum 00:27:23 agendum 1. "VISS status" taken up [from ted] 00:28:20 Paul: basically I am most interested in covering F2F agenda on this call 00:28:26 zakim, take up agendum 3 00:28:26 agendum 3. "F2F" taken up [from ted] 00:28:46 Paul: as you said it requires critical mass 00:31:52 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/61259/uk2017f2f/results 00:32:12 Ted @@@summary of VIAS/VISS status 00:33:01 Paul: Genivi has settled on browser baked into their platform. Rudi is leading their Networking Expert Group 00:34:37 … we should look at liaisons within Genivi groups to join our F2F 00:34:43 Ted: also Security@@@ 00:35:55 … I'll reach out to Stacey 00:39:28 Topics: 00:39:30 -VISS 00:39:34 -VIAS 00:39:36 -Testing 00:39:39 -RSI 00:39:43 -Payments 00:40:08 -Security and Networking group liaisons 00:40:11 -WG recharter 00:40:24 Junichi: regrets for the F2F 00:40:47 … our focus needs to be on VIAS and VISS specifications 00:41:02 … Urata has some topics that touch on security within the specs 00:41:15 https://w3c.github.io/automotive/vehicle_information_api/vehicle_information_api_specification.html 00:41:30 Paul: to me it boils down to finalizing the tests and spec 00:41:58 … finishing up outstanding issues and open to hearing your plan on how to proceed 00:42:25 Ted: I have seen some things around tokens from Urata 00:44:35 … as for your question on the scope of Genivi's Security Expert Group, they are going to be turning their attention on our work soon 00:46:38 -Future BG incubator TFs 00:46:45 (eg speech) 00:50:06 Ted: I will update the wiki. Junichi and Mike, send topics and availibility for remote participation 00:50:47 Hira: I will join remotely too 00:51:20 Ted: send to member-automotive@w3.org your availablility and interest as well 00:51:47 Mike has joined #auto 00:51:47 [adjourned] 00:51:51 chair: Paul 00:51:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/02-auto-minutes.html ted 00:52:36 [[Mike Aro20:17 00:52:36 The World of Watson enters your car 00:52:36 IBM's Bret Greenstein explains how automobiles will find their voice.http://www.autoblog.com/2017/04/19/world-of-watson-enters-your-car/ 00:52:38 ]] 00:52:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/02-auto-minutes.html ted 00:57:14 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Ted, Junichi, Mike, Hira 00:57:14 Zakim has left #auto 00:57:15 I see no action items